Boycott these anti-Americans

Charlie Daniels from the band? Who sings devil went down to georgia? Child porn really?

No, not really. It was a crack at the moron starting this thread. He makes accusations and then doesn't provide any backup or basis for his accusations. So, in that vein, my claim was as legit as his.

But no, Charlie Daniels is a decent man
Boycotts are usually just a feature that ends up stimulating more interest, fame and economy for whatever is boycotted. Would any red-blooded male really boycott Jane Fonda in her prime because she’s a commie? Let’s get real!!!!

The only hope for Republicans is to get back to their “libertarian” anti-war, limited government roots. Y’all need to ignore Sean Hannity, John McCain and Lindsey Graham and the rest of the BIG government Republican war mongers and world police force advocates and pay attention to Judge Napolitano, John Stossel and Rand Paul.
Minor point - Psy is from South Korea. So expecting him to be pro-American may be as odd as expecting the starter of this thread to be pro-Korean.

Now what he said wasn't good; but I wouldn't consider it anti-American so much as anti-people-who-torture.

And he has apologized.

But luckily we have freedom of speech in this country. And everyone is free to purchase music of whichever artist they prefer.

So guess I'm saying this is a tempest in a teapot, really. Boycott away if you want.
Well, see there's the difference between you and I. You'd sit there and take it, I'd sue his ass for wrongful discipline/termination.

Employers don't have the right to do whatever they want.

Technically, they do. As I pointed out, in a great number of courts, you'd loose the suit. That's just the kind of country we live in.
Boycotts are usually just a feature that ends up stimulating more interest, fame and economy for whatever is boycotted. Would any red-blooded male really boycott Jane Fonda in her prime because she’s a commie? Let’s get real!!!!

The only hope for Republicans is to get back to their “libertarian” anti-war, limited government roots. Y’all need to ignore Sean Hannity, John McCain and Lindsey Graham and the rest of the BIG government Republican war mongers and world police force advocates and pay attention to Judge Napolitano, John Stossel and Rand Paul.

I agree that boycotts seldom "work." Even assuming you have a good cause.

But, at the risk of being told I am off-topic once more, I am going to reply to that part of this post that I think needs comment.

Hope for the Republicans? Well, it's certainly not caving in to the Tea Party. I was once registered as a Republican. That was when they were known as being fiscally sound. When (just like successful businessmen) they could recognize that wasteful spending is bad but that opposing ALL spending just because it IS spending is equally bad. Investments that return more than is invested are GOOD, even without being a bleeding heart liberal. Like knowing it is important to FULLY educate ALL our citizens and not just the children of the rich. And understanding that in a democracy you have to compromise with people that have different priorities to reach a point where the country "as a whole" succeeds and not base everything on what is best for the party in the next election cycle.

I saw a Dole interview on TV the other night and he is as unhappy with the Republican Party as anyone. He said he would be called a RINO today, and he is right. Flush all the moderates (out of either party) and you only have extremists remaining. In so doing you have polarized and radicalized people on both sides of the political divide. And with the shifting demographics we have today, the Tea Party is more likely to lead the Republican Party into oblivion as anything.
Employers don't have the right to do whatever they want.

Rose Captain
Technically, they do.

While employers often have the right to fire you, or to ask you to do things you might think are not in your job description, in general they can't ask you to do illegal acts, they can't discriminate, they can't harass you, they have to follow the labor laws for your state, they have to pay you OT if it aplies, etc. Or maybe I should phrase it as they can do that last set of things, but they will lose in court or at the NLRB.

Minor case in point - my company (headquartered in a different state) changed its vacation policy, which would have meant California employees could no longer "hold over" vacation from one year to the next - it became a "use it or lose it" policy. Once some employees pointed out this was illegal under California law, the policy was changed for employees in California. Rest of the company is under a "use it or lose it" policy, California employees aren't.

So no, employers can't do anything they want. But yes, they can fire you (in a right to work state) and suing them won't work if you can't prove discrimination (although age discrimination is just about impossible to prove).

The original context of this (if I've done my research correctly -it's on page 1 of this thread) had to do with an employer being able to cut pay by 30% if they disagreed with what one said in public. Or that employers can apply punishments as they see fit. Well, no - if you have agreed to do a job for a certain pay, they can't just cut it. They can move you to a different job, perhaps, that pays less (although even that is difficult if the employee didn't apply for the lesser paid job); but just suddenly cutting pay will probably not work. Neither will locking you in a closet (well, maybe if you're a teacher who has messed up but can't be fired...but they call it an office) or making you do pushups (if you aren't in the army). Can they fire you and not tell you why? sure. Can they fire you and tell you why and get away with it in some cases? sure - there are jobs - journalist, military, etc where you cannot express your position publicly.

But overall, employers can't do "anything". There are limits.

And thank goodness for the unions who helped arrive at these limits!