The JPP Security Council was the only thing I'v ever known to be more worthless then Skidmark on a date. I should know....I was on it.Oh, yes, please do, that was some of the most entertaining BS I've experienced on a message board!!! Oh.....the drama.
The JPP Security Council was the only thing I'v ever known to be more worthless then Skidmark on a date. I should know....I was on it.
The JPP Security Council was the only thing I'v ever known to be more worthless then Skidmark on a date. I should know....I was on it.
Watermark was only useless on the date with Mott because WM isn't gay or a farm animal. Thus Mott wasn't attracted to how was it being on a date with watermark?
Watermark was only useless on the date with Mott because WM isn't gay or a farm animal. Thus Mott wasn't attracted to him.
so how was it being on a date with watermark?