Bush is not as bad you think

I'm damn sure not pro-war, but even the Clinton administration wanted to go in and take out Hussein and the men who were helping him. Because they knew he was deranged idiot, who used WMD's on his own people..and would not of hesitated to give them to other crazy people...Clinton just would not go all the way, but if you remember, he bombed Hussein also..The Iraqi people were a good choice to set free, they are a peace loving people(except for the few that are still wanting to hold on)...yes war was the only way to do it, but I believe in the long run, it will be worth it..

you watch, anytime a republican will blame obama the left will scream bloody murder that it is bush's fault. the point of this thread was to show that bush alone is not responsible for where we are at as a country. we should all stand up and make this country better. it infantile to scream everything is bush's fault when the dems know damn well they are as responsible and until they start taking responsibility for their actions and their votes this country will never get better.
we will agree to disagree. Saddam did three things MUCH better than we could ever do and we would give ANYTHING to be able to do them now:

1. control Iranian regional hegemony
2. keep sunnis and shiites from killing one another in Iraq
3. keep Al Qaeda from operating inside Iraq

Clinton was all in favor of assisting Iraqis in overthrowing their own dictator...NOT in favor of spilling American blood to make it happen.

fine we will agree to disagree.
but I still think it was good thing to set the Iraqi people free, now we are helping them rebuild, training their military so can contain Iran maybe even better.
It's also showing a lot of the people over there in other countries run by dictators, that they can also live free, and hopefully do something about.
And you talk to a lot of our military men and women, and they are proud of setting the people free, they don't see it the way you do..You're just going to have to accept that fact..
fine we will agree to disagree.
but I still think it was good thing to set the Iraqi people free, now we are helping them rebuild, training their military so can contain Iran maybe even better.
It's also showing a lot of the people over there in other countries run by dictators, that they can also live free, and hopefully do something about.
And you talk to a lot of our military men and women, and they are proud of setting the people free, they don't see it the way you do..You're just going to have to accept that fact..

Of course our military men and women are proud of what they have done... so am I. That does not mean that the decision to send them to do that mission was a wise one... and YOU are just going to have to accept THAT fact.
Of course our military men and women are proud of what they have done... so am I. That does not mean that the decision to send them to do that mission was a wise one... and YOU are just going to have to accept THAT fact.

I'll listen to our men and women who were there to see if the decision was a good one, and not really worry about your opinion on it, K

you just hate President Bush, if it wasn't Iraq, it would be something else..
Gee, Bush isn't responsible for Iraq because other people were involved in carrying out his desires. That's basically the argument being made here. By that standard, I can't think of ANYTHING Bush is responsible for by himself policy wise. Government doesn't work by the actions of one man or woman, but he can order and compel others to do his or her bidding.

Bush is responsible for Iraq.
I'll listen to our men and women who were there to see if the decision was a good one, and not really worry about your opinion on it, K

you just hate President Bush, if it wasn't Iraq, it would be something else..

listen to whoever the fuck you want to... are you really suggesting that I have not had any contact with military personnel who served in Iraq?

I do, in fact, dislike Bush, but, you should know that I volunteered to go back on active duty on 9/12/01 because I wanted to help him fight the people who attacked us. I fully supported his decision to go into Afghanistan. I disagreed with his invasion of Iraq and I still do.
listen to whoever the fuck you want to... are you really suggesting that I have not had any contact with military personnel who served in Iraq?

I do, in fact, dislike Bush, but, you should know that I volunteered to go back on active duty on 9/12/01 because I wanted to help him fight the people who attacked us. I fully supported his decision to go into Afghanistan. I disagreed with his invasion of Iraq and I still do.

I didn't suggest that you had no contact with the military, dickhead..show me where I said that..
I worked at military bases from 2002 to 2008, that is why I say I'll listen to what they had to say about it..
now your opinion is yours, mine is mine...
I didn't suggest that you had no contact with the military, dickhead..show me where I said that..
I worked at military bases from 2002 to 2008, that is why I say I'll listen to what they had to say about it..
now your opinion is yours, mine is mine...

indeed it is. I have extensive contact with military personnel and I listen to what THEY say as well. My contacts see it differently than yours, apparently. So do I.
Gee, Bush isn't responsible for Iraq because other people were involved in carrying out his desires. That's basically the argument being made here. By that standard, I can't think of ANYTHING Bush is responsible for by himself policy wise. Government doesn't work by the actions of one man or woman, but he can order and compel others to do his or her bidding.

Bush is responsible for Iraq.

get with the times genius...no is saying bush is not responsible, only that he is not ALONE responsible. how could bush have gone to iraq without funding? onceler and homofrommaine call iraq a war, how could bush declare war?

face, both dems, republicans and bush are responsible for iraq. this isn't the pre-school sandbox...you can't all just cover your eyes and ears and blame the unpopular kid for everything...
"onceler and homofrommaine call iraq a war, how could bush declare war? "

That's one of the most intellectually dishonest things I've read on this board, which is really saying something. It's child-like.
"onceler and homofrommaine call iraq a war, how could bush declare war? "

That's one of the most intellectually dishonest things I've read on this board, which is really saying something. It's child-like.

you called it "bush's war" and you were referring to iraq.

do you deny that? do really want me to pull the link and embarass the crap out of you?
you called it "bush's war" and you were referring to iraq.

do you deny that? do really want me to pull the link and embarass the crap out of you?


"embarass the crap out of me?" Yikes! I'm just so scared of that, Yurt.

No need. I've said it a thousand times. Iraq is BUSH'S WAR. Everyone in the country & the world calls it the Iraq war.

However, it is not a war that Congress declared. Thus, the intellectual dishonesty (dishonesty which, by your own admission, you're very comfortable with).
I know very few who were as anti-war as me, but I never supported cutting off funding. That is something that would hurt the soldiers doing the fighting, and is not an option.

We don't have to try anything. This is & will always be Bush's war; good luck convincing others that it ain't...

i would be more careful in the future about saying people are dishonest becuase it appears you are the dishonest one here.
i would be more careful in the future about saying people are dishonest becuase it appears you are the dishonest one here.

Oops! Just a moment too late, there, Yurtle.

What a flat-out liar you are. Stop making me look so good!!!

"embarass the crap out of me?" Yikes! I'm just so scared of that, Yurt.

No need. I've said it a thousand times. Iraq is BUSH'S WAR. Everyone in the country & the world calls it the Iraq war.

However, it is not a war that Congress declared. Thus, the intellectual dishonesty (dishonesty which, by your own admission, you're very comfortable with).

i never said you said congress made this a war now did i...why do you enjoy lying so much? did you not get the toy you wanted as a kid? if you call it a war, all i asked was...how could bush declare war.

of course everyone says it, including me from time to time and it is flat out wrong to call it a war. i try to stop but you and your peeps keep calling it a war....

why don't you answer how bush alone got us into iraq, why don't you explain his imaginary funding...
Oops! Just a moment too late, there, Yurtle.

What a flat-out liar you are. Stop making me look so good!!!

i've never lied and you know it...but do continue to make stuff up, it is clear that it is the only way you think you actually make points debating me. i'll jump and down on my pony and call yurt a liar....

yes dunceler, great way to prove your points :pke:
This is a strange argument.

I don't quite know who this "majority" are who claim Bush, and Bush alone, destroyed their lives but i assure you he really is as bad i think he is.

You know there is quite a long list of people - Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-il, Augusto Pinochet, Josef Fritzl, and Phil Collins, to name but a few, who haven't had any real damaging effect on my life (okay maybe Phil Collins was a bad example to use, there) but it doesn't change the fact that they were all utter bastards.

Maybe, i'm just not part of your target audience, being neither a member of this "majority", nor American, but i do know a bastard when i see one.

I don't pretend that George W. Bush was one colossal phallus wandering the globe looking for new depths to sink to. Rather, i have a more nuanced view of George as the main penis, banding together with lots of other smaller penises, foreign and domestic, to ensure the whole world was tainted with the stench of their foul, rancid essence.

How we laughed as they raped the concept of human dignity and sodomised the concept of truth, transforming the once proud Lady Liberty into a pox-ridden syphilitic wreck. But what the hell? Despite displaying a staggering combination of incompetence and unscrupulousness he didn't bugger up my life. Thanks for that, George.
This is a strange argument.

I don't quite know who this "majority" are who claim Bush, and Bush alone, destroyed their lives but i assure you he really is as bad i think he is.

You know there is quite a long list of people - Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-il, Augusto Pinochet, Josef Fritzl, and Phil Collins, to name but a few, who haven't had any real damaging effect on my life (okay maybe Phil Collins was a bad example to use, there) but it doesn't change the fact that they were all utter bastards.

Maybe, i'm just not part of your target audience, being neither a member of this "majority", nor American, but i do know a bastard when i see one.

I don't pretend that George W. Bush was one colossal phallus wandering the globe looking for new depths to sink to. Rather, i have a more nuanced view of George as the main penis, banding together with lots of other smaller penises, foreign and domestic, to ensure the whole world was tainted with the stench of their foul, rancid essence.

How we laughed as they raped the concept of human dignity and sodomised the concept of truth, transforming the once proud Lady Liberty into a pox-ridden syphilitic wreck. But what the hell? Despite displaying a staggering combination of incompetence and unscrupulousness he didn't bugger up my life. Thanks for that, George.

Great post!