Bush tax cuts-where are the JOBS?

I'm extremely sad that you don't accept or recognize the link between Outsourcing and American Factories. America use to be an Industrial nation.

You see it as a "party" issue and don't recognize the money pumped into the parties that make them bias cult groups.

I see the topic and want to fix it........

You are challenging Zappas for strawman queen. I don't have a problem with outsourcing. I never have. It's a cruel world. You either compete or you get left behind.

You demalquedacrats always wring your hands about the jobs lost to outsourcing but you don't really care as you push regulations and policies that encourage it.

For example you guys love tariffs and subsidies. Take sugar subsidies. The US pays 5 times the world price for sugar cane. You probably think, who cares, it keeps sugar growing jobs here in the US so goody. But, it raises the price of inputs for candy makers so those jibs go overseas. See how economics works kid?

How about Bush's tariffs on steel? Great for US steel makers right kid? Yeah, you betcha. But it was really shitty for the people who saw their costs go up and the folks in New Orleans who lost their good paying jobs on the docks handling the imported steel. You getting it yet kid?

You are way out of your depth with me. Go hump someone else's leg.
First question.........why do you not know about history and the depression. Also what is "demalquedacrat"? That isn't English. Maybe you should use the "language of prosperity" :)

It's good to see you knew things were "good" before 2006 though. The Irony is that you don't know what bills caused the downfall and near depression.

I think demalquedacrat is self explanatory kid
I'm extremely sad that you don't accept or recognize the link between Outsourcing and American Factories. America use to be an Industrial nation.

actually, that portion of the GDP that results from manufacturing has been pretty constant for decades.....we still ARE an industrial nation.....its just that it doesn't take a hundred and ten people to build a car or a refrigerator any more........it's automation, not outsourcing.....
I'm VERY PROUD to educate you on this topic. Note that this isn't proof NAFTA WOULD end more jobs in America, it's simple that people knew it would end jobs. (later it did what it was intended to do, big money for the politicians, big dive for the American people)

I don’t know what you believe your ancient history lesson along with your video of the babbling buffoon Perot is supposed to prove but it’s apparent by your babbling that you don’t give a rat’s ass about proving anything or even producing a fucking dime’s worth of evidence about anything.

I never submitted that particular jobs weren’t lost in America by NAFTA, I simply ask you to prove that at least an equal number of OTHER JOBS weren’t created in America by NAFTA.

But if you haven't seen fewer jobs in American industry today, if you haven't seen America try to compensate by ending tax cuts for outsourcing and attempting tax cuts for insourcing, if you haven't seen America "try" you are the stupid one.

I repeat Goober for your EDUCATION The United States Of America is the # ONE economy with the largest GDP in the world, has been for, (at the very least), my and your lifetime and still is. The United States far exceeds in all commerce and total # of jobs anywhere in NORTH AMERICA which is the first two letters of “NA”FTA.

So Goober where the fuck is Ross Perot’s fucking “Great Sucking Sound” of jobs shipped to the rest of ”NORTH AMERICA?” Do you even have a fucking clue Goober?

Hey! Maybe the “Great Sucking Sound” was jobs being sucked from the rest of North America into the US-of-A, huh Goober? Mexicans seem to think so, huh? Or do you think they’re coming across our border for an unemployment check?
BTW Goober AP, the outsourcing of American jobs is being orchestrated by Wall Street and Washington Politician cronies with taxes and regulations that crush smaller business competition who can't survive under the corporate tax burden, (highest in the world), and US regulatory system and can't afford the expenditure of moving operations off shore. In short they're taxed and regulated into obscurity while Wall Street's cronies petition the government for redress of grievances with their lobbyist who gather up tax credits for their circumcised conspirators.
Originally Posted by Truth Detector

Then why argue for higher taxes on the rich dunce?

Because it's what's FAIR.

Hilarious....the stock answer from the poor, penniless, failures of the world....

I'm an idiot, so you must provide for me.....please buy me a new cellphone--->Zappa
I'm extremely sad that you don't accept or recognize the link between Outsourcing and American Factories. America use to be an Industrial nation.

You see it as a "party" issue and don't recognize the money pumped into the parties that make them bias cult groups.

