Break out the popcorn baby

He gets a pass?

He's one of the 3 percent of libertarians who aren't assholes. I think it's because he's really pretty liberal. I have run into very few liberal libertarians online. for the most part they have been hard right repukes too embarrassed to admit they're republicans, or republicans who wanted to assume a mantle of "non partisanship" in order to give their arguments more weight. You know, like SF and Damo.
While some uneducated people sit around laughing "Haha, we are going to war and you voted for Obama" others tend to think about why we are going.

Why would we get involved when both groups are our enemies? Especially when Russia stated long ago they might attack us if we get involved.

Follow the money's that easy...
I have a similar rating system. If someone tells me they are a libertarian I don't necessarily think of them as an asshole, but know there is a high likelihood...about 97%. If someone tells me they are a Republican I know they are an asshole. If someone tells me they are a conservative republican, I know they are a deranged asshole, 100%. It works.

How do you rank Democrats, Auntie?


Just wonderin'
I rank them by how they look without their shirts. Actually, Cawacko is a honorary dem for just that reason. As for the women, I just like all democratic women, they don't get ranked.
I rank them by how they look without their shirts. Actually, Cawacko is a honorary dem for just that reason. As for the women, I just like all democratic women, they don't get ranked.

I rank on Desh enough, so that's fair.

How's about you post a pic of yourself without a shirt so I can apply your standard?
I see a common refrain calling any liberals that support action in Syria as hypocrites because all liberals are apparently anti-war peaceniks. That's not the case and never has been. Yes, there is a contingent of liberals that are anti-war, but not all of them. Lots of liberals supported the use of force in Kosovo. Lots of liberals supported the war in Afghanistan. While liberals who aren't anti-war opposed the Iraq war, it wasn't simply because they are anti-war as a general matter, but becase the Iraq War was fucking stupid.

Yeah, screw those Kurds getting gassed by Saddam.....liberals don't give a shit about Kurds...or was it because it was a Republican president....
Yeah, screw those Kurds getting gassed by Saddam.....liberals don't give a shit about Kurds...or was it because it was a Republican president....

Reagan was Saddam's ally at the time he was gassing the Kurds and actually helped Saddam when he gassed the Iranaians.
Yes, they are. I'm just dealing with the presumption that Democrats and liberals are per se anti-war. I'd love for that to be the case, but it isn't.

Wheres Cindy Sheehan...oh...she busy running for gov. in Calif.

Liberal activist Cindy Sheehan, the activist mother of a slain Iraq solider who ran as the vice presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party alongside Roseanne Barr, announced last week that she’s throwing her hat in the ring for a shot at being the next governor of California.
Speaking at a Green Party rally in Wisconsin, Miss Sheehan proudly declared that she’s a Socialist, and she’s “not going to be ashamed to say it,” first reported.
“One of my biggest inspirations is President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela,” she added, receiving applause. “He convinced [citizens] that they could take power into their own hands and work with him to improve their own lives, and that’s what happened.”
“And so that’s my inspiration.

Read more:
Reagan was Saddam's ally at the time he was gassing the Kurds and actually helped Saddam when he gassed the Iranaians.

Are you saying Reagan was at fault ?


By JULIE JOHNSON, Special to the New York Times
Published: September 09, 1988

The United States said today that it was convinced Iraq had used poison gas against Kurdish guerrillas and condemned the action as ''abhorrent and unjustifiable.''
American officials had maintained until today that the Government had no conclusive proof that Iraq had renewed its use of chemical weapons.
An Iraqi Foreign Ministry official, leaving a meeting at the State Department, characterized the charge as ''absolutely baseless.'' Longstanding Charges
Since 1984 in its war against Iran, Iraq has been accused of using mustard gas, which burns, blisters and blackens the skin and can be lethal if inhaled. Iraq also has used, to a lesser extent, a lethal nerve gas called Tabun, which prompts convulsions and foaming and bleeding at the mouth before death. Cyanide gas also has been used by both sides in the war.
The State Department spokesman, Charles E. Redman, said the United States was certain of Iraq's use of such weapons within its own borders.
''As a result of our evaluation of the situation, the United States Government is convinced that Iraq has used chemical weapons in its military campaign against Kurdish guerrillas,'' Mr. Redman said. ''Any use in this context is abhorrent and unjustifiable.''

