Bush Sanitized His Hands Before Shaking the Hand of Barack Obama!

What the fuck. Its racist to wash your hands before shaking a black man's hand?

To wash ones hands before a handshake is to say that you are dirty not the person you are shaking the hand of.

This is some disingenuous baloney.
LOL. We've done it again IH8!
This is the most ridiculous post of the year .. hands down ..!!

Bush the racist .. The guy who has elevated two individuals.., one woman and one man to the highest Goverment post ever held by African Americans. But see.. liberals never look at African American to the right of the political sepctrum as genuine African Americans. The Bush's .. them racists ... I wonder how Jebs wife ..the mexican.. is doing these days ...
I think this whole thread is what's known as a "Slow Liberal News Day".
Hopefully the Liberal media can get some better material for tomorrow...
Everyone knows I cant spell you idiot...

Its not a sign of intelligence.

I know you feel abused over the past several days, but dont take it out on my spelling... It makes you look pittafull!
Everyone knows I cant spell you idiot...

Its not a sign of intelligence.

I know you feel abused over the past several days, but dont take it out on my spelling... It makes you look pittafull!

Are you under some sort of delusion that not being able to spell on a 5th grade level, is a worthy attribute to have when you go off criticizing someones intelligence? Indeed, you are the one who looks pitiful, not to mention, lacking a rudimentary secondary education.

Oh well... at least you spelled "intelligence" correctly this time. Kudo's!

Are you under some sort of delusion that not being able to spell on a 5th grade level, is a worthy attribute to have when you go off criticizing someones intelligence? Indeed, you are the one who looks pitiful, not to mention, lacking a rudimentary secondary education.

Oh well... at least you spelled "intelligence" correctly this time. Kudo's!

Sure I wish I could spell better. I cant, Ive tried. My point is how unintelligent is is for someone to judge another person for the cosmedics instead of the words!
On the topic of using anti bacterials...like your dish soap and these hand sanitizers...

I have read recently that they are NOT good for you to use....that it is important that some of these bacterias make it in to our bodies so that we can NATURALLY build up antibodies and immunities against them....

And someone on this board(or the other), maybe it was Damo, but I think it was Blackflag had writen a while back on this subject that when he was in the service he had a freind that dumped his food right on to his tray and ate his meals right off of the mess line tray so that he could take in as much bacteria as possible so that he could ready himself for various forms of germ warfare that was to come..... hahahaha! or something like that.....

Does anyone know anything about these antibacterial foams and soaps?

I have read they are not good for you because they promote stronger bacteria. These lotions and gells kill 98% of bacteria and other germs... those that survive are the "super" germs. Once the other 98% are gone, they have more room to reproduce and take over... You kill the lower 98% of them and you keep going till you only have the "super" strong ones left.

Its sorta like Darwinism on super speed!
I have read they are not good for you because they promote stronger bacteria. These lotions and gells kill 98% of bacteria and other germs... those that survive are the "super" germs. Once the other 98% are gone, they have more room to reproduce and take over... You kill the lower 98% of them and you keep going till you only have the "super" strong ones left.

Its sorta like Darwinism on super speed!

ahhhhhhhhhhh, that makes total sense......I will stop buying the antibacterial dish soap!

thank you! :) and good morning!
