Bringing a gun to a skittles fight.

enjoy your real identity.

Rove will just train more like you and send them all around the web

This is almost comical at this point. Stop and think. You are accusing Lorax of being a racist and a Rove follower. In what world does that make any sense?
Proof please, because the Martins lawyer is reviewing whether they will persue it, people keep repeating this without providing proof.
I've been going by what I saw somebody post earlier... I'll go look it up.
This is almost comical at this point. Stop and think. You are accusing Lorax of being a racist and a Rove follower. In what world does that make any sense?

he is your partner.

everyone now knows it.

its why you are working so hard to help him back into position for the game you play
Hmmmm, but they believed Zimmerman who did the same thing.

Apparently they based their decision on the physical evidence (who had fight wounds, etc.) rather than testimony. At least according to the interview I heard last night.
I have outed people before on other sites.

Funny how they never seem to be able to redeem themselves by acting like real left leaning posters.

they always turn into rabid right wing fools and then blame me for it.

Gee what a commitment to their philosophy that shows huh
I've been going by what I saw somebody post earlier... I'll go look it up.

Okay, it depends on if he was found to be justified in using force. In Florida, if you are found justified in using deadly force you are protected against civil lawsuits in the same action.

State Law

Individuals found to be justified in using deadly force may be immune from civil liability under Florida law. If the family sues and loses, it might be ordered to pay attorneys’ fees and compensation to defendants, according to state law.

Zimmerman would have to establish immunity in a separate proceeding, Tamara F. Lawson, a professor at the St. Thomas University School of Law, said in a phone interview.

“In any potential subsequent civil case, the court would have to rule if he’s entitled to civil immunity,” she said.

Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. attorney in Miami, said Martin’s family can sue because Zimmerman didn’t seek a hearing under the state’s self-defense law before he was tried.

Anger over the verdict in a case that has drawn national attention for its implications involving race and guns was confined yesterday mostly to statements and threats of further litigation against Zimmerman, 29, described by prosecutors as a police-officer wannabe. Scattered protests occurred in cities including San Francisco, New York and Chicago.
will you be so angry at me for allowing you enough rope to trip you up that you turn on the liberal philosophy?
will you be so angry at me for allowing you enough rope to trip you up that you turn on the liberal philosophy?

I have never said I was a "liberal," or tried to ally myself with koolaid-swilling hacks like yourself. You never met a Democrat you didn't adore, or a Dem policy that wasn't brilliant.

I'm definitely left-leaning on a lot of issues, but who cares. The fact that you think you "outed" me like some crazy, whacked-out McCarthy just shows how narcissistic you are.
I have never said I was a "liberal," or tried to ally myself with koolaid-swilling hacks like yourself. You never met a Democrat you didn't adore, or a Dem policy that wasn't brilliant.

I'm definitely left-leaning on a lot of issues, but who cares. The fact that you think you "outed" me like some crazy, whacked-out McCarthy just shows how narcissistic you are.

She definitely 100% outed someone in the last few days. It's just not who she thinks it is.