Bring back the draft

Not the Draft, rather, one or two years of national service, the Draft being one of the acceptable options

Could never happen of course, a quarter of the country won't even get a vaccine to save their lives, sure as hell those plus others would never accept a national service requirement

Good point. At least two years, but three is better to make it more cost-effective. The added benefit would be one year of college tuition per two years served.
Agree. If the US declares war then send our youth to fight.

Including women, Ms. B?

Isn't it the youth of the country who always fight in wars?
Mostly. The US all-volunteer system has an effect on age:

As shown in Table 3.4, the average age of those deployed was 33.4 years. Half the deployed were 25–34 years old at the end of 2010 (about 72% were 25–44 years old), with approximately equal proportions either under 25 years old or 45 years old or older. The proportions of those 25–34 years old by branch ranged from about 45% in the Air Force to about 60% in the Marine Corps. In addition, about 25% of marines were less than 25 years old (about 84% less than 35 years old). Marine Corps deployed had the lowest mean age, 29.5 years, and Air Force deployed had the highest mean age, 35.8 years.
No phony bone spurs type deferments, no other type deferments , except real disabled people as classified by the military, not private doctors.
No educational deferments

Let's see how fast those who cheer and vote for wars are willing to send their kids off to one

Remember Vietnam, who went and who didn't and why

Canada cant handle the fleeing democrat coward like you and duck boy