Britain and US pledge to use force within two weeks in Syria

so because Bush lied us into the Iraq war your going to let REAL people be gassed by their government ?

Man what a lot of damage Bush caused huh

A government asks in inspectors and immediately chemical weapons? Some of us weren't born yesterday. The Saudis and their mates don't care how many they kill to establish Sunni dominance, you know.,
Treating Drs have died from treating the afflicted.

I think this actually took place.

Do facts matter?
A government asks in inspectors and immediately chemical weapons? Some of us weren't born yesterday. The Saudis and their mates don't care how many they kill to establish Sunni dominance, you know.,

You were telling us it was the CIA before, now it's the Saudis.
I'm against sending over 4000 American hero's to their deaths in Syria over WMD that are much more real than what we said Saddam had in Iraq.
If this is actually true then this gives Syria all the legitimate reason they need to not follow through with the deal. And so, even though it will be obvious that it was the US and the UK who didn't honour the agreement, it will be made to look like it was Syria's fault.

War is assured if they follow through on the threat. There never was any hope of preventing it.
How do you feel about this?

I get very torn on stuff like this. I have always said we shouldn't be the "global policeman," and that we should only use force to defend our own soil.

But sometimes, the atrocities being committed are too much - they're too overwhelming. Had we not been attacked in WWII, would we have sat by while the rest of the world's Jews continued to be exterminated?

It's very conflicting for a pacifist like me.

Looks like Obama will get the war he so desperately wants, now its to 'save face'....and help the AQ backed rebels in the effort....

So remember, we are the global policeman, especially when the presidency changes parties....
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I was pro going into Iraq in 2003. After that experience I've sort of changed my view on using U.S. power. Part of me says let the people in the Middle East deal with this. Then there is the realist in me that says we have to do what is in the best (economic) interest of our country and if that means we have to get involved then so be it. At this point in time I'd say don't go in. But considering President Obama said if they use chemical weapons are going in we have to back up those words so I'm ok with it.

did you change your mind?
Because Bliar was an American slave, desperate to destroy the Labour Movement and make money, obviously. Why do you ask? we'll have to free him and pay reparations to him and his descendants for the next 300 years....
fuck you...... accept the facts

Yeah...the facts...

Putin brokered a deal to remove chem. weapons from Assad and Syria

The left bragged that it was Kerry's idea to avoid war and just what Obama wanted....Hooray for Obama

Obama decided to attack Assad anyway...................and if it turns our a failed advanture, desh and the lefties will find a way to blame Bush.....
so your contention is the Obama admin never asked assad to give up the chem weapons?

what do you claim they discussed with Assad you fucking lame brain?