Bush approval LOWEST EVER!

"Super likes to be argumentative. I think that its a good thing. Frankly this site has a little too much agreement at this point. Super is the most conservative poster here since Asshat doesn't count so he's going to be argumentative with everyone."

Who me??? :cool:
When it comes to economics... I like Ike!!!.... without question I am very conservative economically. On social issues, I swing in a very wide arc... just depends on the topic.

Darla... the only poll I have seen with Bush anywhere in the 20's was the Newsweek. The last CBS/NY Times poll was almost a month ago (which means they should be due for a new one any day now) and it was at 32%.

Do you have a link to their approval numbers that show him in the 20's? I would be interested in seeing them. thanks.

Here SF, some good news for you. The new CBS/NY Times Poll came out today, and you were right, Bush didn't get into the 20's. He's up two points from the 28% I thought he was at on that, he hit 30.

He's on an uptick. Rising from the ashes of the Newsweek poll like a Phoenix!

I find it incredibly depressing that somewhere between 28% and 38% of the American people are so stupid as to be clinically braindead. They should all wear "If He's Good Enough For Terri, He's Good Enough For Me!" buttons, just so we can all cross the street when we see one coming.

You'd be suprised how many millions of people still support bush, because "he is a man of God", or "Well, at least he's better than Gore", or "Hey! My marginal tax rate went down a fraction of a percentage!".

These are extremely lame reasons to support a man who blundered or lied us into an unneccessary, disasterous war, and who has destroyed american crediblity and american leadership.

Millions of people continue to fly the GOP elephant, over and above the stars and stripes. It's pathetic, really.
I mean, he is 31% in the latest USA poll, so maybe I was off by 3 points, what difference does it make to what happened yesterday? Is it necessary to question me on two different threads about three freaking points? Does it look like I am worried about this approval rating, or does it look like I am worried about the war? You know, i actually spend my time on that. It actually has a meaning to me.

Are we supposed to all piss our pants with glee, or fear, that Bush has managed to score a 31? OH did you hear? Bush cracked 30! Wow.

Yes, let's nitpick whether he is in the high 20s or low 30s. :rolleyes:

Wait until Bush cracks 40% approval. Some of these neocon message board posters will be cracking the champange open, and high fiving each other. Believe me, I saw it on fp.com. Whenever bush cracked 45%, some neocon would post a thread crowing about bush's popularity.
You'd be suprised how many millions of people still support bush, because "he is a man of God", or "Well, at least he's better than Gore", or "Hey! My marginal tax rate went down a fraction of a percentage!".

These are extremely lame reasons to support a man who blundered or lied us into an unneccessary, disasterous war, and who has destroyed american crediblity and american leadership.

Millions of people continue to fly the GOP elephant, over and above the stars and stripes. It's pathetic, really.

Tax, I disagree with your belief that to support the war is to support party over the country. The reality, imho, is that people have strong feellings on this war and both sides feel they are coming from a position of principle and therefore those on the opposite side are just coming from a position of partisanship or something else.

There are people like myself who supported our invasion in 2003 yet are very unhappy with the execution of our strategy. That does not mean I should now feel I was wrong to support our initial action or that I'm still supporting the war because it's Bush.

I can respect your belief that we should not have invaded and we should not be there now. But I do not believe your position is any more principled than mine or that I somehow come from a more partisan position.

I would like to say I can only speak for myself but I do believe there are others who share feellings similar to mine.
Tax, I disagree with your belief that to support the war is to support party over the country. The reality, imho, is that people have strong feellings on this war and both sides feel they are coming from a position of principle and therefore those on the opposite side are just coming from a position of partisanship or something else.

There are people like myself who supported our invasion in 2003 yet are very unhappy with the execution of our strategy. That does not mean I should now feel I was wrong to support our initial action or that I'm still supporting the war because it's Bush.

I can respect your belief that we should not have invaded and we should not be there now. But I do not believe your position is any more principled than mine or that I somehow come from a more partisan position.

I would like to say I can only speak for myself but I do believe there are others who share feellings similar to mine.

Cawacko, people like you, as you put it, were wrong and everything that has happened since you supported the war, was predicted, on our message board btw! by liberals. So, sorry, nothing personal, but I've pretty much had it with people like you.
Now that I think about it, you're always looking to debate Prak, and you don't say boo to me. what's wrong with me? You think he's smarter than me? He's got a lot of people convinced of that, but, I have another opinion.
May 15, 2007
Congress Approval Down to 29%; Bush Approval Steady at 33%
Both ratings are slightly lower than 2007 averages

by Joseph Carroll


PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll finds continued low levels of public support for both Congress and President George W. Bush. Twenty-nine percent of Americans approve of Congress, down slightly from last month's reading (33%) and this year's high point of 37%, while Bush's approval rating is holding steady at 33%. Both the ratings of Congress and the president are slightly lower than their respective 2007 averages. Approval ratings of Congress are higher among Democrats than Republicans, while Bush's ratings are much higher among Republicans.
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Liberals

Absolutely, because the cons keep throwing them under the wheels....
It greases their way to hell very nicely.
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Liberals

Absolutely, because the cons keep throwing them under the wheels....
It greases their way to hell very nicely.

To liberals good intentions are more important then acutal results

I see the libs on this board have not comminted on the Gallup poll showing Pres Bush has a higher approval number then the Dem Congress
A higher approval rating than the slightly Demoncratic Congress..

yep same tired old con line at least we are better than .....
At least I did not vote for Gore/Kerry....

I agree congress sucks, but that does not diminsh how badly Bush and his administration sucks.
A higher approval rating than the slightly Demoncratic Congress..

yep same tired old con line at least we are better than .....
At least I did not vote for Gore/Kerry....

I agree congress sucks, but that does not diminsh how badly Bush and his administration sucks.

If the Bush administrations sucks - why is he still winning debates and making the Dems cave?