Brent, serious question


Are you responding reflexively? Have you never heard them? Hopefully.

I'm doing experiments Brent and you must be silencified (by me) as to their purpose.

Are you responding reflexively? Have you never heard them? Hopefully.

I'm doing experiments Brent and you must be silencified (by me) as to their purpose.

Unfortunately, one of my roommates liked ABBA, so yes, I've heard of them.
I think ABBA is a great band, just so you all know. Let's not be too geeky though - Darla might wander in and start slinging mud...
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I think ABBA is a great band, just so you all know. Let's not be too geeky though - Darla might wander in and start slinging mud...

Yeah this is going to have to be annotated.

Grind, make the annotation!

Now let's get back to the matter of Brent, who ACTUALLY DOES LIKE ABBA.
Hold on, I might be drunk right now, but I actually do like ABBA - DQ, Super Trooper, SOS, Take A Chance on Me, Voleuz Vouz - great stuff!
Hold on, I might be drunk right now, but I actually do like ABBA - DQ, Super Trooper, SOS, Take A Chance on Me, Voleuz Vouz - great stuff!


I think we really hit the nail on the head with the ABBA test Grind. This is better than I thought. Now all we have to do is get Brent drunk too - which shouldn't be that hard. Just remind him that he's a virgin and no one in the entire world loves him, wait four hours, and kindly redirect him to this page.

BTW, THree, for your viewing pleasure:

ABBA is painful. It's like the acid spilled onto the face of the Supermodel that is music. It hurts record players to have to play it, and was devised to get answers from detainees when played loudly.
ABBA is perfect pop. It's fine to not like pop but to somehow put them down because they perfected pop is pointless.
ABBA is perfect pop. It's fine to not like pop but to somehow put them down because they perfected pop is pointless.
They didn't perfect it. It's terrible. It sounds terrible and the lyrics are so bad they hurt. And even in music videos the "dance moves" were painful to behold. Everything about them is bad, they are the love child of Satan and Osama bin Laden.
ABBA is perfect pop. It's fine to not like pop but to somehow put them down because they perfected pop is pointless.

Well said, Diuretic. Just because a certain music is not to your taste doesn't make it bad music.
They didn't perfect it. It's terrible. It sounds terrible and the lyrics are so bad they hurt. And even in music videos the "dance moves" were painful to behold. Everything about them is bad, they are the love child of Satan and Osama bin Laden.

Damo, you don't like pop. It was good pop, trust me. Stay away from pop and you'll be fine.
Damo, you don't like pop. It was good pop, trust me. Stay away from pop and you'll be fine.
People who like ABBA worship Satan's Love child.

I didn't say they weren't POP, I said they didn't perfect it. They perfected music as a torture device, but they didn't perfect POP.
People who like ABBA worship Satan's Love child.

I didn't say they weren't POP, I said they didn't perfect it. They perfected music as a torture device.

If you didn't have the common sense to turn the volume to down to zero and just watch the arses of the two sheilas then there's no hope for you.
If you didn't have the common sense to turn the volume to down to zero and just watch the arses of the two sheilas then there's no hope for you.
Even the dance moves were designed with the most pain in mind. Watch the video with the Satan Love dial turned way down and you will see what I mean...

The sheilas were only put in the video to make those on the fence think they weren't being tortured before they were converted to Satan Worship through self-torture.
The blonde bint had the best arse. The brunette bint had the second best arse. I'd llisten to a fucking buzz saw at "eleven" in my ears to get a gander at them. Who cares if your ears are bleeding, some things are above mere permanent hearing damage.