Bruce Springsteen deuced on .02 DUI

I can't believe he was brought in blowing .02. That's like a single beer. They should dismiss before even arraigning him. Maybe they liked
the boss and drove him around for a while to oxidize the shot.

That's what I was wondering too -- isn't 0.02 a beer, or a half a glass of wine? That shouldn't make a regular person flunk a sobriety test. Maybe he has other health issues. Or drugs.
In NJ DUI can be subjective based on officers observations. Failing field sobriety tests such as walking 45 steps when asked to walk 17, swaying etc he can be considered operating while under the influence.

you can get a dui in NJ if you take too much benadryl and ride a bicycle. the fact he blew .02 at the station (road side breathalyzers are inadmissible in NJ courts), and his abysmal failure to pass the field sobriety checks this officer had his best interests and public saftery in mind.

And the stupid argument that he's old so the field sobriety tests may be to tough for him begs the question then, why the fuck if he's that uncoordinated is he riding a motorcycle?
I thought it odd too, but he didn't pass the field sobriety test. Not sure how that will play in court but expect "charges dismissed" since he cooperated and was under the limit.

Let's not forget that asking 70+ year olds to do a field sobriety test isn't always a good indicator of their sobriety. :)

Yes I don't think I can say the alphabet backwards sober, much less after a couple drinks. But usually arguing about the fairness of the test doesn't help you
That's what I was wondering too -- isn't 0.02 a beer, or a half a glass of wine? That shouldn't make a regular person flunk a sobriety test. Maybe he has other health issues. Or drugs.

I once worked at a prosecutorial agency that had misdemeanor jurisdiction, and there are things that can affect the results. You can have booze in your gut that
isn't in your blood yet, or a lot of time passes until they process you, and it can rise or fall depending from what your BAC was at the contact.
So did Dylan, sometimes it’s about the music and the lyrics.

And after a while you realize that you somehow like the voice when you didn't used to like it. LOL
Hell Jimi Hendrix had a worse voice than 8 of 10 drunks you could gather at any karaoke bar!
Jimi's voice isn't good, it's "Essential"
Yes I don't think I can say the alphabet backwards sober, much less after a couple drinks. But usually arguing about the fairness of the test doesn't help you

Agreed. Best to cooperate and let the fucking lawyers handle it. ;)

I presume they did a blood test which would scientifically determine his BAC and/or medications over time.
And after a while you realize that you somehow like the voice when you didn't used to like it. LOL
Hell Jimi Hendrix had a worse voice than 8 of 10 drunks you could gather at any karaoke bar!
Jimi's voice isn't good, it's "Essential"

I think his quirky singing style also gave the impression that he was a worse singer than he actually was. Obviously, his legendary guitar skills are fun to listen to, at least.
Yes there is.

They can ask you, but its mostly myth and lore that they do. It cannot be used as evidence against you. As the first thing a defense attorney will do is ask the officer on stand to do it, then ask the jury to try to do it as well.

The only tests that are scientifically valid and supported by the nhtsb are:

Horizontal gaze nystagmus test
The walk-and-turn test
One leg stand test
They can ask you, but its mostly myth and lore that they do. It cannot be used as evidence against you. As the first thing a defense attorney will do is ask the officer on stand to do it, then ask the jury to try to do it as well.

The only tests that are scientifically valid and supported by the nhtsb are:

Horizontal gaze nystagmus test
The walk-and-turn test
One leg stand test

I was asked to do it.