Buddhist congresswoman sworn in with no book, calls for tolerance


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Rep. Mazie Hirono, a Hawaii Democrat who was raised in the Buddhist tradition but doesn't actively practice the religion, said, "I don't have a book. ... But I certainly believe in the precepts of Buddhism and that of tolerance of other religions and integrity and honesty.What happened to separation of church and state and religious tolerance? "

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She too knows that when they take their oath there is not a book under the left hand of any person in that room...

I'm sick of this inane overplay on a non-issue.
She too knows that when they take their oath there is not a book under the left hand of any person in that room...

I'm sick of this inane overplay on a non-issue.

complain to the rightwing kooks who made this an issue.

It was liberal bloggers and posters who first pointed out that the formal oath, is secular in nature.

Right... If you notice, not even one rightwinger made a post about this... Methinks that you take the weight of some unknown radio guy and the word of a Congressman too heavily for any health...

This whole, "OMGZ!!! It's the rightwingers that brought it up!!!11!!! And you are all paranoid!!11!!!!1 "

Is total rubbish and if you were being honest with yourself you pretend that the rightwing is actually up in arms about it so you can have some subject to "beat" them with. This is inane overplay, beyond any logical and valued viewpoint. Name one real leader, large player in the R party that has been upset about it.
Damocles: Right... If you notice, not even one rightwinger made a post about this

Your friends did:

-GAFFER: “He's a muslem so I don't trust him. And I'm not an islamophobe I'm an islamobigot.”

-BattleBorne: “Taking the oath of office or swearing to tell the truth in a court of law... using the bible... has always been and always will be the policy in the US...Taking aside whether or not one is a believer or not is irrelevant...This has been designated as due course in process…So if this Muslim elect congressman wants to swear on the Quran may I suggest he take up residence in the ME....If that makes me anti-Islamofacist and biggoted so be it!”

Besides, there’s hardly any “rightwingers” on this board, besides Gaffer, Battleborne, and Evil and Dixie.

Damocles: This whole, "OMGZ!!! It's the rightwingers that brought it up!!!11!!! And you are all paranoid!!11!!!!1 "

Is total rubbish and if you were being honest with yourself you pretend that the rightwing is actually up in arms about it so you can have some subject to "beat" them with

See above examples.

Then go to google, and type “keith ellison” and “Koran”, and check out how the wingnut nut-o-sphere went ballistic: free republic, townhall, RCP, etc

Your friends did:

-GAFFER: “He's a muslem so I don't trust him. And I'm not an islamophobe I'm an islamobigot.”

-BattleBorne: “Taking the oath of office or swearing to tell the truth in a court of law... using the bible... has always been and always will be the policy in the US...Taking aside whether or not one is a believer or not is irrelevant...This has been designated as due course in process…So if this Muslim elect congressman wants to swear on the Quran may I suggest he take up residence in the ME....If that makes me anti-Islamofacist and biggoted so be it!”

Besides, there’s hardly any “rightwingers” on this board, besides Gaffer, Battleborne, and Evil and Dixie.

See above examples.

Then go to google, and type “keith ellison” and “Koran”, and check out how the wingnut nut-o-sphere went ballistic: free republic, townhall, RCP, etc

They did not start the thread, they just put in their penny's worth. You are being deliberately disingenuous again. I say, "Notice no right-winger has started a thread on this.."

You say, "Yeah they posted on it!"

I point out, "They didn't start the thread did they?"

Keep on starting them, and I'll keep pointing out that nobody took the official oath on any items at all unless they had their hand in their pockets while doing it...
Oh, now your argument its “they didn’t start the thread”? Moving the goals posts, instead of admitting you were wrong Damo?

-DAMOCLES, Post #5: “Right... If you notice, not even one rightwinger made a post about this…”

-DAMOCLES, Post #8: “They did not start the thread, they just put in their penny's worth. You are being deliberately disingenuous again”
Oh, and now Dixie's defending Virgil Goode's statements, on a thread with Maineman.

So, that's another rightwinger defending Virgil Goode.
Oh, now your argument its “they didn’t start the thread”? Moving the goals posts, instead of admitting you were wrong Damo?

-DAMOCLES, Post #5: “Right... If you notice, not even one rightwinger made a post about this…”

-DAMOCLES, Post #8: “They did not start the thread, they just put in their penny's worth. You are being deliberately disingenuous again”
I was talking about that thread... I guess I should have added, "In this thread..." At least I'll admit when I made an error of words.

This is inane. BB and Gaffer say something so the entire right-wing feels this way? Foolish.

And not one of them started a thread on the subject. Acting as if there is some huge-ass right-wing upset over this is inane. A few side-liners say something and you pretend like it is all right-wingers? It is disingenuous. Clearly, precisely, foolishly, untainted disingenuous left-wing pretense.
Each time another thread is started by some left-winger, or even a right-winger I will clearly and precisely point out the fact that not one Congressman made the official oath on any object whatsoever unless their left hand happened to be in their pocket.

I'll continue to post the truth of the subject regardless of the supposed "right-wing objection". I'll even point out that Hannity even pointed out the same thing. Nobody real, nobody large, nobody with true power, and lastly nobody that is anybody, except people, seem to be left-wingers, who want to progress some left-wing idealist stereotype of right-wingers even mentions it except in passing.

You can continue to get upset over some radio guy and this Jewish Congressman being upset about what book a picture is taken with...

I'll just point out that every time somebody says they took an oath on a book that they are perpetuating an outright lie.
The point is, most of this board's republican rightwingers, are saying this muslim congressmen can't be trusted, or are defending Virgil Goode.

Outside of Battleborne, Dixie, and Gaffer, I don't think there are many other rightwingers on this board. And we can safely assume what toby thinks of this. Klaatu and Immanuel certainly aren't "rightwingers". You're a libertarian. Not a republican rightwinger.

So why are you acting suprised that this is still being debated? Most Republican rightwingers on this board are still defending virgil goode, and being islamo-bigots.
I'm not "defending" anybody. I have clearly given them information that is directly in odds to their belief that somehow this guy took his oath on a Koran. And once again, I am definitely right of center and clearly have a different view. Giving some unknown and unpowerful Congressman and some guy on the radio too much power is a tool for your side to attempt to make some right-winger stereotype that doesn't really exist.

Even Hannity made it clear that the oath isn't taken on any books...
It is silly to equate Gaffer and BB to all "right-wingers" they are two people with an opinion, to be sure, but they are clearly not all "right-wingers"... That's a myth you perpetuate to magically attempt to turn disingenuous repitition to truth. It isn't true, not even "most" right-wingers are making an issue of this.
She too knows that when they take their oath there is not a book under the left hand of any person in that room...

I'm sick of this inane overplay on a non-issue.
Is it a non-issue? It almost certainly should be, but I submit the very fact that so many people care about it is itself a legitimate cause for concern.
It is silly to equate Gaffer and BB to all "right-wingers" they are two people with an opinion, to be sure, but they are clearly not all "right-wingers"... That's a myth you perpetuate to magically attempt to turn disingenuous repitition to truth. It isn't true, not even "most" right-wingers are making an issue of this.
But there is a group of right-wingers who are. Frankly, it's a large enough group that it shouldn't be ignored.
Is it a non-issue? It almost certainly should be, but I submit the very fact that so many people care about it is itself a legitimate cause for concern.
It seems to me that more people care about a fringe who care than who actually think this is an issue...
Each time another thread is started by some left-winger, or even a right-winger I will clearly and precisely point out the fact that not one Congressman made the official oath on any object whatsoever unless their left hand happened to be in their pocket.

I'll continue to post the truth of the subject regardless of the supposed "right-wing objection". I'll even point out that Hannity even pointed out the same thing. Nobody real, nobody large, nobody with true power, and lastly nobody that is anybody, except people, seem to be left-wingers, who want to progress some left-wing idealist stereotype of right-wingers even mentions it except in passing.

You can continue to get upset over some radio guy and this Jewish Congressman being upset about what book a picture is taken with...

I'll just point out that every time somebody says they took an oath on a book that they are perpetuating an outright lie.

The second swearing in with the book, or lucky charm or whatever, happens for photo opts. This is what I find so amusing!