Bush In League With Terrorists


Senior Member
The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that a study from political scientists at Columbia University demonstrates what many of us have long suspected, Bush and his terror, terror, terror, talk incites fear throughout the entire population and does the work of the terrorists almost as well as the terrorists. Yes, as I have long suspected, Bush is a terrorist, in league with the terrorists, it is that simple and this study verifies that assumption. In addition, it seems that the more scared people are the more they want Bush to protect them, he has effectively kidnapped the nation, and we are all now acting like little Patty Hearst’s running around aiding and abetting our captor, George W, Bush. And nobody aids and abets more than the indistinguishable people like Dixie who cover message boards all over America with their fear-mongering and ranting and raving about how the terrorists are coming to get us and the only person who can save us is Bush and his war on terror.

When in fact, all the war on terror has accomplished is the complete destruction of three countries so far, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, while the terrorists find safe haven in Pakistan at the pleasure of the military dictator Gen. Musharraf, Bush’s buddy and ally in the war on terror. You might ask why he failed to have the elections he promised the Pakistani people a couple of years ago—turns out they weren’t ready for it yet. Pakistan has suffered almost no damage in the war on terror and they got an up front payment of $80 Billion, a signing bonus for agreeing early on to help Bush wage his war on terror. And who are rebuilding these three hapless countries of Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Iraq, Bush administration free market types and supporters with their no-competition, no-bid, open-ended risk free cost-plus contracts and their willingness to begin any project and work them and collect payments until they are so far over any reasonable cost that a project analysis can support and then they are shut down, given a huge one time pay-out and off they run to some new unimaginably difficult task like building a water treatment plant, or drilling a well and the process repeats itself and the war drags on.

Now Bush is making additional funds, beyond the $200 or so million that he has already sent to Lebanon as a down payment on the untold $Billions it will take to rebuild that country, dependent on the employment of the same contractors who are doing such a bang-up job in Afghanistan and Iraq. But the people of Lebanon are telling Bush to take his money back to New Orleans and rebuild his own country first, which has to sting. In the meantime, he keeps talking terror every other day and the American people are getting more and more scared that we are going to be attacked soon, Bush says we have to be alert and of course the main person we have to be alert for and fearful of is Bush…He’s in league with the terrorists.

Alerts aid terror goals, study finds
Intense media scrutiny and politicians' rhetoric heighten sense of fear, researchers say

Matthew B. Stannard, Chronicle Staff Writer

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

With the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks fast approaching, President Bush took to the podium Tuesday to speak to Americans about his administration's global war on terror.

Three things can be expected from Bush's speech, according to a new study by three Columbia University researchers: The media will repeat the president's remarks. Public fear of terrorism will increase. And the president's poll numbers will rise.

Those have been the effects of presidential pronouncements on terrorism since the Sept. 11 attacks, according to political scientists Brigitte Nacos, Yaeli Bloch-Elkon and Robert Shapiro, in a report prepared for this month's annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.

"These are interesting findings, and confirm what many of us had suspected," said Mark Juergensmeyer, director of Global and International Studies at UC Santa Barbara, who reviewed the research at the request of The Chronicle.

"This public panic benefits the terrorists whose work is made easier by an overactive government response that magnifies their efforts. In an odd way this puts the government and the terrorists in league with one another," he said. "The main loser, alas, is the terrified public."

The Columbia researchers looked at past scholarship on the subject and a new review of terror threats, official warnings and the coverage of both by the mass media since 2001, seeking to close what Nacos called a gap in research of how terrorists try to achieve their goals of fomenting fear, not only through attack but by threatening attack.

"The real new thing here is the mere threat, heavily mass mediated, achieves at least part of what actual terrorism achieves," Nacos said. "(Terrorists) want to intimidate, they want to spread fear and anxiety, and they want to take influence through the public on government officials."

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I have long said that Bush's actions have had a very positive impact on terrorism. almost like he was following OBL's script.
Bush and the terrorists both want the American people to be afraid and to act out of that fear. They may have different objectives but the means but they are using the same tools to get there... fear and threat of injury.
I choose not to act out of fear, thats the goal of the terrorists to get us to act out of fear of terror!
It has proven to be a good vote getting tool for the rebutlikens though. think they will abandon it ?
I can't wait to see the Dems run on a platform on the terrorist mean us no harm. I'll look forward to seeing them admit it in public.
I dont think the fear card will work this time. The Americans people seem to realize voting out of fear only makes them less safe!
Clinton tried that policy and we got the events on 9/11

Clinton was the only President to attack the terrorists before 9-11 and when he did the Republicans and their collective mouthpieces accused him of Wag the Dog tactics as if he were attacking bin Laden to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Meanwhile Bush gets a CIA briefing entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in America," and halfway through it says to the briefer, "OK, you've covered your ass." and walks out! And does nothing between August 6th and September 11th on it. Meanwhile, FBI agents were sending over 70 messages back to their headquarters about terrorist activity but nobody in positions of higher authority paid any attention to those emails. And some still want to blame Clinton for 9-11.

Have you noticed that in the last two years we had almost no talk of terrorism, but now that we are nearing an election every day in every speech its terror, terror, terror, terror..why do you think that is????
The Wag the Dog attack was about the Balkins not Osama. Different thing! But even then only a couple said anything like this.

Clinton did nothing to stop Osama when he had plenty of chances. But I don't fault him to much. He made a mistake. Bush was putting an effort to make a plan, not a react to attacks that Clinton used.

And I think there has been plenty of terror talk in the last two years, where have you been?
So let the libs come on out and run on a platform of saying the terrorist are not a threat to you. How many do you think will do that?
there can be no doubt that...
1.) our being bogged down in Iraq and
2.) Saddam being removed as the only effective regional foil to Iranian hegemony

are the proximate causes for the actions of Hezbollah in Lebanon
Did anyone ever say terrorists are not a threat?

who is suggesting that anyone is saying that terrorists are not a threat?

let me guess....toby, right?

You guys have no idea how much nicer this place is when you don't have to read that guy's drivel.... Ignore his sorry ass and the problem goes away!