Bush Down to His Base of Support

No, I voted for a guy that would have ended the war and ran on it. And he was against it for the same reason I was. It is you who I can't believe are as stupid as you want to believe that I am. As you continue to ignore the points I made, up to and including the fact that I did not support Bush in the last election.

Kerry was not arguing for a more constitutional government.
I voted for Kerry too--- on an "ANYTHING BUT BUSH" Platform.
Kerry sucked, but he was LIGHT YEARS ahead of Bush in experience, competence & intelligence. Like it or not, the chances that a Kerry admin would have been immeasurably better than what we are currently experiencing are exceedingly good.

It's too much of a cop out to say both sucked, so what does it matter. There are varying degrees of suck, and Bush is on the low, low end of that one, while Kerry - though sucking - has some qualities that actually don't suck that bad...
Kerry sucked, but he was LIGHT YEARS ahead of Bush in experience, competence & intelligence. Like it or not, the chances that a Kerry admin would have been immeasurably better than what we are currently experiencing are exceedingly good.

It's too much of a cop out to say both sucked, so what does it matter. There are varying degrees of suck, and Bush is on the low, low end of that one, while Kerry - though sucking - has some qualities that actually don't suck that bad...
In your opinion it would have been "immeasurably better" but then you support the everexpanding government to give away pills to all regardless of wealth level and other things that I do not.
Kerry sucked, but he was LIGHT YEARS ahead of Bush in experience, competence & intelligence. Like it or not, the chances that a Kerry admin would have been immeasurably better than what we are currently experiencing are exceedingly good.

It's too much of a cop out to say both sucked, so what does it matter. There are varying degrees of suck, and Bush is on the low, low end of that one, while Kerry - though sucking - has some qualities that actually don't suck that bad...

This is rather pointless but it still caught my attention. You say Kerry was LIGHT YEARS ahead of Bush in experience. I would argue anyone who has been a Govenor, and President for four years would not be Light Years behind a long time Senator in experience.
This is rather pointless but it still caught my attention. You say Kerry was LIGHT YEARS ahead of Bush in experience. I would argue anyone who has been a Govenor, and President for four years would not be Light Years behind a long time Senator in experience.

Kerry's experience dwarfs Bush's. Texas has a notoriously weak executive position; his daily agenda there included a game of Nintendo. While Kerry involved himself in a variety of issues through a long public career, Bush drank his way through one crony-finance business failure after another, before he got his big break with the TX Rangers because the owner loved his Dad.

As President in the 1st term, Bush displayed no intellectual curiosity whatsoever on anything outside of a handful of issues. Once 9/11 happened, he had tunnel vision on terrorism, and let people like Cheney, Rumsfeld & Wolfowicz basically call the shots.

Merely occupying the office is not something I count as "experience." If someone worked for Microsoft, but only played solitaire every day they were there, I wouldn't say they have a vast amount of computer software experience.
I voted for GORE !
You guys are ignoring the fist Bush vote that caused this whole mess...

I am sorry to say that I voted against Gore. (I hate to say I voted for Bush) but I did think he was better than nothing (which was, and still is my opinion of Gore.) I just didn't realize how BAD Bush would be.
"I just didn't realize how BAD Bush would be"

I hate to brag, but I did realize that in 2000. I couldn't believe how bumbling, incoherent & completely lacking in knowledge he sounded in each of those debates. And he said basically nothing on the campaign trail, besides "you're all gettin' a tax cut," and taking that stupid mock oath of office to show he'd restore "integrity & dignity" to the office...