Bush Down to His Base of Support

Bush Down to His Base of Support

Aug 7, 5:27 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - To see the type of person who still backs him, President Bush need only look in the mirror.


Are you just figuring this out? No disrespect but nothing gets by you. He's actually up to 34% in the polls but had been chilling at 29%. Do you think those who still support him are a bunch of left-wing liberals?
Why do you still support him Cawacko ?

Dude, how many times have I written this on this board? There are issues I agree with him on and there are issues I disagree with on. You tell people to "think a little bit" and then go right ahead and fall into the same trap of believing you have to either support someone and agree with them 100% or be against them 100%.

It's real easy to put people in nice little boxes that way to avoid "thinking".
yes you refuse to commit, which means deep down you still support him, overall that is. You are just ashamed to admit it.
come on now just admit it that is the first step on the road to recovery.
repeat after me "I am a bushaholic"
yes you refuse to commit, which means deep down you still support him, overall that is. You are just ashamed to admit it.
come on now just admit it that is the first step on the road to recovery.
repeat after me "I am a bushaholic"
This is junk and you know it. I agree on occasion with you, it doesn't mean I "support" you. Ask him issue by issue if you feel the need, but get off this inane rubbish.
yes you refuse to commit, which means deep down you still support him, overall that is. You are just ashamed to admit it.
come on now just admit it that is the first step on the road to recovery.
repeat after me "I am a bushaholic"

I am on this board stating that I am a Republican and voted for Bush twice. And I have a guy who claims to be a registered Republican and claims to be an independent thinker yet parrots every line the Democrats say telling me I'm hiding something.

I was bummed to see Bush make it out of the '20's. He doesn't deserve it; he's been an absentee President, for the most part.

Republicans are coming back into the fold because they're heartened by some good news out of Iraq. It's okay to be heartened, but to turn that into "I approve of the job Bush is doing as President?"

Totally deluded...
Desperation for their party Onceler, nothing more.
party Is mother , Party is father, etc...

but they are afraid Bush promising to veto the child health ins bill will cost em votes. We may be looking at a deal here, we will support you if you do not veto that.
This is junk and you know it. I agree on occasion with you, it doesn't mean I "support" you. Ask him issue by issue if you feel the need, but get off this inane rubbish.

Thank you for that Damo but the gentleman is in his own world.
I was bummed to see Bush make it out of the '20's. He doesn't deserve it; he's been an absentee President, for the most part.

Republicans are coming back into the fold because they're heartened by some good news out of Iraq. It's okay to be heartened, but to turn that into "I approve of the job Bush is doing as President?"

Totally deluded...
I didn't approve of his job in 2004, shoot I didn't approve of him after NCLB and the Pill Bill, let alone following him into undeclared war. This doesn't mean I approved of the D candidate, or even that I should have. Especially when that same candidate was "fooled" into thinking that Iraq wasn't a target when Bush ran on getting Saddam out of there, giving real "meat" to the declaration that the US would work toward "regime change". That same candidate's plan on the war was "what he said, but with 10K more!" while repeating the mantra that he "has no real plan on Iraq".

I despised Bush pretending he suddenly cared about the Border as a security issue in an attempt to pander to people in his party that thought he wasn't strong enough there. I despised Kerry even worse for his stance on Border Security which was to do nothing on the Border while giving away citizenship to those who had broke the law to get here while ignoring those who came legally, even facing hardship to do it the right way....

Seriously, you are delusional to think that I should vote for somebody who is fooled by a fool and had the same "no plan" for Iraq who consistently said that we weren't "funding" the unconstitutional foray of the Federal Government into Education. The same candidate who didn't like the Pill Bill because it didn't give enough away and wanted to improve it when I didn't like it to begin with. I could deal with a welfare program for those who need it, but there is no need to give it all away including to some of the most rich.

Anyway, when looking at the candidates, I didn't "support" Bush, I hated the D candidate. If it appeared that Kerry was going to win Colorado I would have likely voted for Bush in an effort to keep what I believed an even worse person from the office, luckily I didn't have to. I voted for Badnarik, I wanted my party to feel a bit of a lack because they were simply ignoring a large portion of their base. I did not give money to his campaign, as I normally would have if I thought the candidate acted like a fiscal and constitutional conservative, I did not vote for him.

Does this translate to "Dang! I should have voted for Kerry!" No. It does not.
I didn't approve of his job in 2004, shoot I didn't approve of him after NCLB and the Pill Bill, let alone following him into undeclared war. This doesn't mean I approved of the D candidate, or even that I should have. Especially when that same candidate was "fooled" into thinking that Iraq wasn't a target when Bush ran on getting Saddam out of there, giving real "meat" to the declaration that the US would work toward "regime change". That same candidate's plan on the war was "what he said, but with 10K more!" while repeating the mantra that he "has no real plan on Iraq".

I despised Bush pretending he suddenly cared about the Border as a security issue in an attempt to pander to people in his party that thought he wasn't strong enough there. I despised Kerry even worse for his stance on Border Security which was to do nothing on the Border while giving away citizenship to those who had broke the law to get here while ignoring those who came legally, even facing hardship to do it the right way....

