Brittney Murphy dead at 32...

Probably. So what? Their loss.

My threads are still usually successful and attract attention from the right people. I'm not trying to impress or attract lazy people who don't have the attention span to see what anyone else has to say.

I may write long posts, but I read everyone else's stuff considerably more than I write my own. That's why I have so few posts even though I've been here from the beginning.

i was kidding adam, have a cookie:clink:
Ha! the way, back on topic, CNN is reporting that the coroner's initial view is that the death was by natural causes.

That's probably premature, but the story I read did say that she seemed to be suffering from "flu-like" symptoms for a few days prior to her death.

Here's a chilling thought: several years ago a player on our University football team had knee surgery (I think it was knee) and was given the heavy duty Tylenol 'scrip for pain. Over the holidays he went to the emergency dept. at UMC with severe flu-like symptoms, for which they gave him -- guess, now -- Tylenol. Very shortly after that visit he died of acetaminophen poisoning. The effects of Tylenol (acetaminophen) poisoning are flu-like symptoms. It seems that they didn't consider this (or didn't ask about meds he may have been taking) in Emergency when they loaded him up with more of the same.

The first headline I saw in this case was that Brittney Murphy had suffered a complete cardiac arrest, which of course occurs in all deaths and is moot with respect to any meaningful information. I hope that one of the tox screens they run will be for acetaminophen. Poor lady; her poor husband!
That's probably premature, but the story I read did say that she seemed to be suffering from "flu-like" symptoms for a few days prior to her death.

Here's a chilling thought: several years ago a player on our University football team had knee surgery (I think it was knee) and was given the heavy duty Tylenol 'scrip for pain. Over the holidays he went to the emergency dept. at UMC with severe flu-like symptoms, for which they gave him -- guess, now -- Tylenol. Very shortly after that visit he died of acetaminophen poisoning. The effects of Tylenol (acetaminophen) poisoning are flu-like symptoms. It seems that they didn't consider this (or didn't ask about meds he may have been taking) in Emergency when they loaded him up with more of the same.

The first headline I saw in this case was that Brittney Murphy had suffered a complete cardiac arrest, which of course occurs in all deaths and is moot with respect to any meaningful information. I hope that one of the tox screens they run will be for acetaminophen. Poor lady; her poor husband!

Are you saying that she may died from Paracetamol poisoning?

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SHE WAS HOTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
She was hot along time ago. She was anorexic recently. You can see it the most recent pics of her. My bet is the autopsy will show the Heart Attack was drug related or related to an eating disorder. Not long ago her hubby was taken to the emergency room acting erratically like he was on something.
She was hot along time ago. She was anorexic recently. You can see it the most recent pics of her. My bet is the autopsy will show the Heart Attack was drug related or related to an eating disorder. Not long ago her hubby was taken to the emergency room acting erratically like he was on something.

Yes, very likely one or a combination of those.
Yes, what you call paracetamol is called acetaminophen on this side of the pond.

We'll have to wait for the toxicology report. Her husband swears that she was not doing anything to harm herself. One article mentions that she had a heart murmur.

Except deflecting personal criticism, I'm not sure what incentive Monjack would have not to be honest about her health at the time. Eating disorders are very common, and I would think at this point if it was the case (and if he were truly aware) then he would have admitted it or the evidence of it will be found.
We'll have to wait for the toxicology report. Her husband swears that she was not doing anything to harm herself. One article mentions that she had a heart murmur.

Except deflecting personal criticism, I'm not sure what incentive Monjack would have not to be honest about her health at the time. Eating disorders are very common, and I would think at this point if it was the case (and if he were truly aware) then he would have admitted it or the evidence of it will be found.

You'd be surprised how many people don't consider OTC drugs such as Tylenol not even to be medications, and fail to include those as considerations. I suspect that this is what happened with the young football player I mentioned earlier. Everyday pain relievers certainly wouldn't be considered harmful, at least not by the public at large.

If she actually had suffered from an eating disorder, she may simply have considered it "watching her weight", one consideration might be the same process that happened to Terry Schiavo, except that she was discovered before she succumbed completely, and continued in a coma whereas Brittney Murphy didn't survive.
You'd be surprised how many people don't consider OTC drugs such as Tylenol not even to be medications, and fail to include those as considerations. I suspect that this is what happened with the young football player I mentioned earlier. Everyday pain relievers certainly wouldn't be considered harmful, at least not by the public at large.

If she actually had suffered from an eating disorder, she may simply have considered it "watching her weight", one consideration might be the same process that happened to Terry Schiavo, except that she was discovered before she succumbed completely, and continued in a coma whereas Brittney Murphy didn't survive.
My speculation is more mundane. She probably had garden variety MI. It happened to a friend of mine and it was horribly tragic. His wife was 31. They were supposed to go out for the evening. She told him she needed to finish her make up and he told her to hurry up. She went up stairs to the bathroom to finish her make up and he sat down and started watching football. 20 minutes later he called up stairs to find out what was taking her so long. When she didn't respond he went upstairs and she was lying on the floor and had all ready turned blue. According to the coroner she must have had a fatal MI shortly after she went upstairs. She was only 31 and had two kids and was a martial arts instructor and was in the prime of health.
My speculation is more mundane. She probably had garden variety MI. It happened to a friend of mine and it was horribly tragic. His wife was 31. They were supposed to go out for the evening. She told him she needed to finish her make up and he told her to hurry up. She went up stairs to the bathroom to finish her make up and he sat down and started watching football. 20 minutes later he called up stairs to find out what was taking her so long. When she didn't respond he went upstairs and she was lying on the floor and had all ready turned blue. According to the coroner she must have had a fatal MI shortly after she went upstairs. She was only 31 and had two kids and was a martial arts instructor and was in the prime of health.

That is so sad! No warnings, whatsoever and gone far too soon. Her poor family. When I first started working a woman in our office had a stroke at 32. She survived, but I don't know any more about it, whether there was residual damage, etc. Probably was, and she was lucky!