Brady Campaign advises rape over self defense.

It was on their FB page.

People post pictures on my FB page all the time. If I don't like them, I remove them.

In this case, we have a nutcase right wing forum admitting they posted the picture and how they did it.

Are they lying?
People post pictures on my FB page all the time. If I don't like them, I remove them.

In this case, we have a nutcase right wing forum admitting they posted the picture and how they did it.

Are they lying?

link up. you've been claiming this for days, yet still have not produced a link.

given your plethora of lies, you need to supply the link.
People post pictures on my FB page all the time. If I don't like them, I remove them.

In this case, we have a nutcase right wing forum admitting they posted the picture and how they did it.

Are they lying?
Proove it!
A personal FB page is not the same as a commercial FB page.
Unless the Brady campaign didnt think things through completely, now thst us possible, they are braindead liberals !!

Do they are either liars like most liberals or fucking retards who can't think things through to their logical conclusion( like their stance on gun control), which is it?
So assuming the lying liberals at Brady are telling the truth.
They are too stupid to manage a simple Facebook page.
How can we trust their opinions on guns and gun control?

Lose lose liberals!!
Logic, as always defeats you!

Watch them threaten!!
That silence from liberals is what happens when hit by logic.
They have no answer.
Brady camp is either lying about their FB post.
Or are too stupid to manage their FB account effectively!

The latter speaks to their credibility on the gun issue.
They are retarded .
All proponents of gun control are retarded!
So which is it howey?

Liars or incompetent retards?
You went very silent all of a sudden.
Logic often does that to liberals.
Are you awaiting further instruction from your spin masters?
So which is it howey?

Liars or incompetent retards?
You went very silent all of a sudden.
Logic often does that to liberals.
Are you awaiting further instruction from your spin masters?

What? Who hacked the FB page?

I've already proven who did that.

Y'all would be better off trying to say they weren't the NRA, but that excuse wouldn't work anyhow...
What? Who hacked the FB page?

I've already proven who did that.

Y'all would be better off trying to say they weren't the NRA, but that excuse wouldn't work anyhow...

no you have not. i've asked you repeatedly for the link and you refuse to give it.

i really don't see what is so hard about you providing the link, given you claim to have done so already.
no you have not. i've asked you repeatedly for the link and you refuse to give it.

i really don't see what is so hard about you providing the link, given you claim to have done so already.

Howey just can't bring himself to pull it out of his ass; because it's become firmly lodged.
You're either blind, stupid, retarded, or a TROLL. I go with all of the fucking above.

tell you what, like i told you before, i found NOTHING in that link to support your claim. why don't you simply copy the relevant portion you claim supports your assertion, instead of getting all pissy?

further, do you really think you are providing proof (assuming the relevant portion even exists) by quoting some anonymous user on a messageboard?

i find it odd how you always call me a troll, stupid etc....when i simply ask you to support your claims. why does this make you so angry?
What? Who hacked the FB page?

I've already proven who did that.

Y'all would be better off trying to say they weren't the NRA, but that excuse wouldn't work anyhow...
Lets assume your unproven claim is true.
The fraidy campaign are too stupid to protect their Facebook page.
Yet you think they are intelligent enough to create government policy?

Lets just do away with congress and apply down syndromes, retards, window lickers and the mentally subnormal to make policy decision.
Probably make more sensible decisions than the average liberal!
I can't speak for the Brady hack but I can say that a once good friend posted a picture of the President and his beautiful bride with their photo-shopped left hands on their chest along with some ridiculous commentary on my facebook page. I just asked him to not pull that bullshit on me anymore. He defriended me immediately and other than tense conversations we haven't spoken much since. I still like to jack him up. He is such a rightwing freaking idiot!!!!!!!!