Brandon the boob

Mine are reasonable and based in reality.

Yours are just the usual droolbilly Trumper crap.

There are endless possibilities as to why the leader of the free world might have felt the need to briefly glance at his watch, but in typical fashion, the propaganda shitting idiots on the right jumped with both feet onto an opportunity to imply some negative intent, when there is absolutely zero indication or reason to.

And when you watch it in the form of a video, he barely glances at it....

biden-watch.gif fucks post a still frame that leaves the impression that he stood there staring at it for several seconds.

That's just one of many reasons why the right is looked upon as a bunch of sleazy, lying assholes.

He should have been thinking about the men and woman he got killed not about his DAMN watch.
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He should have been thinking about the men and woman he got killed not about his DAMN watch.

Pathetic right-wing nonsense.

He glanced at his wrist for a split second while he was putting his arms behind his back and the scumbag right latched onto it like a tick latches on to a dog.

You people could be credited with self improvement if you rose to the level of merely stupid.
Trump and Biden both fulfilled their campaign promises.....

Trump promised to cut taxes and appoint conservative judges....

Biden promised to stop building a wall on our southern border and to stop oil drilling.....