Burning down Houses that fly the Confederate Flag is legal

What kind of "personality" would that be?;)

I'm trying to figure that out. Is there any doubt that Katzgar is a political extremist? Overly emotional? Perhaps slightly delusional? Do you agree that he/she attacks anyone who disagrees with him/her instead of factually discussing the controversial issues?
Nazis were Germans, not Americans. Confederates were Americans. Despite being an abomination in the eyes of many Christians, slavery was written into both the Bible and the Constitution.

I do not support racism, slavery or any other group that divides Americans into anything less than an American citizen with equal Constitutional rights. OTOH, I also do not support an authoritarian government using Federal troops to invade another state. If you do, then you should be supporting Trump's invasion of Portland. It's no different than what Lincoln did.

I support States Rights with a smaller Federal government.


You missed my point entirely about symbols of oppression being a smackable offense to the originators of it. It is not heritage, heritage defines you. The stars and bars are the same as when it was a symbol of oppression. To be remembered as heritage it needs to be in Memorium in a form that makes it a footnote and not glorification of the exact symbol that oppressed so many. Germany rid itself of Nazi ideology and symbols and any country that had a group that oppressed their own country's citizens needs to do the same to be able to heal. You can still fly whatever you want yourself but the issue is certain symbols are not proper for public society as a whole.

The Bible does mention slavery plenty and it also condemns it. All you need to do is read about the Pharisees and the plaques of Egypt to know the stance on slavery.
You missed my point entirely about symbols of oppression being a smackable offense to the originators of it. It is not heritage, heritage defines you. The stars and bars are the same as when it was a symbol of oppression. To be remembered as heritage it needs to be in Memorium in a form that makes it a footnote and not glorification of the exact symbol that oppressed so many. Germany rid itself of Nazi ideology and symbols and any country that had a group that oppressed their own country's citizens needs to do the same to be able to heal. You can still fly whatever you want yourself but the issue is certain symbols are not proper for public society as a whole.

The Bible does mention slavery plenty and it also condemns it. All you need to do is read about the Pharisees and the plaques of Egypt to know the stance on slavery.
Obviously I didn't miss the point. IMO, you did. Your advocation of violence against American citizens is typical of extremists, but I continue to support both the rights of American citizens and States Rights versus an authoritarian government.

You are, by your own words, supporting this:

Federal Agents in Unmarked Minivans Detain Protestors in Portland

Federal law enforcement officers, dressed in camouflage and driving in unmarked vehicles, have been detaining protestors in Portland, Ore., according to local reports and videos shared online. Demonstrations have been ongoing in Portland since the police killing of George Floyd in late May.

Federal agents have detained and forced individuals into unmarked vans in recent days, two demonstrators in Portland told Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) on Thursday. Mark Pettibone, a demonstrator detained on Wednesday, told OPB he was taken to a federal courthouse and later released, but that he was not given any official notice of the arrest.

“I [was] basically tossed into the van,” he said.

Officers from federal agencies have been present in Portland since at least July 2, according to the Department of Homeland Security, which has sent units to the city. Law enforcement has also been deployed by the U.S. Marshals Service and other agencies. Per OPB, federal officers in unmarked vehicles have detained protestors since July 14.
What everyone is doing is using todays morals to judge history. Slavery was the norm worldwide in the 1700s and 1800s. Does that make it acceptable? Of course not. The difference between Nazism and slavery is one was a worldwide accepted practice where as the other was created by a mad man.

It wasn't really accepted worldwide, definitely not at that time. I don't understand why the flag isn't just a footnote. I never really had an issue with the tiny one embedded in a state flag design. Maybe if the statues gave a story to the lessons of what happened in history rather than just a glorification there wouldn't be an issue.
Lots of Confederate flags flying up North here, EE. Most are by pissed off NASCAR fans. The rest, just to piss off those who are "offended."
People are so easily, unnecessarily offended....by lack of signs, "wrong signs", blue lights, etc.:laugh:
I'm trying to figure that out. Is there any doubt that Katzgar is a political extremist? Overly emotional? Perhaps slightly delusional? Do you agree that he/she attacks anyone who disagrees with him/her instead of factually discussing the controversial issues?
Those might be better questions to ask her supporters here....
Those might be better questions to ask her supporters here....

Why? If you are so concerned, why don't you do it? IMO, she and you along with several others on this forum provide a target rich environment for nutjobs political extremists. :D

Why? If you are so concerned, why don't you do it? IMO, she and you along with several others on this forum provide a target rich environment for nutjobs political extremists. :D

I'm not "so concerned";)
And I'm so not a political extremist... Too funny....:laugh:
It wasn't really accepted worldwide, definitely not at that time. I don't understand why the flag isn't just a footnote. I never really had an issue with the tiny one embedded in a state flag design. Maybe if the statues gave a story to the lessons of what happened in history rather than just a glorification there wouldn't be an issue.

Then explain changing school names. No "glorification" there, is there?
I'm not "so concerned";)
And I'm so not a political extremist... Too funny....:laugh:

Disagreed on both points. When a person puts party before country and emotion before logic, IMO, they are political extremists. You, ma'm, fit that definition.
There is no Rhodesia anymore, but, if you fly the likeness of the flag, it's a Rhodesian flag.

No it's not it is just a flag as it no longer represents anything as the nation it once represented no longer exists. But nice try.

Ok I'll play. There still is piracy on the open seas but they no longer fly the Jolly Rodger. Does that mean if I fly the Jolly Rodger does that mean I support piracy? Thus if one flies the stars and bars are you saying they support slavery? No matter how hard the left tries they will never erase the stigma of slavery.
No it's not it is just a flag as it no longer represents anything as the nation it once represented no longer exists. But nice try.

Ok I'll play. There still is piracy on the open seas but they no longer fly the Jolly Rodger. Does that mean if I fly the Jolly Rodger does that mean I support piracy? Thus if one flies the stars and bars are you saying they support slavery? No matter how hard the left tries they will never erase the stigma of slavery.

They fly the "Jolly Roger" every time the Pirates win (which ain't that often :mad:).
No it's not it is just a flag as it no longer represents anything as the nation it once represented no longer exists. But nice try.

Ok I'll play. There still is piracy on the open seas but they no longer fly the Jolly Rodger. Does that mean if I fly the Jolly Rodger does that mean I support piracy? Thus if one flies the stars and bars are you saying they support slavery? No matter how hard the left tries they will never erase the stigma of slavery.

Yes. If you fly the Stars and Bars, the Stainless Banner (or its Canton) or the Blood-Stained Banner (or its canton), then you support slavery. As CSA VP Alexander Stevens pointed out, slavery was the cornerstone of the CSA, and those flags represent the CSA.
Yes. If you fly the Stars and Bars, the Stainless Banner (or its Canton) or the Blood-Stained Banner (or its canton), then you support slavery. As CSA VP Alexander Stevens pointed out, slavery was the cornerstone of the CSA, and those flags represent the CSA.

Utter horse shit, the CSA no longer exists and hasn't for 150 years and slavery has been illegal for 150 years! Flying the CSA battle flag today has absolutely nothing to do with slavery. At it's worst it is a display of racism but to many it is just a southern symbol and means nothing. Anyone that allows something as trivial as flying the rebel flag bother them is a thin skinned idiot.
Utter horse shit, the CSA no longer exists and hasn't for 150 years and slavery has been illegal for 150 years! Flying the CSA battle flag today has absolutely nothing to do with slavery. At it's worst it is a display of racism but to many it is just a southern symbol and means nothing. Anyone that allows something as trivial as flying the rebel flag bother them is a thin skinned idiot.

It's not bothersome; it is unpatriotic. I question it the same as I do people protesting the national anthem at sporting events.
It's not bothersome; it is unpatriotic. I question it the same as I do people protesting the national anthem at sporting events.

Then you don't support the constitution of the United States. I won't say why as I want to see if you are smart enough to figure it out!