Bruising: IV

honestly i feel like every other week there is something wrong with me and being a complete hypochondriac I always think it's something that is going to kill me. A couple of weeks ago my arm was numb all the time and tingling... i figured it was just being on the computer too much lol. It went away. Before that my thigh had a stabbing pain for like 2 weeks, then it went away. My body is fucking retarded.

my new rule is... wait 2 weeks before worrying.

Was it your left arm going numb?
If so probably a heart attack coming your way!
I had that very thing on a Thursday,the following Tuesday was in the ER with a minor(?) Heart Attack,Wednesday had a stent put in the Widow Maker artery!
Is it normal to have 1-2 inch bruising around where I had an IV on Monday? Google didn't help and I hate hospitals and don't want to go back.

If it is normal, I'm chill. If not, I'm going to cut my arm off. Or go back to the hospital.

Another drug overdose, stoner?
Was it your left arm going numb?
If so probably a heart attack coming your way!
I had that very thing on a Thursday,the following Tuesday was in the ER with a minor(?) Heart Attack,Wednesday had a stent put in the Widow Maker artery!

nope it was my right arm. I think it was carpel tunnel or something. It was really weird. If I stretched out my arm my whole arm would get tingly. and it would hurt sometimes.
This is my first time ever bruising. And it is exactly where they put every IV needle. I've given blood, had IV's for surgery, but never this bruising.

I am not making a joke, I really do hate going to hospitals and was hoping to find an answer on the internet.


It's possible he/she nicked the other side of the vein with the needle. If you start noticing swelling, warmth, redness, or increased pain have it looked at.