Bush said we would leave Iraq if asked to...


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Exclusive: Iraqi Lawmakers Pass Resolution That May Force End to Occupation

By Raed Jarrar and Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted June 5, 2007.

While Washington lawmakers play procedural games with an out-of-control executive branch, Iraqi legislators are working to bring an end to the occupation of their country.

While most observers are focused on the U.S. Congress as it continues to issue new rubber stamps to legitimize Bush's permanent designs on Iraq, nationalists in the Iraqi parliament -- now representing a majority of the body -- continue to make progress toward bringing an end to their country's occupation.

The parliament today passed a binding resolution that will guarantee lawmakers an opportunity to block the extension of the U.N. mandate under which coalition troops now remain in Iraq when it comes up for renewal in December. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose cabinet is dominated by Iraqi separatists, may veto the measure.

The law requires the parliament's approval of any future extensions of the mandate, which have previously been made by Iraq's prime minister. It is an enormous development; lawmakers reached in Baghdad today said that they do in fact plan on blocking the extension of the coalition's mandate when it comes up for renewal six months from now.

Reached today by phone in Baghdad, Nassar al Rubaie, the head of Al-Sadr bloc in Iraq's Council of Representatives, said, "This new binding resolution will prevent the government from renewing the U.N. mandate without the parliament's permission. They'll need to come back to us by the end of the year, and we will definitely refuse to extend the U.N. mandate without conditions." Rubaie added: "There will be no such a thing as a blank check for renewing the U.N. mandate anymore, any renewal will be attached to a timetable for a complete withdrawal."


but then Bush always lies....
He's not leaving, he was telling a bald-faced lie when he said that, and I think we all knew so at the time.
I think that he's been saying it knowing that they Iraqis will sometime do exactly that, and therefore the aftermath can be blamed on the Iraqis, not him leaving before his promise was kept.
I think that he's been saying it knowing that they Iraqis will sometime do exactly that, and therefore the aftermath can be blamed on the Iraqis, not him leaving before his promise was kept.

Perhaps Rover or Shooter thought of that line, but I think it beyond Bush to come to that conclusion on his own.
Either way, I see a beginning of withdrawal by the end of the year.

Yeah, well, by the beginning of next year anyway.

A Vietnam type of withdrawal. That is to say, we ain't going nowhere, but we're going to placate the sheep and make them think we are...for a while.
Yep they are just opening their Vatican sized embassy up in Iraq.....
It will probably require 75,000 troops just to keep it secure....
The only problem is the Iraqi congress passed a similar law last month which the Mainstream news completely ignored.

They want us gone and I cnat blame them.

The only problem is the Iraqi congress passed a similar law last month which the Mainstream news completely ignored.

They want us gone and I cnat blame them.

"They" don't want us gone anymore than Ho che did in Vietnam...we boost the economy of any country we enter...they played the game..ran us out with a little help from MSN and protestors of the policial ilk...and now... VN as well as the ME... will be smoking the 'Proverbial Peace Pipe' once again begging for us to come back with commercial interest...a never ending story since WWII... when Europe(Germany) and Japan gained so much even after...losing the War! When are y'all going to figure out what is and has been happening for so long...wake up and smell the coffee...on both sides of the aisle...:rolleyes: I say take the oil so we can play with our toys once again...they have screwed us long enough!
"They" don't want us gone anymore than Ho che did in Vietnam...we boost the economy of any country we enter...they played the game..ran us out with a little help from MSN and protestors of the policial ilk...and now... VN as well as the ME... will be smoking the 'Proverbial Peace Pipe' once again begging for us to come back with commercial interest...a never ending story since WWII... when Europe(Germany) and Japan gained so much even after...losing the War! When are y'all going to figure out what is and has been happening for so long...wake up and smell the coffee...on both sides of the aisle...:rolleyes: I say take the oil so we can play with our toys once again...they have screwed us long enough!

Did you even fucking read the law you jackass?

Yeah we boost the pockets of the haves and kill the have nots...

I will not dignify this comment with a answer...then again Sgt, do you believe soldiers really 'Kill ' the Have nots..and spare the haves..stay away from the 'Moonshine':pke:
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The law requires the parliament's approval of any future extensions of the mandate, which have previously been made by Iraq's prime minister. It is an enormous development; lawmakers reached in Baghdad today said that they do in fact plan on blocking the extension of the coalition's mandate when it comes up for renewal six months from now.

They are doing everything they can to get us out.

Im so sick of the dreamstate you people live in and try to foist on the rest of the world.


your in la la land
Yes I do believe. Few of the haves were in the ditches and mudholes of Nam with me.
The "haves" have always hired trhe have nots to do their dirty work, this has not cvhanged in tens of thousands of years.
In our great democracy you used to be able to hire someone to take your place in the draft....

Yes I do believe. Few of the haves were in the ditches and mudholes of Nam with me.
The "haves" have always hired trhe have nots to do their dirty work, this has not cvhanged in tens of thousands of years.
In our great democracy you used to be able to hire someone to take your place in the draft....

Then go complain to Germany...they still have the draft...we do not...:pke: