Burning down Houses that fly the Confederate Flag is legal

This is not, by any measure, a current event.

I’m certain that the super moderator will move this non-current thread to another section of JPP.

When donkeys fly.
Oh, look, this thread which is not a current event has not been moved by the super moderator.
And shooting Yankees is just a historical reenactment also. What a putz you are! There is no confederacy any longer so there is no confederate flag to fly.

LOL. Only the ones that invade my yard and try to burn down my house.
Oh, look, this thread which is not a current event has not been moved by the super moderator.

Did you report it or do you just like to sit and bitch.....like a bitch? Note that it was only posted less than 70 minutes ago.
Arson is a crime of willfully and maliciously setting fire to or charring property.
Though the act typically involves buildings, the term arson can also refer to the
intentional burning of other things, such as motor vehicles, watercraft, or forests.

Pyromania is an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist
impulses to deliberately start fires, in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification.

Arson is a crime of willfully and maliciously setting fire to or charring property.
Though the act typically involves buildings, the term arson can also refer to the
intentional burning of other things, such as motor vehicles, watercraft, or forests.

Pyromania is an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist
impulses to deliberately start fires, in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification.


Yankees are well known to be arsonists and pyromaniacs.
And shooting Yankees is just a historical reenactment also. What a putz you are! There is no confederacy any longer so there is no confederate flag to fly.

Then why do people fly the flag? It just seems ridiculous when they claim heritage. My heritage flew the swastika on high and the ones still waving that around are Nazi sympathizers. Ever considering that a heritage to flaunt is a smackable offense. Just the same, from the way many act they wave the stars and bars because they are Confederate sympathizers. Unless one is a sympathizer you'd think it would carry that same weight of offense. It's no rebel flag against tyranny or oppression it's a symbol separatism and extremism. If it's just to be a remembrance of heritage it can't just take the same form of the original symbol. The original symbol is one of oppression, division, and depravity to many. Why can't it be a reformed or footnote version of itself?
Take a hike, cabron.

Translation: You are correct, Dutch, I be a bitch.

LOL Now worries, cabron. Everyone already know it....even your "friends". They just won't tell you to your face.

Note that the thread is now in "Off Topic". No doubt you'll find something else to whine and bitch about even if it's just little ol' me. :)
Then why do people fly the flag? It just seems ridiculous when they claim heritage. My heritage flew the swastika on high and the ones still waving that around are Nazi sympathizers. Ever considering that a heritage to flaunt is a smackable offense. Just the same, from the way many act they wave the stars and bars because they are Confederate sympathizers. Unless one is a sympathizer you'd think it would carry that same weight of offense. It's no rebel flag against tyranny or oppression it's a symbol separatism and extremism. If it's just to be a remembrance of heritage it can't just take the same form of the original symbol. The original symbol is one of oppression, division, and depravity to many. Why can't it be a reformed or footnote version of itself?

Nazis were Germans, not Americans. Confederates were Americans. Despite being an abomination in the eyes of many Christians, slavery was written into both the Bible and the Constitution.

I do not support racism, slavery or any other group that divides Americans into anything less than an American citizen with equal Constitutional rights. OTOH, I also do not support an authoritarian government using Federal troops to invade another state. If you do, then you should be supporting Trump's invasion of Portland. It's no different than what Lincoln did.

I support States Rights with a smaller Federal government.

And shooting Yankees is just a historical reenactment also. What a putz you are! There is no confederacy any longer so there is no confederate flag to fly.

Lots of Confederate flags flying up North here, EE. Most are by pissed off NASCAR fans. The rest, just to piss off those who are "offended."
Then why do people fly the flag? It just seems ridiculous when they claim heritage. My heritage flew the swastika on high and the ones still waving that around are Nazi sympathizers. Ever considering that a heritage to flaunt is a smackable offense. Just the same, from the way many act they wave the stars and bars because they are Confederate sympathizers. Unless one is a sympathizer you'd think it would carry that same weight of offense. It's no rebel flag against tyranny or oppression it's a symbol separatism and extremism. If it's just to be a remembrance of heritage it can't just take the same form of the original symbol. The original symbol is one of oppression, division, and depravity to many. Why can't it be a reformed or footnote version of itself?

What everyone is doing is using todays morals to judge history. Slavery was the norm worldwide in the 1700s and 1800s. Does that make it acceptable? Of course not. The difference between Nazism and slavery is one was a worldwide accepted practice where as the other was created by a mad man.