Bush to make 'substantial' Iraq statement


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President Bush is expected to make a "substantial" statement about Iraq in a White House news conference Wednesday morning, a senior administration official said. The news conference comes after the White House tossed the phrase "stay the course" war mantra.

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Yup, he is truely conserned about the election 13 days from today. You know they are in trouble when they make such statements 13 days before an election.
I still think when looking at a whole range of issues from gas prices to the war in Iraq that it is too bad that we only have elections every two years instead of every year or every six months. Gas would still be way under $2 a gallon if there hadn't been that two year break after 2004. Funny how Bush could keep prices down until after he won that second term wasn't it? And now after all the bullshit connected with this war Bush is finally going to do something just before the election. Yeah, the problem with elections is we don't have them often enough.
He is going to have a panel look at the problem....

Why now and now 3 months ago?

Why have a panel look at a problem that is in its "final throws"?
I still think when looking at a whole range of issues from gas prices to the war in Iraq that it is too bad that we only have elections every two years instead of every year or every six months. Gas would still be way under $2 a gallon if there hadn't been that two year break after 2004. Funny how Bush could keep prices down until after he won that second term wasn't it? And now after all the bullshit connected with this war Bush is finally going to do something just before the election. Yeah, the problem with elections is we don't have them often enough.

With Bush we need elections about every three weeks, its the only thing that gets him to change his failing tacticts!
I thought he already had the former guaranteur of the Florida recount results, James Baker and his panel, looking at the war. I guess he has already gotten rid of their recommendaitons so it is time for another panel, perhaps one with recommendations more to his liking, to look at the war anew.
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Well, he is trying, Americans might be dumb enough to be fooled by him again...

We will see.
the baker boys are supposed to submit their repiort around Thanksgiving I thought....

James Baker was on Jon Stewart last night. Stewart made a big deal out of the rational that Bush is not politicizing the report by not bringing it out until after the election to keep it from politicized. And Baker got a little tongue tied when Stewart proposed that holding the report back was in fact a political move and as such politicized the report even as Bush was claiming he was not politicizing it.
Its the undisclosed principal trick.

They say this great report that will solve the entire Iraq problem will be disclosed after the election. A certian percentage of voters will fall for it, they will continue to support the Republicans one last time because of this undisclosed report.

When the report comes out, it will be more of the same!
Heck The bushies even stopped that anuual reprot on terror. One has to wonder why....

Not really, they got tired of having to explain how they could be claiming that they were winning the war on terror when each year the report showed a radical increase in the number of terror attacks world wide. That "this shows how desperate the terrorists are" argument will only work two or three years maximum and they were certainly pushing that with the Iraq war and all. So they had to put that report to sleep, pronto hombre!
Not really, they got tired of having to explain how they could be claiming that they were winning the war on terror when each year the report showed a radical increase in the number of terror attacks world wide. That "this shows how desperate the terrorists are" argument will only work two or three years maximum and they were certainly pushing that with the Iraq war and all. So they had to put that report to sleep, pronto hombre!

I still don't understand how people expect us to police the world. I mean, I disagree with Buschco about quite a bit but I do give them credit for no terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11. That is what they promised and while I think they've done a lot of other things wrong, I feel that that is what they have done.How can they be expected to keep them from happening in Spain, Germany, England, etc.?
President Bush is expected to make a "substantial" statement about Iraq in a White House news conference Wednesday morning, a senior administration official said. The news conference comes after the White House tossed the phrase "stay the course" war mantra.

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He's probably just unveiling a new slogan for the war, now that he's cut and run on "Stay the Course!"

What will it be now? "Adapt to Win"? "Path to Victory"?
I still don't understand how people expect us to police the world. I mean, I disagree with Buschco about quite a bit but I do give them credit for no terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11. That is what they promised and while I think they've done a lot of other things wrong, I feel that that is what they have done.How can they be expected to keep them from happening in Spain, Germany, England, etc.?

There were not any terrorist attack in the US the 5 years before 9-11 either.