The US might have been helping Saddam against Iran, that doesn't mean the US was using chem. weapons on anybody....far from it.

Reagan didn't do anything about it and neither did Clinton after him, except complain about Saddam and his WMD....nothing was done until Bush had enough of
the blustering we had heard for the previous decade and did you pinheads are still bitching about it seems we're
damned if we do, and damned it we don't.........
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Are you saying Reagan was at fault ?


By JULIE JOHNSON, Special to the New York Times
Published: September 09, 1988

The United States said today that it was convinced Iraq had used poison gas against Kurdish guerrillas and condemned the action as ''abhorrent and unjustifiable.''
American officials had maintained until today that the Government had no conclusive proof that Iraq had renewed its use of chemical weapons.
An Iraqi Foreign Ministry official, leaving a meeting at the State Department, characterized the charge as ''absolutely baseless.'' Longstanding Charges
Since 1984 in its war against Iran, Iraq has been accused of using mustard gas, which burns, blisters and blackens the skin and can be lethal if inhaled. Iraq also has used, to a lesser extent, a lethal nerve gas called Tabun, which prompts convulsions and foaming and bleeding at the mouth before death. Cyanide gas also has been used by both sides in the war.
The State Department spokesman, Charles E. Redman, said the United States was certain of Iraq's use of such weapons within its own borders.
''As a result of our evaluation of the situation, the United States Government is convinced that Iraq has used chemical weapons in its military campaign against Kurdish guerrillas,'' Mr. Redman said. ''Any use in this context is abhorrent and unjustifiable.''

The US might have been helping Saddam against Iran, that doesn't mean the US was using chem. weapons on anybody....far from it.

I didn't say that the US was using chemical weapons on anyone. I said the Reagan Administration helped the Iraqis when they used chemical weapons on the Iranians and were allied with Saddam when he gassed the Kurds:
I didn't say that the US was using chemical weapons on anyone. I said the Reagan Administration helped the Iraqis when they used chemical weapons on the Iranians and were allied with Saddam when he gassed the Kurds:

Did the U.S., and I guess specifically Reagan, give the Iraqi's the materials Saddam used to create the chemical weapons to gas the Iranians and Kurds with?

I've heard both sides argued and am not sure what is real and what isn't.
Did the U.S., and I guess specifically Reagan, give the Iraqi's the materials Saddam used to create the chemical weapons to gas the Iranians and Kurds with?

I've heard both sides argued and am not what is real and what isn't.

I don't know. What the documents reveal is that the US knew the Iraqis used chemical weapons, were informed that the Iranians were mounting an offensive that would likely be successful and lead to the loss of a major Iraqi city to the Iranians, Reagan was informed and said that an Iranian victory was unacceptable, then the US entered into an intelligence sharing arrangement and notified the Iraqis of the impending offensive and Iranian poisitions. The Iraqis used chemical weapons to repel the attack and we knew that they would.
I backed the Afgan war.

it was done for good reasons.

The Iraq war was commensed on LIES so I didn't back it.

I now back this ACTION not war because I don't want dictators gassing babies for power.

in your minds that makes me a monster.

I say fuck you all who call me a monster for going with facts and standing up to dictators who would kill their own children.

But gassing Kurd babies was ok, huh ?
So uneducated lol........ I might have to get some popcorn because your post is so full of fail.

You do realize that Romney had the same plan don't you? Back during the last election Republicans were all about getting involved in Syria. Perhaps you missed the VP debate. Hell Romney/Ryan wanted to enter Iran too and stated they don't need Congress approval to do so. Even Bush wanted to go into Syria.

Time goes by and an old statement Obama made catches up to him. "If they use gas we'll get involved" After SOMEONE used gas Fox News and the Right Wing puppets were screaming Obama is a liar and a coward for months.

But one of Obama's (and Romney's and Bush's and Kerry's) biggest donors is Corporate Military Weapons Manufacturing...........Look it up kid. Our politicians are ready to go to war when the wind blows because there is Corporate money in their pocket and more to be made.

Good job supporting that "Corporations are people" kid. :sexy:

Syria was mentioned in 2011 ?......lmao !