Breakfast sausage vanilla ice cream infused with maple


Willin to be Chillin
Yes you heard it here first folks. Can be regular or vanilla.

I have it copyrighted, trademarked and patented.

I am going to be a billionaire and Grind shall be my partner. And when we are both billionaires, we will, well, still be brothers in the holy herb.

Watch someone try to steal my idea.

I think it's a wonderful idea...we make blueberry maple breakfast sausages///very yummy;) ...and bacon jam is awesome...I'll buy stock;)
(Try white chocolate mousse and granola...homemade only;)
Yes you heard it here first folks. Can be regular or vanilla.

I have it copyrighted, trademarked and patented.

I am going to be a billionaire and Grind shall be my partner. And when we are both billionaires, we will, well, still be brothers in the holy herb.

Watch someone try to steal my idea.

Sausage flavored ice creams have already been on the market, also hotdog and chorizo flavored. Sorry
Went to a bakery in Bowling Green once,absolutely every thing in the bakery was covered in maple,no chocolate,no vanilla,just maple.
I walked out,not a fan of maple
I think it's a wonderful idea...we make blueberry maple breakfast sausages///very yummy;) ...and bacon jam is awesome...I'll buy stock;)
(Try white chocolate mousse and granola...homemade only;)

I'll let you buy class A stock.
Yes you heard it here first folks. Can be regular or vanilla.

I have it copyrighted, trademarked and patented.

I am going to be a billionaire and Grind shall be my partner. And when we are both billionaires, we will, well, still be brothers in the holy herb.

Watch someone try to steal my idea.


when you take it public to gain investment money for expansion some one will buy you out and they will be the billionaire

you will be totally fucked

I have watched republican entrepreneurs find that out in my lifetime.

they never seem to realize what their economic ideas do to the little guy
Yeah Yurt!Do what Toxic tells you to do!:palm:

Why do you have to start stuff in a thread like this? I already said I wanted to do it, she is merely encouraging me. Even if I never do this or it doesn't work, what is wrong with trying to create something?

I saw a show about a guy who was basically homeless, but he always loved his grandma's ice cream. He tried at first to make her recipe and failed. He finally saved up enough to get a decent ice cream maker and started selling his unique flavors in a cart on the streets. He now owns his own shop and has employees.

You have a problem with that?
when you take it public to gain investment money for expansion some one will buy you out and they will be the billionaire

you will be totally fucked

I have watched republican entrepreneurs find that out in my lifetime.

they never seem to realize what their economic ideas do to the little guy

1. If I choose to be bought out, so what, that is my choice. You don't understand economics.

2. Both would be winners. If I didn't have a product that someone wanted to buy, I would have nothing. If the billionaire gives me a million I didn't have and he makes a billion I could never have because I don't have his or her resources, then who is the loser?
:cof1: Oh, and I forget myself. Coffee flavoured ice cream FTW!! :cof1:

Sausage flavored ice creams have already been on the market, also hotdog and chorizo flavored. Sorry

I found this from Scotland where he makes square saugase ice cream in a brioche bun for breakfast...

So I guess I didn't exactly invent a new flavor. Anyway, I was high as a kite and had fun thinking about it. And from searching the net this morning, it appears it is still a rather unique and off the wall idea.