Bush to call for probe to find out who leaked emails!


Well-known member
This would be a typical Bush reaction...

Dont care about the criminal activity found out about...

Launch an investigation as to who told!
Well kinda, wouldent it be typical Bush!

Yeah, he could put Trog and his buddies from the redstate blog in charge and call it bi-partisan, Trog's already got some ideas that he conjured from what his buddies over at red state are working on and it looks like the Democrats are responsible for lets go for that theory and to insure it gets good exposure let's let Trog head it up...
Yeah, he could put Trog and his buddies from the redstate blog in charge and call it bi-partisan, Trog's already got some ideas that he conjured from what his buddies over at red state are working on and it looks like the Democrats are responsible for lets go for that theory and to insure it gets good exposure let's let Trog head it up...
Fine by me! Expect all guilty heads to roll regardless of party. (But hey when I say that, I'm just partisan...)
No Trog it is when you say that after saying this:

And then accusing Democrats for covering up that you are accused of being partisan. At least let's be that honest about it...

Noting that Hastert, as confirmed by sources, refered the matter to the investigators as he should have, is not in any way shape or form, partisan. He did what he was supposed to do.

Asking that an uninvestigated allegation be investigated is not partisan. It's called getting to the whole truth. Why are you opposed to that?
Noting that Hastert, as confirmed by sources, refered the matter to the investigators as he should have, is not in any way shape or form, partisan. He did what he was supposed to do.

Asking that an uninvestigated allegation be investigated is not partisan. It's called getting to the whole truth. Why are you opposed to that?

I'm not opposed to getting to "the whole truth" it's just that I know that first that there is no such thing as "the whole truth" and second whenever people talk about "the whole truth" they are generally using the common Republican euphemism for "muddying the waters". Of course, someone who thinks Hastert did the "right thing" by calling for a secretive investigation that kept Democrats out of the loop and found nothing, is now claiming that we have to find out what the Democrats knew, is,, of course, concerned with getting the "whole truth" and not muddying the waters by throwing around unconfirmed or even corroborated allegations. Are you equally concerned with finding out if Karl Rove is using this whole scandal to blame the Democrats for not doing enough??? That is an allegation that is now out there as well...
Bush wants to identify the leakers and have them prosecuted!

Well if it was the page who leaked, maybe Bush is hoping that like Suzanne Swift, who accused her NCO of sexually assaulting her in Iraq and when she returned to Fort Lewis she was placed in his custody after being brought back from AWOL, the kid will be placed in the same jailcell with his abuser Foley...

These people are reprehensible.
Link please.
Go to the White House website. He just made a statement to that effect and then kissed his wife. I guess to show that he wasn't involved. I swear, the first time I think he has ever kissed her after a press statement. He's probably still worried about someone bringing up that press-credentialed male prostitute, who seemed to have nearly unlimited access to the White House.

Any resemblance between today's statement (except for the kiss) and the one that he gave as the White House became embroiled in the Plame affair was purely political.
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I'm not opposed to getting to "the whole truth" it's just that I know that first that there is no such thing as "the whole truth" and second whenever people talk about "the whole truth" they are generally using the common Republican euphemism for "muddying the waters". Of course, someone who thinks Hastert did the "right thing" by calling for a secretive investigation that kept Democrats out of the loop and found nothing, is now claiming that we have to find out what the Democrats knew, is,, of course, concerned with getting the "whole truth" and not muddying the waters by throwing around unconfirmed or even corroborated allegations. Are you equally concerned with finding out if Karl Rove is using this whole scandal to blame the Democrats for not doing enough??? That is an allegation that is now out there as well...

As to the whole truth, that is what I want (to the fullest extent possible). We could engage in lengthy debate about the nature of "whole truth," but to what end? That would just an exercise serving no end toward resolving the issue.

I am not after a muddying of waters to deflect from Foley or protect any power structure. What happened previuosly with other Congressmen is irrelevant to this matter. Though some on the right are using this as a deflect I am not. I have repeated this differentiation several times, and if you continue to misrepresent what I have said then you simply show yourself to be a liar.

Yes, I am concerned with Rove using this as well. I'm not sure what he is doing amounts to a criminal activity as opposed to just plain old, dirty politics. This is IMO a pedophilic crime against a child. It is disgusting that either side would use this to advantage. That said, I don't see going after Foley (or anyone else involved) to the full extent of the law as seeking political advantage.
Go to the White House website. He just made a statement to that effect and then kissed his wife. I guess to show that he wasn't involved. I swear, the first time I think he has ever kissed her after a press statement. He's probably still worried about someone bringing up that press-credentialed male prostitute, who seemed to have nearly unlimited access to the White House.

Any resemblance between today's statement (except for the kiss) and the one that he gave as the White House became embroiled in the Plame affair was purely political.
Where? show me, lead me by the hand. I didn;t see it, just a Tony Snow press conference transcript... ??