Brent i found a competition for you!!!

how is that elitest?? is the super stop and shop paying me to bag groceries?? thats why they have employees bag groceries and they get paid for it... im not getting paid for it... and by me doing it myself, it allows them to get richer and not have more baggers on the schedule... i mean if everyone bagged their own groceries they wouldn't have baggers period now would they??

You are expecting people to do that which you could easily do yourself. Let me make a wild guess and assume that you also leave your cart next to your car in the parking lot because they have a staff that brings them in instead of returning it to the cart return which the store politely asks you to do in order to keep costs down. By having people do this you are inadvertanly raising costs for food and other goods.

Also it is a basic courtesy to do for yourself what you can easily do and also to keep the flow of things going at a good pace.

If you stand idle waiting for your cashier to finish ringing up your items instead of doing it while they do that part you are making those behind you wait in line longer than if you would have bagged them yourself.

Obviously the cashier should help you once they have finished ringing up items but the polite thing to do is to help them as well. If everyone cooperated and helped instead of being to uppity to assist others the world would be a better place.
Didn't used to all the time until my little brothers worked at a grocery store over the summer. They used to complain about it all the time. so now I just picture them outside having to gather all the carts so I make a concerted effort.

*I'm not an elist pig like some on this thread ;)
Well why do you use that logic for not bagging your groceries but not for returning your cart? Doesn't seem consistent. After all you pay too much for groceries and all that right?
A real simple way to live is when deciding whether to do something put yourself in the other persons position and see if you'd like it.
Sometimes people like to shit on people who used to do the same thing they did. They see it as a form of moving up in the world.

The fact someone was a bagger themself wouldn't preclude them from this behavior.

I am often reminded of this phenomenon. Some of the most racist people I have ever met are the kind of people who would be victims of racism. You would think they would no better but alas no.
Good stuff there IHG.
Being nice to the "little people" is being a good person.
I don't like that "little people" term but it is how those who think the are better than others look at it. Money and posessions do not make you a better person, they can often have the opposite effect.
what is mean about it?? fer real?? if there were no baggers then i would have to do it, and im not bagging my groceries... not with what the cost of groceries are today..... fer real, and if im buying groceries and i have no bagger i make the cashier do it.
LOL, part of the cost is paying the bagger.
Where I shop groceries are cheaper and you have to bag yourself, you also have to either pay for bags or you can use the boxes for free (which saves them more money and allows them to sell you cheaper again).

Maybe they should have a competition for Home Depot cashiers where you have to identify the thingamajig's price the quickest. Would you enter?

I don't know why you make fun of him when you did labor work too...
Nothing wrong with that.
how is that elitest?? is the super stop and shop paying me to bag groceries?? thats why they have employees bag groceries and they get paid for it... im not getting paid for it... and by me doing it myself, it allows them to get richer and not have more baggers on the schedule... i mean if everyone bagged their own groceries they wouldn't have baggers period now would they??

You are expecting people to do that which you could easily do yourself. Let me make a wild guess and assume that you also leave your cart next to your car in the parking lot because they have a staff that brings them in instead of returning it to the cart return which the store politely asks you to do in order to keep costs down. By having people do this you are inadvertanly raising costs for food and other goods.

Also it is a basic courtesy to do for yourself what you can easily do and also to keep the flow of things going at a good pace.

If you stand idle waiting for your cashier to finish ringing up your items instead of doing it while they do that part you are making those behind you wait in line longer than if you would have bagged them yourself.

Obviously the cashier should help you once they have finished ringing up items but the polite thing to do is to help them as well. If everyone cooperated and helped instead of being to uppity to assist others the world would be a better place.

Come on, lighten up, this stuff is hysterical IHG.
Thing is with Rob I never know. He brags about stealing sunglasses which he confirms is true. He brags about drunk driving and how its not a big deal. Now he talks about how he expects others to bag for him.

How am I supposed to know?

Rob is an enigma. Hard to know what he really means a lot of the time.
Thing is with Rob I never know. He brags about stealing sunglasses which he confirms is true. He brags about drunk driving and how its not a big deal. Now he talks about how he expects others to bag for him.

How am I supposed to know?

Rob is an enigma. Hard to know what he really means a lot of the time.

I remember him saying he wasn't serious about the drunk driving. And anyone who is doing that for real, I don't think that's funny.

But I love this kind of humor. And I'm really nice to cashiers. He probably is too. It's just funny. It's like, how plumbers became a big joke, but just the part about their pants always hanging below their butts, right? I mean, some jokes I've seen about that have been funny. But I don't look down on plumbers. And who can afford to anyway. Those guys make some good money and the only feeling I have for them as a group, is fear, if I have to call one.
Rob is funny. I just don't know when he is joking or when he's serious. He loves to pull my leg in particular and I always take the bait.

Three rules of plumbers:

1. Payday is Friday
2. Shit don't flow uphill
3. Don't suck your fingers
the truth is that i was a cashier, and a bagger but in any event i think its a big joke and them making fun of themselves by having a bagger competition.... making it sound like its this 'art' or specialized skill...