Burn Baby Burn


Junior Member
A woman kills her baby and is mad because the hospital burns aborted babies??? I'm sorry.. not babies, just some cell clumps that looks sort of human.

>>Hospital admits to burning aborted babies in waste incinerator

>>One of the country's leading hospitals is throwing aborted babies into the same incinerator used for rubbish to save only £18.50 each time, it has emerged

>>One local woman, who asked not to be named, said after the heartache of deciding to have an abortion she was mortified to find the hospital had used the same furnace they burn rubbish in to incinerate her terminated baby.

She said: "I am furious and very hurt. Imagine my horror when I discovered that my baby was incinerated in the same furnace as the hospital rubbish."

How could it possibly be a baby? I thought that the pro-killing people all said it is just a "fetus" and some even tell me that it is a "parasite".
The hospital policy is different for miscarriges and abortions. Miscarries get the normal treatment for humans. abortions go to the trash pile. Sounds about right to me.
I don't really see what the fuss is about. If you have an amputation or a biopsy taken, is that supposed to be popped in a box and given a funeral service as well?

No wonder church leaders are up in arms, they're losing out on a bit of extra cash.
This is akin to people's attitudes to their own bodies once they are dead.

Once you are dead, you are dead. What does it matter if you're buried in a cardboard box, or thrown into a furnace to generate electricity.... You are already dead.....
This is akin to people's attitudes to their own bodies once they are dead.

Once you are dead, you are dead. What does it matter if you're buried in a cardboard box, or thrown into a furnace to generate electricity.... You are already dead.....
I agree. I've always said I'd rather just have my body kicked over a cliff and left for the buzzards than a huge funeral.... A waste of money.
My question is, though, if the lady thinks of it as a baby how can she possibly conceive of a good enough reason to kill it to begin with?
Hey is it possable to use a body to generate eletricity? If so that is what Id like done with mine... Make it usefull to someone once its no longer usefull to me.

Clearly thats what God intended because if you leave a body along it will decompose in a very grose way and become fertalizer for the spot you died in!
My question is, though, if the lady thinks of it as a baby how can she possibly conceive of a good enough reason to kill it to begin with?

There is that contradiction in her actions. But then, if she had a leg amputated, she'd probably be pissed off that it was burned with the rest of the trash, even though it would be little more than a piece of meat...

Sensitive types eh......
I agree. I've always said I'd rather just have my body kicked over a cliff and left for the buzzards than a huge funeral.... A waste of money.

I agree. I'd quite like to be a cadaver.....
Hey is it possable to use a body to generate eletricity? If so that is what Id like done with mine... Make it usefull to someone once its no longer usefull to me.

You can burn anything carbon based to power a generator....
I kinda think it would be nice to be planted with an apple seed... Then as I decompose I could feed the tree. Years later people could come eat the apple and say, "Gee, Alex tastes great this year."
I have told my friends I want to be creamated and have my ashes spread on the city water resivoir, so everyone has to eat my sh%$.
Maybe ashes sprinked in a sand box they will never play in. On a playground they will never see. Or just dumped with the rest of the garbage at the landfill.