Bush = Obama?


There is this need of the right to match the level of outrage that the left had for last admin.

The last admin did things that were just flat out unAmerican.

They ignored a threat until it blew up in our faces.

They attacked another country under the veil of their failed ability to protect us.

They lied to the American people to make them accept this war.

They spied on their own people.

They called people who questioned their tactics and motivations traitors.

They lied to us about abu garib, WP in Falughia, black water, Haliburton, KBR, who would pay for it all and so much more.

Spent on wars and never bothered to pay for them.

Sold our asses to China.

Then there is that whole economy thing that they fucked up REAL GOOD.

So what does the right do in response......... they want to match the level of hate and distrust Bush created in the poltical atmosphere by pretending a policy differance is the end of the world as we know it.

In one year they have tried to see a whole 8 years of Bush well deserved discust in some mild and nessesary changes to our laws.

Im so sick of insane partisan attempts to rewrite history, ignoring facts, and denying science.


Your old ones have FAILED.
You have to admit the liberals are shining a light on the hate speach. Anybody but the batshit crazy rightwingnuts is going to run away from the right in November.
There is this need of the right to match the level of outrage that the left had for last admin.

The last admin did things that were just flat out unAmerican.

They ignored a threat until it blew up in our faces.

They attacked another country under the veil of their failed ability to protect us.

They lied to the American people to make them accept this war.

They spied on their own people.

They called people who questioned their tactics and motivations traitors.

They lied to us about abu garib, WP in Falughia, black water, Haliburton, KBR, who would pay for it all and so much more.

Spent on wars and never bothered to pay for them.

Sold our asses to China.

Then there is that whole economy thing that they fucked up REAL GOOD.

So what does the right do in response......... they want to match the level of hate and distrust Bush created in the poltical atmosphere by pretending a policy differance is the end of the world as we know it.

In one year they have tried to see a whole 8 years of Bush well deserved discust in some mild and nessesary changes to our laws.

Im so sick of insane partisan attempts to rewrite history, ignoring facts, and denying science.


Your old ones have FAILED.

Obama is making us compulsory customers of the fascistic healthcare industries, AND continuing all the bush war polices.

Open your eyes and step into the now.
Dear blind fool, what about the fact the we are all FORCED to pay for others healthcare RIGHT NOW!!!!!

You can pay the damn fine and NOT get insurance.

We can call it a health care tax.

Then you are just paying a tax and getting no healthcare and others who buy this insurance get a tax rebate for sending thier tax (fine) to an insurance co.

The smart people will use this tax money in the smart way and you are free to use your tax money to pay the fine and get no health care.

There now you have a choice and its just another tax which quells your little horseshit arguement.

Now how is this one modest bill anywhere comparable to the SHIT SWAMP your cowboy II created?
Dear blind fool, what about the fact the we are all FORCED to pay for others healthcare RIGHT NOW!!!!!

You can pay the damn fine and NOT get insurance.

We can call it a health care tax.

Then you are just paying a tax and getting no healthcare and others who buy this insurance get a tax rebate for sending thier tax (fine) to an insurance co.

The smart people will use this tax money in the smart way and you are free to use your tax money to pay the fine and get no health care.

There now you have a choice and its just another tax which quells your little horseshit arguement.

Now how is this one modest bill anywhere comparable to the SHIT SWAMP your cowboy II created?

The government shouldnt use fines to control our choices.

Why do you love totalitarianism, ignorant queef?
The government should use the laws to create a country which benifits as many Americans it can.

This country was constructed to make a more perfect union.

This country and Government BELONGS to the people not the other way arround.
The government should use the laws to create a country which benifits as many Americans it can.

This country was constructed to make a more perfect union.

This country and Government BELONGS to the people not the other way arround.

Your brain oozes with nonsense phrases.
Got nothing huh?

No surprize there.

Now do you get why these stupid state case filings are worthless wastes of state money?
Got nothing huh?

No surprize there.

Now do you get why these stupid state case filings are worthless wastes of state money?

You have nothing. Your glittering generalities and stupidity do not validate fascistic policies like compulsory customership.
Its not maditory comsumership its a solution to keep others from having to pay for the HC that some refuse or cant reimburse the rest of us for.

There is no change but a restructuring of who pays for our exsisting health care.

Everyone already pays for the cost we will now just spread the cost to more people making it cheaper for all and forcing those who can and dont pay to pay their share.
Its not maditory comsumership its a solution to keep others from having to pay for the HC that some refuse or cant reimburse the rest of us for.

There is no change but a restructuring of who pays for our exsisting health care.

Everyone already pays for the cost we will now just spread the cost to more people making it cheaper for all and forcing those who can and dont pay to pay their share.

It is mandatory customership. It's coercive and fascist.
Got nothing huh?

No surprize there.

Now do you get why these stupid state case filings are worthless wastes of state money?

There is already supreme court precedent siding with the states against the feds for requiring states to do something on a national level. The healthcare bill will fail with this precedent.
Everyone already pays for the cost we will now just spread the cost to more people making it cheaper for all and forcing those who can and dont pay to pay their share.

the way the law is set up, all I need to do to avoid paying a fine for no insurance is to decrease my deductions and ensure that there is no refund available for the IRS to steal.
There is already supreme court precedent siding with the states against the feds for requiring states to do something on a national level. The healthcare bill will fail with this precedent.

How can we bet on this, I've seen several law professors say these suites are a waste of money and are only being done to whip up the loney base.
How can we bet on this, I've seen several law professors say these suites are a waste of money and are only being done to whip up the loney base.

truthfully, we can't bet on it. the USSC has been all over the map the last 50 years or so on the constitution, the law, precedent, ideology, etc. I do know that 16 years ago, the USSC invalidated a law that placed a burden on the states for federal legislation. like any case that comes before the courts anymore, its a crap shoot.
interesting how in all evince's rambling she neglects to mentions obama's order to assassinate a US citizen


First of all I'm against any orders to assassinate by any president, and don't believe in the idea of getting somebody either dead or alive. Better they should be taken alive and go through the justice system. But it's funny the outrage over this.

The man is tagged as a terrorist-- "The 38-year-old Muslim cleric is said to be a top operative and recruiter for Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the terrorist organization's branch in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. He has been linked with at least four of the 9/11 hijackers, Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and Maj. Nidal Malik Hassan, accused of killing 13 people in a murder rampage at Ft. Hood.

On his Web site he has urged Muslims to journey to Iraq to kill American soldiers and it is said he is actively seeking terrorists to carry out plots aimed at the U.S. and Americans abroad."

But suddenly conservatives are in an uproar because this particular terrorist was born in the U.S.A.? How does that negate his actions?

And furthermore, what about bush's orders to assassinate?

"...Right now, today, there was a story in the New York Times that if you read it carefully mentioned something known as the Joint Special Operations Command -- JSOC it’s called. It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. They did not report to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff or to Mr. [Robert] Gates, the secretary of defense. They reported directly to him. ...

"Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on. Just today in the Times there was a story that its leaders, a three star admiral named [William H.] McRaven, ordered a stop to it because there were so many collateral deaths.

"Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us.

"It’s complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and yet they are committing what we would normally call murder. It’s a very complicated issue. Because they are young men that went into the Special Forces. The Delta Forces you’ve heard about. Navy Seal teams. Highly specialized..."
