Bush misses the point

1. A nation is made up of many factions. For example here in the US we have conservatives, moderates, and liberals. You can't paint us with a braod brush.
So what is a moderate nation? Now the whole concept of description or classification is wrong, because nations are diverse? You're like arguing with a liberal.
2. That is a big fat lie. However if Bush told the truth about Islam the Liberals would crucify him.

And it would piss of the Saudis to whom we have promised dominion over the mideast.
That's the real reason, isn't it?
So what is a moderate nation? Now the whole concept of description or classification is wrong, because nations are diverse? You're like arguing with a liberal.

And it would piss of the Saudis to whom we have promised dominion over the mideast.
That's the real reason, isn't it?

1. The point is that we have to negotiate with the ruling faction.
2. I don't subscribe to conspiracies. The real reason is that there are billions of Muslims and it would not be wise to alienate them.
1. The point is that we have to negotiate with the ruling faction.
No we don't. It's also a radical islamic nation funding terrorism. We're laying down with one thug to extend our power, and telling lies in the process. It's completely arbitrary. IF we had chosen iran as our regional thug, we would now be hyping up war against saudi arabia.
2. I don't subscribe to conspiracies. The real reason is that there are billions of Muslims and it would not be wise to alienate them.

We should alienate all insane theocratic regimes, as a matter of principle.
1. The point is that we have to negotiate with the ruling faction.

Is that your position on the government of Iran, or do you favor the bush policy of Beligerence and war mongering with respect to iran?

2. I don't subscribe to conspiracies. The real reason is that there are billions of Muslims and it would not be wise to alienate them.

Didn't you call the Holy Koran, the Book of Violent Jihad, in an insulting and derogatory way?
Is that your position on the government of Iran, or do you favor the bush policy of Beligerence and war mongering with respect to iran?

Didn't you call the Holy Koran, the Book of Violent Jihad, in an insulting and derogatory way?

1. The leaders of Iran are the problem, not the people. In SA almost the eact opposite is true.

2. No I didn't there, but I have in the past. However I am not a politician representing the free world; I have the luxury of telling the ugly truth.
2. I don't subscribe to conspiracies. The real reason is that there are billions of Muslims and it would not be wise to alienate them.

Um, no. There are roughly 2 billion Christians in the world (1.2 billion of those being Catholic, of course), and just over a billion Muslims. There are more Catholics in the world than Muslims (by a hundred thousand or so).

Don't buy into that Muslims are some sort of majority.
Um, no. There are roughly 2 billion Christians in the world (1.2 billion of those being Catholic, of course), and just over a billion Muslims. There are more Catholics in the world than Muslims (by a hundred thousand or so).

Don't buy into that Muslims are some sort of majority.
Yeah, a billion is not much to worry about. :rolleyes: