Bush approval LOWEST EVER!

And that's at Rasmussen, who has always had him higher than most national polls. CBS/time has had him coming in at the low 20's for weeks now, if not months.
His numbers "plummet" when Illegal Immigration hits the news cycles. No wonder he is so desperate to get this done so quickly.
I deleted 3 posts.


I counted to ten.

I still feel like I might blow. I probably should take a couple of minutes.

It's always great to have a bush loving poodle humping your leg in the morning.
You get that upset when somebody asks for a link?

No. I get upset when someone who is "not a bush supporter" bush supporter spends the morning hopping from thread to thread, trying to "nail me" on something that I may or may not have been wrong about, because of a couple of lousy points, as if those points would change anything if they existed.

I get upset when a "not a bush supporter" bush supporter who doesn't really give one rat's ass about this war one way or the other, who never shed a tear over it, who never took to the streets over it, who never will waste one minute of their goddamned time to do anything about one way or the other, other than scoring points on a message board, dismisses the whole point of what I was talking about, in order to hone in on something that is fucking meaningless anyway.

Basically, I am just in no mood for bush loving war supporters, in any shape or form.
Yeah it does suck having balless wussy demoncrats doesn't it....

Is there no Superman (or woman) to save us ?
Are we just going to have to suffer in the mess we made ?
I mean, he is 31% in the latest USA poll, so maybe I was off by 3 points, what difference does it make to what happened yesterday? Is it necessary to question me on two different threads about three freaking points? Does it look like I am worried about this approval rating, or does it look like I am worried about the war? You know, i actually spend my time on that. It actually has a meaning to me.

Are we supposed to all piss our pants with glee, or fear, that Bush has managed to score a 31? OH did you hear? Bush cracked 30! Wow.
Yeah it does suck having balless wussy demoncrats doesn't it....

Is there no Superman (or woman) to save us ?
Are we just going to have to suffer in the mess we made ?

Today, I feel that I will not vote for any of them. I'm in such a bad mood today, that I feel like taking back my acceptance of Edwards' "Oh pardon moi I f'd up" and forget about Hillary.

The only thing I hold onto is that I believe Gore is running and that he is going to announce in October. And I believe that in 2000, when he first won, he wasn't the man and wouldn't have been the President he is and could be today. He was DLC, and though he would have made a better President than Bu$h, he wouldn't have changed history or even been particularly great. I think he would have been very ok. But then that happened, and he survived it but was changd by it, and he became something else. So, is that destiny? Maybe I am a fool for believing that such a thing as destiny could exist, but it's the only thing I have to hold onto, surrounded as I am by these fools.
I mean, he is 31% in the latest USA poll, so maybe I was off by 3 points, what difference does it make to what happened yesterday? Is it necessary to question me on two different threads about three freaking points? Does it look like I am worried about this approval rating, or does it look like I am worried about the war? You know, i actually spend my time on that. It actually has a meaning to me.

Are we supposed to all piss our pants with glee, or fear, that Bush has managed to score a 31? OH did you hear? Bush cracked 30! Wow.
I find it incredibly depressing that somewhere between 28% and 38% of the American people are so stupid as to be clinically braindead. They should all wear "If He's Good Enough For Terri, He's Good Enough For Me!" buttons, just so we can all cross the street when we see one coming.
Darla, I predict it will come down to voting to die from Cancer or AIDS in NOV...sigh...
Still no one to vote for just against...
I find it incredibly depressing that somewhere between 28% and 38% of the American people are so stupid as to be clinically braindead. They should all wear "If He's Good Enough For Terri, He's Good Enough For Me!" buttons, just so we can all cross the street when we see one coming.

LOL I love the visual on that.
"And that's at Rasmussen, who has always had him higher than most national polls. CBS/time has had him coming in at the low 20's for weeks now, if not months."

Hmmm... I was responding directly to the above. All I said was that I had not seen them.... and that I wanted to if available. I also said on the other thread that I agreed that it wasn't a big difference whether in the 20's or 30's...

But you were busting on Damo for saying it was in the mid 30's, thus I pointed out that he was correct.

I am sorry if this gets you so worked up... that was not my intent.

As for my support/non support of Bush. I have said time and again that he has FUBAR'ed the Iraq war. There is no question about that. But I suppose if someone doesn't run around chanting "bush is evil" "bush is evil" that I must therefore support him.... grow up.
I thought the same thing when I saw the post about his support being in the 20s because I remember clearly always saying. "At least a third of the country is retarded."

Super likes to be argumentative. I think that its a good thing. Frankly this site has a little too much agreement at this point. Super is the most conservative poster here since Asshat doesn't count so he's going to be argumentative with everyone.
I thought the same thing when I saw the post about his support being in the 20s because I remember clearly always saying. "At least a third of the country is retarded."

Super likes to be argumentative. I think that its a good thing. Frankly this site has a little too much agreement at this point. Super is the most conservative poster here since Asshat doesn't count so he's going to be argumentative with everyone.

Asshat can't really be labeled a Conservative. Not that I wouldnt love to give him to you guys, and believe me, we're not taking credit for him. I don't know what he is.