Broken Visas?


This is from the new National Intelligence Estimate, the one that has let us know just how great bush's "War On Terror" is coming along. This, which is one of the "key findings" really jumped out at me:

The group will bolster its efforts to position operatives inside U.S. borders. In public statements, U.S. officials have expressed concern about the ease with which people can enter the United States through Europe because of a program that allows most Europeans to enter without visas.

The ease with which people can enter the Us through Europe. And yet, one of the major reasons, always given, for building a fence, or closing our borders, with MEXICO, is "national security". Our security. I have yet to hear one of the people who are so concerned with our Mexican border risking our security, even mention this European program that allows people to come from Europe with no visas. I did not even know about it.

Where are the terrorist attacks taking place? Cancun? No. Europe. And yet, no concern on the part of the "broken borders" crowd about this, while they pound the idea into the American people that it is the Mexican border that poses this danger.

We will just start getting Hugoterrorists coming accross the Mexican border and blowing refineries in TX.
It is definitely one of the things Dobbs talks about as well as Tancredo. But heck, all media focus is on their border comments and usually during interviews with people that call them racists...
This is from the new National Intelligence Estimate, the one that has let us know just how great bush's "War On Terror" is coming along. This, which is one of the "key findings" really jumped out at me:

The group will bolster its efforts to position operatives inside U.S. borders. In public statements, U.S. officials have expressed concern about the ease with which people can enter the United States through Europe because of a program that allows most Europeans to enter without visas.

The ease with which people can enter the Us through Europe. And yet, one of the major reasons, always given, for building a fence, or closing our borders, with MEXICO, is "national security". Our security. I have yet to hear one of the people who are so concerned with our Mexican border risking our security, even mention this European program that allows people to come from Europe with no visas. I did not even know about it.

Where are the terrorist attacks taking place? Cancun? No. Europe. And yet, no concern on the part of the "broken borders" crowd about this, while they pound the idea into the American people that it is the Mexican border that poses this danger.


But Europeans are white, Darla.

Oh wait. Yeah, that's probably the reason.
It is definitely one of the things Dobbs talks about as well as Tancredo. But heck, all media focus is on their border comments and usually during interviews with people that call them racists...

I don't know about Tancredo, but Dobbs I have watched, and many times. never heard about this. So maybe he's mentioned it, but no way is this his big issue. It's all about Mexico with him, so come on.
This is from the new National Intelligence Estimate, the one that has let us know just how great bush's "War On Terror" is coming along. This, which is one of the "key findings" really jumped out at me:

The group will bolster its efforts to position operatives inside U.S. borders. In public statements, U.S. officials have expressed concern about the ease with which people can enter the United States through Europe because of a program that allows most Europeans to enter without visas.

The ease with which people can enter the Us through Europe. And yet, one of the major reasons, always given, for building a fence, or closing our borders, with MEXICO, is "national security". Our security. I have yet to hear one of the people who are so concerned with our Mexican border risking our security, even mention this European program that allows people to come from Europe with no visas. I did not even know about it.

Where are the terrorist attacks taking place? Cancun? No. Europe. And yet, no concern on the part of the "broken borders" crowd about this, while they pound the idea into the American people that it is the Mexican border that poses this danger.


I agree they should tighten up. But we have more jurisdiction over our own border, hence the popularity of the mexican border issue.
I don't know about Tancredo, but Dobbs I have watched, and many times. never heard about this. So maybe he's mentioned it, but no way is this his big issue. It's all about Mexico with him, so come on.
How many larger of numbers come from that southern border?

Both are an issue, but the larger issue is what he speaks most about. He definitely mentions this as well.

Proximity, not race, creates the problem.
How many larger of numbers come from that southern border?

Both are an issue, but the larger issue is what he speaks most about. He definitely mentions this as well.

Proximity, not race, creates the problem.

How many Islamic terrorists are in Mexico, compared to in Europe? You get on a plane, big deal, proximity is not an issue.