Seriously, you are delusional to think that I should vote for somebody who is fooled by a fool and had the same "no plan" for Iraq who consistently said that we weren't "funding" the unconstitutional foray of the Federal Government into Education. The same candidate who didn't like the Pill Bill because it didn't give enough away and wanted to improve it when I didn't like it to begin with. I could deal with a welfare program for those who need it, but there is no need to give it all away including to some of the most rich.

Anyway, when looking at the candidates, I didn't "support" Bush, I hated the D candidate. If it appeared that Kerry was going to win Colorado I would have likely voted for Bush in an effort to keep what I believed an even worse person from the office, luckily I didn't have to. I voted for Badnarik, I wanted my party to feel a bit of a lack because they were simply ignoring a large portion of their base. I did not give money to his campaign, as I normally would have if I thought the candidate acted like a fiscal and constitutional conservative, I did not vote for him.

Does this translate to "Dang! I should have voted for Kerry!" No. It does not.

If I may borrow a line from Jim Rome.... Rack Him.
Rack this;

If Kerry were President, he would veto no bills withdrawing troops from Iraq, regardless of what campaign bullshit you want to bring up about 10k more, and you know it.

And so, lives rested on that decision, and the two of you, Cawacko and Damo, are cool with that.

Well, good for you, but if I had a family member dead because of it? Well, you wouldn't want to say what you just said to my face.
I am on this board stating that I am a Republican and voted for Bush twice. And I have a guy who claims to be a registered Republican and claims to be an independent thinker yet parrots every line the Democrats say telling me I'm hiding something.

Would you kindly explain what you mean when you state simply "WORD" ??? I know it is part of the new Jargon, but that one confuses me.
Rack this;

If Kerry were President, he would veto no bills withdrawing troops from Iraq, regardless of what campaign bullshit you want to bring up about 10k more, and you know it.

And so, lives rested on that decision, and the two of you, Cawacko and Damo, are cool with that.

Well, good for you, but if I had a family member dead because of it? Well, you wouldn't want to say what you just said to my face.
He didn't run on that, and I don't want a President that can be "fooled" into a war by Bush. I certainly didn't want one that would expand the unconstitutional foray into education, or "fix" that retarded pill bill. I didn't want one that would respect the "war powers act" more than a Declaration. I notice that you didn't address most of the issues that I spoke of. There was no way that voting for Kerry would have been "better" than Bush IMO. Anybody who is stupid enough, or thinks that I am stupid enough, to believe that Bush wasn't going to invade when he started asking for that power is either too stupid, or too disonnected from reality to ever get my vote.

And those that forgave him because he later said how "fooled" he was by a dunce are either disingenuous or just don't want to give him responsibility for his vote. It is why the War Powers Act is so insidious, actually detrimental to the nation, as a workaround on the constitutional requirement of the Senate to take ownership of Declarations.
He didn't run on that, and I don't want a President that can be "fooled" into a war by Bush.

Right, because all of a sudden you're so stupid that you can't separate what is being said in a highly charged campaign, where the opposition is claiming that democrats are traitors, and running pictures of United States Senators with Osama Bin Laden, and what the realpolitik of the situation is.

You didn't know that the war you claim to be against, would have ended sooner without bush, the guy who started it, as commander in chief.

Sorry, I don't buy that you're that stupid.
the composite of today's Bush supporter: a conservative, white, Republican man, an evangelical Christian who goes to church regularly.

This is spot on.

I would add, that the average Bush supporter doesn't believe in evolution, global warming, and they do believe the Earth is 6000 years old. Although, I guess those are subcategorys of being a conservative christian.
Right, because all of a sudden you're so stupid that you can't separate what is being said in a highly charged campaign, where the opposition is claiming that democrats are traitors, and running pictures of United States Senators with Osama Bin Laden, and what the realpolitik of the situation is.

You didn't know that the war you claim to be against, would have ended sooner without bush, the guy who started it, as commander in chief.

Sorry, I don't buy that you're that stupid.
No, I voted for a guy that would have ended the war and ran on it. And he was against it for the same reason I was. It is you who I can't believe are as stupid as you want to believe that I am. As you continue to ignore the points I made, up to and including the fact that I did not support Bush in the last election.

Kerry was not arguing for a more constitutional government.
No, I voted for a guy that would have ended the war and ran on it. And he was against it for the same reason I was. It is you who I can't believe are as stupid as you want to believe that I am. As you continue to ignore the points I made, up to and including the fact that I did not support Bush in the last election.

Kerry was not arguing for a more constitutional government.

The point I saw you make was that if you thought Kerry would win your state, you would have voted for Bush.

That's all I needed to know.
The point I saw you make was that if you thought Kerry would win your state, you would have voted for Bush.

That's all I needed to know.
And it is true, because I believe that he was even stupider than Bush and I am not a one issue voter. Even during war I am not a one issue voter.