Bush Sanitized His Hands Before Shaking the Hand of Barack Obama!


Senior Member
Yes, as strange as it sounds that is what Obama claims in his new book being readied for publication. So Obama sanitized his hands as well. Is this guy really president?? And Senator Byrd, formerly of the Ku Klux Klan, advised Obama to "slow down." Some things never change, but evidently he didn't sanitize before shaking Obama's hands. What's that about???

From Yeas and Nays by
Jeff DuFour and Patrick Gavin,
The Examiner
Sep 19, 2006 2:00 AM (17 hrs ago)

Byrd to Obama: Slow down, Senator

WASHINGTON - If — as some are now speculating —Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is considering a surprise run for the White House in 2008, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., the lion of the Senate, has already counseled him against it.

So says Obama himself in his new book, "The Audacity of Hope," due out early next month.

In an early meeting between the two men in Byrd’s private hideaway, "He told me I would do well in the Senate but that I shouldn’t be in too much of a rush," writes Obama in a manuscript sent to our offices.

"o many senators today become fixated on the White House, not understanding that in the constitutional design it was the Senate that was supreme, the heart and soul of the Republic."

Obama also recalls the run-up to his Senate campaign, when an adviser lamented that it was too late for Obama to acquire "a nickname or something" other than "Barack," and marching in Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade "in the very last slot … just a few paces ahead of the sanitation trucks."

On his first meeting at the White House, he remembers shaking the hand of the president, who turned to "an aide nearby, who squirted a big dollop of hand sanitizer in the president’s hand."

"Not wanting to seem unhygienic," the senator writes, he also "took a squirt."

Full Unsanitized Story
Just a throw-back to his days as a youth in Midland Texas.

Coloreds weren't allowed in the same swimming pool as junior bush - those darkies have kooties!

sarcasm off
Sounds to me like he was protecting Obama.......if indeed he sanitized his hands "before" he shook. Listen to Paul Harvey. He wants hand-shaking all but outlawed, especially during flu season.
Wouldn't it have been worse if he had sanitized afterward? Washing your hands BEFORE means you are afraid to spread disease to others, washing afterwards means you are afraid of the disease they spread.

This is disingenuous nonsense.
Wouldn't it have been worse if he had sanitized afterward? Washing your hands BEFORE means you are afraid to spread disease to others, washing afterwards means you are afraid of the disease they spread.

This is disingenuous nonsense.

Wouldn't it have been worse if he had sanitized afterward? Washing your hands BEFORE means you are afraid to spread disease to others, washing afterwards means you are afraid of the disease they spread.

This is disingenuous nonsense.
Excellent observation. Prakosh is quite the Liberal shitstirrer, can't help but feel I remember him from some other site, maybe under another name?
You know, I think it is inherently racist to make this sort of incendiary charge. It is essentially playing on our emotions and trying to conjure an image that simply doesn't exist. Quite a few politicians use hand sanitizers, being that they shake hands with sometimes hundreds (thousands for presidents) of people a day. There is certainly nothing unusual about this, but because BO happens to be black, some nit-wit can notice the color of his skin and make this absurd observation. I think it takes a rather insidious mind to associate Bush's use of hand sanitizer with the race of a particular Senator he shook hands with, would it have even been noticed if BO was white? No, but because he is black, this can be exploited for political gain. To me, that is as racist as burning a cross in someones yard while wearing a sheet on your head.
Not an issue unless:

1) It was after the shake.

2) Bush only does that after shaking hands with Black people.

I would like to read the chapter of the book to see the charge in context to see if it was racist or not on Obama's part!
What the fuck. Its racist to wash your hands before shaking a black man's hand?

To wash ones hands before a handshake is to say that you are dirty not the person you are shaking the hand of.

This is some disingenuous baloney.
Does he do this with other people? I certainly don't recall Powell or Rice ever talking about it.
Any lefties ever heard of a "coincidence"?
What the fuck. Its racist to wash your hands before shaking a black man's hand?

To wash ones hands before a handshake is to say that you are dirty not the person you are shaking the hand of.

This is some disingenuous baloney.

Yep, but the reactions and spins of the participants on the thread have proven interesting....
You know, I think it is inherently racist to make this sort of incendiary charge. It is essentially playing on our emotions and trying to conjure an image that simply doesn't exist. Quite a few politicians use hand sanitizers, being that they shake hands with sometimes hundreds (thousands for presidents) of people a day. There is certainly nothing unusual about this, but because BO happens to be black, some nit-wit can notice the color of his skin and make this absurd observation. I think it takes a rather insidious mind to associate Bush's use of hand sanitizer with the race of a particular Senator he shook hands with, would it have even been noticed if BO was white? No, but because he is black, this can be exploited for political gain. To me, that is as racist as burning a cross in someones yard while wearing a sheet on your head.

Of course it's exactly the same, and questioning Clarence Thomas about accusations of sexual harrasment is a "high-tech lynching," HUH???

Seems like you all are ignoring my charge against the Democrat Byrd, why is that?????
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Not an issue unless:

1) It was after the shake.

2) Bush only does that after shaking hands with Black people.

I would like to read the chapter of the book to see the charge in context to see if it was racist or not on Obama's part!

It doesn't matter when it was, before or after. Many politicians routinely use hand sanitizers to prevent spreading or catching things. What matters is, Obama is black, and this recorded incident can be exploited for political gain because Bush is white. To me, that is the epitome of racism, to use and exploit race for personal advantage, and it's just as abhorrent and insidious as supremacist racism.
I don't see anything wrong with what Byrd said to Obama he was just giving him advice. Is is possible that Byrd said this out of racism? Sure especially considering his past but we need a lot more to go on than what appears to be friendly advice.
It doesn't matter when it was, before or after. Many politicians routinely use hand sanitizers to prevent spreading or catching things. What matters is, Obama is black, and this recorded incident can be exploited for political gain because Bush is white. To me, that is the epitome of racism, to use and exploit race for personal advantage, and it's just as abhorrent and insidious as supremacist racism.

I should have inserted an "And" between the 1) and the 2) for those less intelegent!