Race is an issue in this debate. Why aren't we talking about the Canadian border? Remember the big scare a few years ago when Commrade Ashcroft acting on orders from the Chief, was yelling about the "14 terrorists" who had entered Buffalo? From which border? The Canadian border.
How many Islamic terrorists are in Mexico, compared to in Europe? You get on a plane, big deal, proximity is not an issue.

Race is an issue in this debate. Why aren't we talking about the Canadian border? Remember the big scare a few years ago when Commrade Ashcroft acting on orders from the Chief, was yelling about the "14 terrorists" who had entered Buffalo? From which border? The Canadian border.
I speak constantly about the Canadian border. However closer economic equality makes it so that there are not 20 million illegal Canadians lowering the wages for the working class in the US. This makes it dangerous as well, as we take our attention away from a place that is perceived to not be problematical.

If there were, we most certainly would be talking about the Canadian border. It too would be a proximity issue.

To say that 20 million undocumented people is not a huge problem and that we should only focus on this visa issue (I agree also important) is plain ridiculous. And to say that if we don't plug both holes there is a likelihood of somebody using one of them in an attack isn't "racism".
I speak constantly about the Canadian border. However closer economic equity makes it so that there are not 20 million illegal Canadians lowering the wages for the working class in the US.

If there were, we most certainly would be talking about the Canadian border.

If the issue is, who is coming here in such large numbers that they are depressing wages, then it only makes sense to keep the debate limited to Mexico.

I am clearly talking about when they rant on about "our security". Mexico, is not the problem in that case. And I'd like to know why we aren't doing anything about what is the problem.
If the issue is, who is coming here in such large numbers that they are depressing wages, then it only makes sense to keep the debate limited to Mexico.

I am clearly talking about when they rant on about "our security". Mexico, is not the problem in that case. And I'd like to know why we aren't doing anything about what is the problem.
The Canadian border and the visa issue are both security issues. And we are likely doing nothing because the Congress and the President seem to think that borders and limitations on immigration are a bad idea. It seems that especially the D Congress is in agreement with him on the border, but it appears on this as well.
Could i just point out that, no, we don't have to apply for visas to enter the US. However, we are subject to background checks, as you might expect.

Moreover, on arrival we are photographed and fingerprinted. Not becoming part of one huge American database is one of the major reasons why i prefer to take my money elsewhere when setting off on my annual beer and hookers jaunt.
Could i just point out that, no, we don't have to apply for visas to enter the US. However, we are subject to background checks, as you might expect.

Moreover, on arrival we are photographed and fingerprinted. Not becoming part of one huge American database is one of the major reasons why i prefer to take my money elsewhere when setting off on my annual beer and hookers jaunt.
It seems that the hole isn't quite as gaping as originally presented.
Could i just point out that, no, we don't have to apply for visas to enter the US. However, we are subject to background checks, as you might expect.

Moreover, on arrival we are photographed and fingerprinted. Not becoming part of one huge American database is one of the major reasons why i prefer to take my money elsewhere when setting off on my annual beer and hookers jaunt.

Beer and hookers ? Do you hang out with the Republicans over here ?
It seems that the hole isn't quite as gaping as originally presented.

I didn't "present it". Intelligence officials did. I assume they have their reasons for worrying, but maybe like most others in the R adminstration, they are completely incompetent. I don't know.
I didn't "present it". Intelligence officials did. I assume they have their reasons for worrying, but maybe like most others in the R adminstration, they are completely incompetent. I don't know.
I didn't say you did. It wasn't an accusation, it was an observation. At least we know who these people are, complete with background checks, pictures, and fingerprints.

I'm not quite that kinky, US.

Strictly female, of legal age, no animals, no bondage equipment or peanut butter.

That was too funny...yup kinky is the trademark of the liberal persuasion...then again most if not all Madams and brothel employees are very liberal!:britf: