Bush = Obama?

There is this need of the right to match the level of outrage that the left had for last admin.

The last admin did things that were just flat out unAmerican.
Some would say, trampling the Constitution and turning us into a Socialist State is unAmerican as well.

They ignored a threat until it blew up in our faces.
Hmm.... Like Iran? Like North Korea?

They attacked another country under the veil of their failed ability to protect us.
Like Obama's cruise missile strikes on Yemen and Pakistan?

They lied to the American people to make them accept this war.
Shame on all those Democrats who also "lied" to make us accept this war!

They spied on their own people.
And Obama renewed the same policy.

They called people who questioned their tactics and motivations traitors.
We've been called much worse... Teabaggers, Racists, Rednecks, Radicals, Domestic Terrorists!

They lied to us about abu garib, WP in Falughia, black water, Haliburton, KBR, who would pay for it all and so much more.
Pentagon still covering up stuff under Obama, and still giving no-bid contracts to Haliburton.

Spent on wars and never bothered to pay for them.
Spent on health care reform with no money to pay for it!

Sold our asses to China.
Still the same policies under Obama.

Then there is that whole economy thing that they fucked up REAL GOOD.
Still fucked up real good, worse unemployment than Bush ever had.

So what does the right do in response......... they want to match the level of hate and distrust Bush created in the poltical atmosphere by pretending a policy differance is the end of the world as we know it.
It could be the end of the world as we know it if we don't oust the Socialists in 2010.

In one year they have tried to see a whole 8 years of Bush well deserved discust in some mild and nessesary changes to our laws.
You ain't seen nuthin yet!

Im so sick of insane partisan attempts to rewrite history, ignoring facts, and denying science.

REALLY! (when is that happening?)

Your old ones have FAILED.
The new ones are failing worse!

we WILL have to get new ideas....Obama has adopted all the old ones....

This is part of the problem.

Obama has listened to the right and given into any idea that made some sense and tried to incorporate them into his plans.

Its the Bipartisan attempts that was available to him.

The right fought anything he suggested even when it was a republican generated idea.

He then just kept their ideas that made some sense.

So now the republicans are fighting even their own ideas.

All they have left to defend is the stupid Ideas they generated.

Unfettered markets (MAGIC markets).

No taxes

Get some new ideas guys.