Build a Moat not a wall

Solution to what?. The immigration from Mexico is at a very low rate. However you can fix it by going after companies that hire them. They can't run. they are stationary. If employment stops, the immigration ends. Companies are hiring immigrants to get cheaper labor that they can cheat. Fine them or put them out of business.

And when they don't leave and use the anchor children to live on welfare?
$$$$. You know, those things that we could better use for infrastructure, education, R&D, veterans' issues, etc.

The money being used for social welfare given to those that won't do for themselves could be used for better purposes. Giving someone something they didn't earn and funding it by those that already provide for themselves is a waste of money. $22 trillion over 50 years that could have gone for far better things that enabling freeloaders to be freeloaders.
Typical righty, working with zero knowledge base. Just look ate the presidents and you will see what party creates huge debts. It is the reds. You guys never do a lick of research.

Almost $10 trillion added under Obama. That means the black guy did in 8 years what took 43 white guys over 200 years to do. In this case what he did quicker wasn't a good thing.
Because it is an idiotic expenditure that has 0 chance of being effective in the long term. You want to end illegal immigration? If you are serious about then make it a felony to hire anyone in the country illegally regardless of how "they fooled you." Make it a mandatory 10 year prison term and forfeiture of all assets connected with the business that the illegal immigrants worked in. Also make it a mandatory $100,000 per incident in addition to 10 years in prison. Pierce the corporate veil and make all corporate officers involved in hiring and paying illegal immigrants liable for prosecution. You will see illegal immigration end in 30 days.

Fucking puss boy isn't interested in stopping illegal immigration. He hires too many of them. He is interested in providing a simple talking point to simpletons yell.

Fucking idiots

You're not interested in ending it. More potential votes for the left and constantly blaming anyone but the illegal that is here without permission.
A) Border Crossings are at a 50 year LOW
B) More Border Crossing happen at the Check-Point
C) Criminals are smarter than Border Walls
D) History proves Walls are a waste of time and money

D) Yet the black former President and the cunt the couldn't win built them around their residences.
D) Yet the black former President and the cunt the couldn't win built them around their residences.

Based on the NAS data, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes, excluding any costs for their U.S.-born children. If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall.
While it is a bit of a twist to his campaign promise that Mexico will pay for the wall, why not go all the way and have Mexicans guard the border? I hear they work cheap and that way Trump can kinda make good on his promise. What thinks thou. All those cheering Donnie fans just need to change 'pay' to 'guard' and Donald can golf knowing one more empty promise kept.

Now Trump snowflakes follow along: 'who's gonna guard that wall?' Mexicans! Sound good Donnie fans?

“To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.” Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny