Bring back the draft

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
No phony bone spurs type deferments, no other type deferments , except real disabled people as classified by the military, not private doctors.
No educational deferments

Let's see how fast those who cheer and vote for wars are willing to send their kids off to one

Remember Vietnam, who went and who didn't and why
Not the Draft, rather, one or two years of national service, the Draft being one of the acceptable options

Could never happen of course, a quarter of the country won't even get a vaccine to save their lives, sure as hell those plus others would never accept a national service requirement
Not the Draft, rather, one or two years of national service, the Draft being one of the acceptable options

Could never happen of course, a quarter of the country won't even get a vaccine to save their lives, sure as hell those plus others would never accept a national service requirement

Again, I have to ask if we need it.
No phony bone spurs type deferments, no other type deferments , except real disabled people as classified by the military, not private doctors.
No educational deferments

Let's see how fast those who cheer and vote for wars are willing to send their kids off to one

Remember Vietnam, who went and who didn't and why

Agree. If the US declares war then send our youth to fight.
Okay, we bring back the draft. Between a third and half of all those drafted will be turned down if we use the same standards that were in place in WW 1, 2, Korea, and Vietnam.
Between health issues and insufficient mental acuity, between a third and half--depending on what part of the country you're talking about--will be dropped as ineligible. The biggest regions with high turn down rates will be the East Coast major cities, the Rust Belt, and deep South. The more Progressive and Leftist an area is, the more likely people there won't be draftable mostly because they're unhealthy retards.
No phony bone spurs type deferments, no other type deferments , except real disabled people as classified by the military, not private doctors.
No educational deferments

Let's see how fast those who cheer and vote for wars are willing to send their kids off to one

Remember Vietnam, who went and who didn't and why

You only say this because you're too old for it, faggot.
No phony bone spurs type deferments, no other type deferments , except real disabled people as classified by the military, not private doctors.
No educational deferments

Let's see how fast those who cheer and vote for wars are willing to send their kids off to one

Remember Vietnam, who went and who didn't and why

Do Dems want a repeat of 1968? Best DNC convention in history, but, the election didn't quite pan out for them...
Do Dems want a repeat of 1968? Best DNC convention in history, but, the election didn't quite pan out for them...

If you imagine that more than a few Regressives have even the first fucking clue what 1968 was like then you have not been paying attention.

These are some supremely ignorant fucks.

Who are very sure of themselves.

Because they SUCK!
If you imagine that more than a few Regressives have even the first fucking clue what 1968 was like then you have not been paying attention.

These are some supremely ignorant fucks.

Who are very sure of themselves.

Because they SUCK!

It was such a bizarre year that–while in America, we tend to refer to "the sixties"–in Europe they typically refer just to 1968, much like they refer to the revolutionary year of 1848.
It was such a bizarre year that–while in America, we tend to refer to "the sixties"–in Europe they typically refer just to 1968, much like they refer to the revolutionary year of 1848.

Far too many turned up ignorant cowards.

We are so very fucked.

No phony bone spurs type deferments, no other type deferments , except real disabled people as classified by the military, not private doctors.
No educational deferments

Let's see how fast those who cheer and vote for wars are willing to send their kids off to one

Remember Vietnam, who went and who didn't and why

Agreed on bringing back the draft. Even disabled people can benefit from serving and stand a watch.

Also agreed on the logic that "forever wars" will stop when everyone's kid is put at risk.

For a new draft, I recommend a Conscientious Objector pathway such as Peace Corps.

The danger of an all-volunteer military:

...perhaps the greatest danger of the all-volunteer force lies in the slow but steady gulf that has been growing between the American people and those who protect them. The pool of those willing to serve is shrinking year by year. At the same time the culture of America’s military seems to be moving farther and farther away from those who serve. It is not that service men and women do not understand the civilian world; they find themselves bombarded by it every day. On the one hand, the Marine captains, whom I teach, regard the terms, such as micro aggressions that beset our university students, as rather bizarre. And on the other side, most of the civilian world has not the slightest comprehension of what the military face on an everyday basis.

The fact that so many serving in Congress not only have not served in the military but have had virtually no contacts among their family and friends who have served has clearly impacted the realism with which that body treats the military. This is not a healthy situation, and it is one that carries with it considerable dangers for the long term. Yet, if the American military continue on the road to becoming a self-contained society, largely separated from the larger society, will they begin to serve their own interests instead of the larger interests of the society they serve?

A disaffected career-class of military officers might be less willing to support a government system which allows fucking morons to run the country. Had the United States military accepted Trump's offer to back a coup, they would not only have pushed it through* but have been in a position to cap Trump and have a military panel in charge of the nation.

*remember all the liberals who think only the military should have guns? LOL