BREAKING - United States Marshals have entered the DC prison that is refusing to release the remainder of their January 6 hostages!

Actually, Pobre I have been to the city in Espana where the best Sherry in Spain is grown...
Why, no, Pobre.

Do you believe the bottles grow on trees?

There are no Sherry trees, Pobre. You must be thinking of Cherry trees.

A healthy vine can have a productive lifespan of well over fifty years, producing an incredible crop of grapes harvest after harvest. Over the years, the vine may start to produce less fruit, but quite often the grapes produced by older vines have more concentrated flavors.

Did you profit from my tutorial about quotation marks within quotations?
You said sherry is grown. I guess it's you that has been hitting the sherry this morning.
You said sherry is grown. I guess it's you that has been hitting the sherry this morning.
The Sherry vines, Pobre.

In accordance with the regulations of the Denomination of Origin "Jerez-Xérès-Sherry" there are three groups or families of Sherry wines: the "Dry Sherry Wines" (Generoso Vinos), the "Naturally Sweet Wines" (Vinos Dulces Naturales) and the "Sweet Sherry Wines" (Generoso de licor vinos).

Pobre-"...He thinks you pick the bottles of sherry from trees or vines."

You do know that there are no Sherry trees, right? Just Sherry vines.

Did you learn about the proper use of quotation marks within quotations, Pobre?
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I googled this alleged event and found nothing other than reports of a crowd gathered at a DC JAIL (not federal prison) to await the release of pardoned inmates. Nothing about "U.S. marshals" going in and removing anyone.

MAGATs sure are gullible, incurious primates, aren't they? lol
Earl is very upset that you are bringing reality into the debate.
I googled this alleged event and found nothing other than reports of a crowd gathered at a DC JAIL (not federal prison) to await the release of pardoned inmates. Nothing about "U.S. marshals" going in and removing anyone.

MAGATs sure are gullible, incurious primates, aren't they? lol
The American people are very divided on trump. Over half of them voted against him, and many of the minority that voted for him think he is incompetent.
Who won the most electoral votes and the popular vote, Walter and every swing state?

Did Harris win? Over half of Americans voted against her.

Many of the minority that voted for her are loons, Walter, como tu.
I am not the one claiming that all of America considers her competent. You made a silly claim, and were caught.
I don't remember saying that all of America considers her competent, Walter.

Enough Americans considered her incompetent and voted against her.
The Sherry vines, Pobre.

In accordance with the regulations of the Denomination of Origin "Jerez-Xérès-Sherry" there are three groups or families of Sherry wines: the "Dry Sherry Wines" (Generoso Vinos), the "Naturally Sweet Wines" (Vinos Dulces Naturales) and the "Sweet Sherry Wines" (Generoso de licor vinos).

Pobre-"...He thinks you pick the bottles of sherry from trees or vines."

You do know that there are no Sherry trees, right? Just Sherry vines.

Did you learn about the proper use of quotation marks within quotations, Pobre?
OMG... You are an idiot.
Is red wine grown?
Is white wine grown?
Grapes are grown. Wine is produced from grapes through a manufacturing process. Sherry is produced from grapes.
Sherry is NOT grown. Red wine is NOT grown. There are not sherry vines. There are grape vines.
The American people are very divided on trump. Over half of them voted against him, and many of the minority that voted for him think he is incompetent.

Is that so?

  • The US population estimate for 2024 would include non-voters, and thus, the percentage of the total population that voted for Harris would be less than 31%.
  • Assuming a rough estimate where the voting-eligible population is around 70-75% of the total US population (considering factors like age and citizenship), the percentage of the total US population would be:
    • Percentage of total US population that voted for Harris: Approximately 22-23%.

This calculation is based on the assumption that the voting-eligible population is roughly 70-75% of the total population, which might vary slightly with exact demographic data.
