A person trying to make lot's of money doesn't look at his surroundings as a warzone. He doesn't care about the social class of the other people, as its not relevant. All that concerns him are his skills at acquiring more money, the people he has to do business with, the laws and regulations, and his own personal lifestyle, assets, and history.
People who are not wealthy, can be taught via rhetoric that there is a war. The human impulses for envy, covetousness, and greed will allow unethical propagandists to preach to the middle and lower classes of the need to fight back for their fair share.
This is why poor people in this country could be conned into supporting Jefferson and his minions during the first party system. Jefferson and his allies were men of great wealth and privilege, yet they portrayed themselves as men of the people, because they didn't have real jobs, didn't support industrial growth, and flattered the common man with speeches about egalitarian democracy.