Bush sends Congress $3.1 trillion budget

Dung... that is exactly why the defense budget is the way it is. It is a trap. Bush and the Reps WANT the Dems to trash it and talk about how the defense budget is too high. Cause you know what follows that?

My guess is, Pelosi and Reid will take a look...and

Reid.... "that there looks like a bear trap" (translated: that Defense budget is too high)

Pelosi...."yep it sure do" (translated: those evil Rep bastards)

Reid .... "I wonder what would happen if we stepped in it" (translated: lets stick it to em and tell them its too high)

Pelosi... "golly gee, I dunno... lets find out" (translated: yep, lets stick it to those evil Rep Bastards)

Followed closely by....

Bush .....""Them Dems are weak on national defense, look how they want to take money away from our troops and national security efforts" (translated: tricked em again)

Are you arguing they should just go along with it?
Are you arguing they should just go along with it?

No, but I am just calling it like I see it. They should absolutely crush this spending bill. It is the "how" they go about it that will be interesting to see.... especially given the strength (or complete lack thereof) of the Dems backbone as of late.
No, but I am just calling it like I see it. They should absolutely crush this spending bill. It is the "how" they go about it that will be interesting to see.... especially given the strength (or complete lack thereof) of the Dems backbone as of late.

I hope they:

1) Tell Bush to try again;

2) Do nothing until after the '08 election; or,

3) Both 1 and 2.
No, he's just arguing that they have no other choice except to be "weak on defense."

No, they clearly have a choice. They can easily come out and state....

President Bush is trying to play games with the national defense budget. He is clearly over inflating the spending on defense to amounts we clearly cannot afford. He is doing so knowing full well we have a fiscal responsibility to reject this. It is very likely that he is doing so to paint the Democrats as "weak on defense" rather than our simple desire to be fiscally responsible.

something like that would work. But are Reid and Pelosi smart enough to do so? Or will they simply walk into the trap? I mean, Bush has tricked them in the past so many times... what will they do.