Bush to call for probe to find out who leaked emails!

Where? show me, lead me by the hand. I didn;t see it, just a Tony Snow press conference transcript... ??

I didn't say it was there I just directed you to it there. The statement was just made to the press about an hour ago at most. It will need to be transcribed. He appeared on television, the kiss was the real punch line to the whole affair. Stop being obtuse, if itsn't at the White House website now, it will be soon. If you know anyone who has a television and cable get them to turn on FOXSPEWS they will be re-running it every twenty minues for the next 12 hourts. Barring that, exercise a little patience and keep checking the White House website, that is where they put all the Buffoon's bullshit, so it will appear there sooner or later.