Brother helping his sister

bros can you just post an american funniest home video that has nothing to do with darla or anything darla says without bringing up darla? O_o
grind is pussy whipped. darla constantly talks about me and tom everyday all over the board. but do you hear grind complaining about that?

I have always been known to not like the vitriol on this site. It's bad on both sides. You'll notice when I am really angry or mean, it's at a general concept, like proles, or takers, hardly ever to I go hard at people. Though I am sure there are a few instances, it's usually an exception. Most people are decent, you just have to chillax. You should be more zen like me.
i don't want to be like grind and have an obsession with darla's ass.

seriously grind, you screwed up in this thread. just admit it and move on.
If anyone is obsessed with darla in this thread it's you two. You guys apparently can't stop talking about her, even in threads about a totally unrelated facebook video. :)