Bush said we would leave Iraq if asked to...

"They" don't want us gone anymore than Ho che did in Vietnam

They do want us gone you fool and this legislation shows it .
Which was what that statement said. You think Ho Chi Minh wanted us there?

How can you read this thread, and come to the exact wrong conclusion? I don't think that Desh believes Ho Chi Minh wanted us in Vietnam, but it looks to me like that was what BottleBorne was claiming.
How can you read this thread, and come to the exact wrong conclusion? I don't think that Desh believes Ho Chi Minh wanted us in Vietnam, but it looks to me like that was what BottleBorne was claiming.
Because that wasn't what he was claiming.
He said, shortly...

They'll kick us out militarily, then afterwards want us back for economical help like VN did.
Because that wasn't what he was claiming.

I think you're misreading his words. You know how you do that sometimes.

"They" don't want us gone anymore than Ho che did in Vietnam...we boost the economy of any country we enter...they played the game..ran us out with a little help from MSN and protestors of the policial ilk...and now... VN as well as the ME... will be smoking the 'Proverbial Peace Pipe' once again begging for us to come back with commercial interest...a never ending story since WWII
I think you're misreading his words. You know how you do that sometimes.

"They" don't want us gone anymore than Ho che did in Vietnam...we boost the economy of any country we enter...they played the game..ran us out with a little help from MSN and protestors of the policial ilk...and now... VN as well as the ME... will be smoking the 'Proverbial Peace Pipe' once again begging for us to come back with commercial interest...a never ending story since WWII
Must I bold the words that say that they "ran us out with the help of the MSM"? Seriously, he said, they kicked us out then asked for economic help later.

Must I bold the words that say that they "ran us out with the help of the MSM"? Seriously, he said, they kicked us out then asked for economic help later.

I am starting to like Libertarians...or vegetarians...they see what is said rather than what they perceive was said...kudos!
He said, shortly...

They'll kick us out militarily, then afterwards want us back for economical help like VN did.

Why would they want us back ? there are plenty of other countries in the world.
but a good point Damo, not very many of them are as stupid as we have been regarding Iraq.
Easier to get money from stupid folks....
Must I bold the words that say that they "ran us out with the help of the MSM"? Seriously, he said, they kicked us out then asked for economic help later.

Right, to "play the game" to get us back in for economic interests. There is no way he's saying that Ho Chi Minh didn't want us there. On the other hand, I don't speak incoherentese, and if you do, I'll bow to your expert opinion.
LOL, actually I should go into hotmail get a handle called Iraqi_Lawmakers and send Bush and email requesting that they get out of Iraq. I wonder would he fall for it.

Right, to "play the game" to get us back in for economic interests. There is no way he's saying that Ho Chi Minh didn't want us there. On the other hand, I don't speak incoherentese, and if you do, I'll bow to your expert opinion.

I would give you a link as to what Ho Chi and others said about the VN war...but alas I already posted it in here...y'all are in la la land...they said we actually would have won the VN war...we were just months away...but alas and albeit the protestors and MSN helped us defeat....now they are offering the proverbial peace pipe to suck us dry...get it...nah ya are just a product of Liberal University hype...'Socialism' Rocks...lol
LOL, actually I should go into hotmail get a handle called Iraqi_Lawmakers and send Bush and email requesting that they get out of Iraq. I wonder would he fall for it.

don't do it unless you want men who talk into their jacket sleeves showing up at your place of work....gitmo is not a resort area like Aruba.