Burn Baby Burn

Sorry couldn't resist. Me, I am having a huge funeral, an extremely expensive casket, a long line of black limos. Women and children and grown men weeping over my cold dead body. Thousands in morning. How sad, the immense loss to human develpment!
really ? Hmm, does not really matter to me. Funerals, burial, etc are for the living that are left. Just put me in a hefty trashbag and put me on the curb for collection day...

The last place I would want my body is in some hermedically sealed box burried under a marker saying I once lived. It just seems like a desperate attempt at immortality. What happens 100 years later when everyone who once knew you is dead?
The last place I would want my body is in some hermedically sealed box burried under a marker saying I once lived. It just seems like a desperate attempt at immortality. What happens 100 years later when everyone who once knew you is dead?
Well, some ancestor comes along and makes a etching of your tombstone during a research on their ancestry....
Well, some ancestor comes along and makes a etching of your tombstone during a research on their ancestry....

Okay with me.. but really what happens to old cemitaries... who keeps them up once they are full of people who have been dead over 100 years?

I once visited my great grandparents grave cite, only because my grandparents were buried next to them... They died in the 1920's. I am sure noone visits the cite anymore... so whats the reason, and when will it end..?
libs always make everything about them. Like this thread, it is all about what they want to happen to thier remains. alway I, I, I, with libs. I want this, I want that.....
Most libs seem to want to be thrown out with the trash. that is fine with me, that is where they belong.
Sorry couldn't resist. Me, I am having a huge funeral, an extremely expensive casket, a long line of black limos. Women and children and grown men weeping over my cold dead body. Thousands in morning. How sad, the immense loss to human develpment!

Thousands in the morning? How many in the afternoon?