Teflon Don
I'm back baby
I'm extremely sad that you don't accept or recognize the link between Outsourcing and American Factories. America use to be an Industrial nation.
You see it as a "party" issue and don't recognize the money pumped into the parties that make them bias cult groups.
I see the topic and want to fix it........
You are challenging Zappas for strawman queen. I don't have a problem with outsourcing. I never have. It's a cruel world. You either compete or you get left behind.
You demalquedacrats always wring your hands about the jobs lost to outsourcing but you don't really care as you push regulations and policies that encourage it.
For example you guys love tariffs and subsidies. Take sugar subsidies. The US pays 5 times the world price for sugar cane. You probably think, who cares, it keeps sugar growing jobs here in the US so goody. But, it raises the price of inputs for candy makers so those jibs go overseas. See how economics works kid?
How about Bush's tariffs on steel? Great for US steel makers right kid? Yeah, you betcha. But it was really shitty for the people who saw their costs go up and the folks in New Orleans who lost their good paying jobs on the docks handling the imported steel. You getting it yet kid?
You are way out of your depth with me. Go hump someone else's leg.