Brazil bans X

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Sounding eerily like the Left / un-Democratics, Brazil's supreme court has banned X from the country.

“...penalty of suspension of activities.” X had earlier defied court requests to take down accounts or posts that it said violated Brazil’s laws on political misinformation and hate speech online.

Brazil President Lula Says X Ban Shows World Can Reject Elon Musk’s “Far-Right Anything Goes” Agenda​

What Brazil's courts, President, and government have said in effect is, Any speech we cannot control and regulate with respect to content will be banned. Brazil has banned free speech on the internet for all intents.

The worst part of this, is that this is EXACTLY what the Left and un-Democratic party want to do in the US. It's what Biden's attempt at a "Disinformation Czar" was about, as but one example. Brazil is a Leftist nation led by a communist President


Brazilian Worker's Part symbol / Flag

Their supreme court is likewise packed with like-thinking radical Leftists. (sound familiar to a party in the US?)
X had earlier defied court requests to take down accounts or posts that it said violated Brazil’s laws on political misinformation and hate speech online.
Sounds like Musk should have been complying with Brazilian law, instead of flaunting it.
Sounds like Musk should have been complying with Brazilian law, instead of flaunting it.
Sounds like Musk was willing to take on radical Leftist Communists and Socialists of the sort the un-Democratic party here in the US is full of today and stand by his belief in free speech even as the Brazilian government of authoritarians and dictators repressed him. He's the sort that stood up to the evil of the Left rather than bend a knee to it.

You on the other hand, seem perfectly willing to accept the oppression and even participate in it.
Biden already tried to do it, and more than once. Just because it hasn't happened, yet, doesn't mean it can't. The un-Democratics are trying really hard to make it happen here.
isn't that just what TRUMP has said he wants to do to NBC and other MSM outlets?
Have a nice day
Coming to America soon.....It looks to me that the hammer falls in Jan after the Regime installs Harris/Waltz.
Not particularly. It is what Biden and the un-Democratic party want to do. Remember Biden's "Disinformation Czar?"

I have a nephew who works in government on mis/dis/mal information. It's a serious concern. NOT for you folks who like Trump. If you were actually exposed to real news you'd probably just shut down.

But in REALITY misinformation runs rampant. What's the saying? A lie can travel half way around the world while truth is still putting its boots on (I think it was Mark Twain to said something along those lines).

Misinformation and disinformation lead to bad outcomes.

I get it, though, free speech requires that we allow bad information to get out. Even if it winds up costing some lives or swaths of the economy or even the fate and future of our government.

I dont' know what would be a good thing for X or the other platforms. They are so corrupted by shit now that it's hard to find the good stuff. But I guess we have to have it all puked out for us all the time. That's what you get for free speech. Having to hold your nose.
Not particularly. It is what Biden and the un-Democratic party want to do. Remember Biden's "Disinformation Czar?"

so and what has Trump said he wants to do?
he wants the DOJ and FBI and any other government agency he can get to go after NBC and any and all MSM outlets that have ever said one word about him
But lets NOT say a word about that.
He has also said Take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well who decides when later comes?
when does later come?
is later like tomorrow ? it never comes either.
So YOU are against what Biden wants to do but you are okay with Trump taking away peoples First and second Amendments rights
well that is the way you MAGAS are.
Have a nice day
On the other hand given the reckless abandon with which our owners (Carlin) are pursuing WW3 it this very well might not matter.