I see the topic and want to fix it........
Outsourcing did not begin with NAFTA and not passing it would gave changed little apart from dragging concerns like Detroit diwn even faster. Commodity manufacturing has always and will always go to the low cost vendor. This change was unstopable. What America has failed to do is develop the next big thing and more importent the advanced worker capable if a new standard of manufacture.
Outsourcing is nothing more than a left wing talking point like income inequality. Nobody who knows anything about economics gives it much credence
Out sourcing is reality, but so is in-sourcing that the left refuse to admit just like they refuse to admit that outsourcing has been caused by their BELOVED BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT,

The left love to pretend they never heard of the southern State's auto plants in-sourced from foreign nations or the thousands of dock workers and truck driving well paid jobs created by in-sourcing Chinese junk. BTW, China and every other country not inside of NORTH AMERICA are not part of NAFTA and the outsourcing and in-sourcing thereof.

Of course the fucking idiots like AP think China's jobs were outsourced from America by NAFTA, because he's a blithering idiot!
Hilarious....the stock answer from the poor, penniless, failures of the world....

I'm an idiot, so you must provide for me.....please buy me a new cellphone--->Zappa

While the greedy only care about how much MORE they get!

More More MORE!! They must have MORE!

What's that? They have more than they could EVER spend in 20 lifetimes?


No concern for the less fortunate from them...all you'll ever hear is "gimme what's mine...the poor can go fuck themselves"!
Yeah....LBJ's Tax Reduction Act was passed in 64.....

It's been nearly 50 years...anyone know when we can expect those jobs to finally appear ?

And the Bush cuts were meant to expire in 2008...Obama kept the tax rates the same anyway, so now they are his tax cuts.

[h=2] "I've cut taxes for ... middle-class families, small businesses." Barack Obama on Thursday,9/6/2012 in a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.[/h]Barack Obama claims credit for "at least 16 tax cuts to small businesses.” Barack Obama on Wednesday, 4/6/2011 in a Twitter town hali

anyone know when we can expect those jobs to finally appear ?

It's a dramatic revelation to see an anti-taxer finally and completely admitting that tax cuts don't do shit for job creation. This is certainly a red letter day and a post for the ages!
It's a dramatic revelation to see an anti-taxer finally and completely admitting that tax cuts don't do shit for job creation. This is certainly a red letter day and a post for the ages!

It is even more retarded to believe that tax increases do. But this isn't about tax decreases creating jobs; it is about individuals keeping more of what they earn so that THEY can make the choices THEY feel are best rather than the Government.

What we DO know is that if MORE individuals are working and keeping MORE of what they earn, then jobs WILL be created; and not just those part time fast food jobs that Obama is creating right now.

Interesting how leftist dunces like you cannot seem to get your simple empty heads around that concept.

It would be a dramatic revelation to see you have a coherent intelligent thought once in a while.
It is even more retarded to believe that tax increases do. But this isn't about tax decreases creating jobs; it is about individuals keeping more of what they earn so that THEY can make the choices THEY feel are best rather than the Government.

What we DO know is that if MORE individuals are working and keeping MORE of what they earn, then jobs WILL be created; and not just those part time fast food jobs that Obama is creating right now.

Interesting how leftist dunces like you cannot seem to get your simple empty heads around that concept.

It would be a dramatic revelation to see you have a coherent intelligent thought once in a while.

And yet MORE individuals are keeping MORE of their hard earned money and STILL we aren't seeing the jobs promised by selfish Righties.
While the greedy only care about how much MORE they get!

More More MORE!! They must have MORE!

What's that? They have more than they could EVER spend in 20 lifetimes?


No concern for the less fortunate from them...all you'll ever hear is "gimme what's mine...the poor can go fuck themselves"!

Was Steve Jobs greedy? How many jobs did he destroy? How many poor did he create?

Was Bill Gates greedy? How many jobs did he destroy? How many poor did he create?

Was Tom" Monaghan greedy? How many jobs did he destroy? How many poor did he create?

Was Truett Cathy greedy? How many jobs did he destroy? How many poor did he create?

Was Sam Walton greedy? How many jobs did he destroy? How many poor did he create?

If dunces like you attempted to answer these questions honestly and without your "stupid" blinders, the truth might just smack you in those thick dunce heads of yours.

But then, Liberals try to avoid honesty, truth and the facts as much as possible. I await your answers to these questions...the honest kind.
And yet MORE individuals are keeping MORE of their hard earned money and STILL we aren't seeing the jobs promised by selfish Righties.

Why do you think there are still not enough jobs? According to the leftist bloviations of this President and dunces like you, all kinds of jobs are being created; yet here you are claiming they are not. So which is it, are we NOT creating jobs or are we? You leftist dunces cannot have it BOTH ways.