Bush to bail out homeowners!

Well, I kind of agree with RString (hell has frozen over) I don't think its a matter of "teaching people a lesson". The gov't shouldn't be in the business of enacting or not enacting policies to "teach us lessons". For me its a matter of restoring the market and getting housing back to affordable prices. I support going after predatory lenders that have lied and misrepresented their loans, but the feds taking on any risk associated with this mess isn't cool in my book.

Additional bitch session:
I've looked at several new homes in my area and I've concluded that part of the problem is that everyone thinks their freakin' Donald Trump. People are taking the most god forsaken pieces of land and sticking houses on them and stupid fucktards were paying for them. I went to see one during lunch that was literally a stone's throw away from the NJ Turnpike where its an ovepass. 4Br 2.5 bath - $500K for that piece of shit that was amongst older homes next to the an overpass of the NJ turnpike.
I support both methods as well. However bailing out failing banks because they foolishly made the loans will also not teach important lessons.

I am not saying that they should be punitive about it, just that they should allow the market to take its course.
I support both methods as well. However bailing out failing banks because they foolishly made the loans will also not teach important lessons.

I am not saying that they should be punitive about it, just that they should allow the market to take its course.

That was also my point. That they should not intervene either way.

this is a common prejudiced that permeates conservatives. Contrary to what believe, dems and liberals (especially on this board) are very economically savy and understand the fallout of said intervention by the government.

Far from a conservative. I am probably the most radical on board.

Yeah, maybe with you, but usc making half valid points. I was somewhat frightened! :)
A lot of people move where houses cost less, ever consider it?
Umm High housing and living costs are usually linked to good job locations.....

LadyT, I can probably find you a cheap place down here.
but you woud have to work at wally world or the EDS call center
welll Kroger has a milk plant too.
When Bush was talking about all of this he referenced "tough times", then later in a different speech he claims the economy is good, so which is it, or does he mean the economy is good for rich folks? And does he know that Snow can't make it on $168,000 a year, how can they expect the rest of the country to make it?
When Bush was talking about all of this he referenced "tough times", then later in a different speech he claims the economy is good, so which is it, or does he mean the economy is good for rich folks? And does he know that Snow can't make it on $168,000 a year, how can they expect the rest of the country to make it?

Well, perhaps Snow's health coverage under the Repubs isn't up to snuff and he has a huge mountain of co-pay expenses. :rolleyes: Actually he probably does face a lot of that, but so does everybody else in his situation (as I'm sorry, you already know)
Well, perhaps Snow's health coverage under the Repubs isn't up to snuff and he has a huge mountain of co-pay expenses. :rolleyes: Actually he probably does face a lot of that, but so does everybody else in his situation (as I'm sorry, you already know)

I doubt it those guys in gummit have the best benefita of all. The 168K does not cover various other expenses either.

I wonder if Snow gets retirement out of his short stint ?
Umm High housing and living costs are usually linked to good job locations.....

LadyT, I can probably find you a cheap place down here.
but you woud have to work at wally world or the EDS call center
welll Kroger has a milk plant too.

More often, it is due to building restrictions.

Dallas has a great COL to pay scale.

I don't really understand Dano's response. The problem here is the government blew a bubble in housing. This creates speculation, malinvestment and unnatural increases in prices.

Tiana is right. The prices are well above their value. Further, by bailing out these banks and irresponsible homeowners it hurts those who wish to buy, keeping prices inflated. The subsidy is not just to the irresponsible borrower/lender, but also to the speculators and homeowners that wish to maintain their fictional wealth.
More often, it is due to building restrictions.

Dallas has a great COL to pay scale.

I don't really understand Dano's response. The problem here is the government blew a bubble in housing. This creates speculation, malinvestment and unnatural increases in prices.

Tiana is right. The prices are well above their value. Further, by bailing out these banks and irresponsible homeowners it hurts those who wish to buy, keeping prices inflated. The subsidy is not just to the irresponsible borrower/lender, but also to the speculators and homeowners that wish to maintain their fictional wealth.

Where I live there are basically no restictions. you have to have 150' of road frontage or a variance and a septic system. all else is wide open.

And for corps to build, wellyou can get millions in no taxes and other bennies to locate here.
They are giving a coal comapny hundreds of millions to build a coal gassification facility.
Where I live there are basically no restictions. you have to have 150' of road frontage or a variance and a septic system. all else is wide open.

So where you are they don't tell you what color you have to paint your fence? I understand that in parts of KY this is a rule; couldn't believe it!
Well, perhaps Snow's health coverage under the Repubs isn't up to snuff and he has a huge mountain of co-pay expenses. :rolleyes: Actually he probably does face a lot of that, but so does everybody else in his situation (as I'm sorry, you already know)

I thought they had good coverage, but maybe I was mistaken.
So where you are they don't tell you what color you have to paint your fence? I understand that in parts of KY this is a rule; couldn't believe it!

Ohh that is over around lexington they are snobs. They will wirte you a ticket for parking on your own grass too.
damn republicans!