This is the point, even IF you win control of Congress, your party lacks the number of votes it would need to even bring an investigation, unless you had something undeniably obvious to bring about half of the Republicans on board. Oh, no doubt, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will certainly TRY to do this, they just won't succeed, they lack the number of votes needed.
At some point in time, pinheads will have to start to realize, winning this election is not going to bring about the sweeping changes they are wetting their panties over. It isn't going to happen in the real world. A few chairmanship seats will change, the rhetoric will be louder and more shrill, but from a standpoint of action, nothing is going to really change.
LOL - all of a "sudden' dixie is promoting bipartisanship!
DIXIE: It's really simple, at some point in time, you will have to find a way to accept the half of the country who disagrees with you, and work toward solving the divisive gridlock. It's really about compromise and acceptance, and at some point, some day, Democrats will have to discover this reality.
DIXIE: "At what point in time, does the Democrat party actually attempt to "reach out" across the isle and work with those who totally disagree with their viewpoint?"
Examples of Dixie's "bipartisanship" and "reaching out" across the aisle, mere months ago: (
You're Getting Bolton Dammit! Like it or not, John Bolton is going to be the new UN Ambassador! His nomination will move to the floor for a vote…. opposed to him are seeming more and more like little spoiled kids who didn't get their way. I hope and pray the Dumbocrats decide to filibuster this! GO FOR IT
-DIXIE: There is a mechanism by which unqualified judges can be turned away... it's called "voting them down". Is "Democracy" too difficult for your Socialist ass to understand? Why is it, that after being defeated in the most recent elections, you think that 40% of Congress can run the show and call the shots?
How much of a fucking majority do WE need now Care? 80% 90%... does it matter?
-DIXIE: You don't need to end the filibuster, just hold their feet to the fire, make those 40
bastards have to experience a good old fashioned filibuster, and wear their asses out. If it shuts down government for a week, we'll live. It's important that
they learn this lesson now, and stop using this rule to intimidate their will on us. This is not why we elected Republicans!
Stand up to these sons of bitches or we'll find candidates with the balls to do it in 2006.
Personally, I don't care if they change the rules, they have that right according to the Constitution! What I do care about, is the subverting of the rules to obstruct judicial nominees. That practice is going to
stop and it's going to stop NOW!
-DIXIE: You can
whine and cry about it all you like, but that is how it's going to be, and
you may as well get used to it!! Whether they use the "CONSTITUTIONAL OPTION" or hold the Democrats feet to the fire and shut down government for a few weeks,
this shit is going to STOP! Have I made myself clear on that?
I am only goin to tell you this one more time Care, and then I'm done with you on this.... THE FILIBUSTER WILL NO LONGER BE USED TO OBSTRUCT THE CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY OF THE PRESIDENT TO NOMINATE JUDGES!"……
this shit is going to stop now,
and there is not a hell of a lot you can do about it! Some of these judges have been held up for nearly 4 years, waiting to be confirmed so they can start hearing cases which are backing up more and more each day, while Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi try to make some Grande Political Issue out of the filibuster rule. If you want to go on thinking that the Republicans are in the wrong, that is fine...
it's not like they are counting on YOUR support for a damn thing anyway!
“the rules are the rules, and the majority is the majority!. I actively worked to get Republicans elected, supported a republican platform and agenda, and excercised my rights as a citizen, to change the political power structure in Congress. After all my hard work, and the hard work of others like me, we get to hear Democrats whine and pitch little baby fits, and demand that
they be GIVEN something they haven't earned!