BP hit by oil trading probe

What has the Bush govt done to strengthen our energy independence and diversification from oil Spinner ? A little bit but as all things Bush wimpy.

The less oil we buy from the ME the weaker the radical islamic types become.
btw I am for drilling for oil where it is. Ie the CA, FL and East coasts as well as in Alaska. You confuse me with a radical greenie. I have some green, but am a realist.

If we had spent the money spent in Iraq on promoting inergy independence we would be moving in that direction and our economy would be booming from the cash influx .

but we know where your loyalties lie since you work for big oil.
and we know where you knowledge base is vs someone in the industry through hard times for 25yrs.
Bush has done more than any president before him.
Hybrid, solar, and wind industries are getting off the ground because of the new legistlation. Try reading up on it a little. As usual bitchin is prefferable for you.
Bush has not done more than any other pres before him. Get your facts straight.
Well perhaps he has in a bad way, but not in a positive way for energy independance.
please get a clue and read beside crying all the time.
250,000 hybrids per year zero before him
Solar industry growing at 30%
these will generate billions in revenue, would be exponentially less without the energy bill.
UMMM.......Bush is like gore he invented hybrids ROFLMAO. Can't you make logical links in knowledge spinner ?
Was hybrids or the tax breaks for them around first ?
How many of the 250,000 would have been sold without a couple thousand off to help offset the premium?
Answer little man is about half, check your facts your woefully unequiped for this particular or any energy battle. LOFL
I claim uncle ??? You been hanging with dixie or something ?

Too wussy oil guy to talk about your industry being investigated ?
Spin and bail if you want.
you redirected to bush
I don't care about bp, if they did wrong they should be punished. I'm not for breakng the law cause I'm in that industry the implication is juvinile. And if they are convicted it doesn't mean a hill of beans every industry has some bad apples including yours.
You redirected to Bush and I thrashed you on it. Period