Yeah, Grind has always stood up for the banned. SR temporarily banned him once, and he stood up for me during the BBcode fiasco.

The "BBcode fiasco"? That sounds like a sexy story, you better save it for after 1am when all the other tards come on.
Let's think about this.

Our of the administrators on our board, 3 have been libertarians, 0 have been liberals, and 0 have been conservatives. This sounds good.
The "BBcode fiasco"? That sounds like a sexy story, you better save it for after 1am when all the other tards come on.

LOL Dano once showed me how to shut down threads using a redirect BBcode. One night, we decided to pick on Maineman by creating like 5 or 6 different threads all calling him gay/pedophile/loser/sucker/etc., and I tested the code on a few of them, thus infringing on everybody's free speech, and SR retaliated by deleting my account. Loads of fun though. :cool:
LOL Dano once showed me how to shut down threads using a redirect BBcode. One night, we decided to pick on Maineman by creating like 5 or 6 different threads all calling him gay/pedophile/loser/sucker/etc., and I tested the code on a few of them, thus infringing on everybody's free speech, and SR retaliated by deleting my account. Loads of fun though. :cool:

I didn't even notice you had gone.
if you actually measure out a lot of text based sigs you'll notice that many are near my size. damocles for example..

the image just creates an illusion.