Bush to Veto Medicare Bill

The federal gov would not be negotiating for price but price fixing.
They shouldn't steal from Pharma shareholders.
The federal gov would not be negotiating for price but price fixing.
They shouldn't steal from Pharma shareholders.

Is it stealing from the shareholders when the government of canada negotiates a bulk discount or when Great britain negotiates for a bulk discount from them or when France negotiates a bulk discount from these same Pharma companies? Why do these Pharma companies do business with these other country's governments if these people are "stealing" from their shareholders.... while these other countries pay 400% less than we do for the identical drugs in many cases....

Don't YOU think that the PHARMA companies ARE STEALING FROM US AMERICANS in order to make up for all of the profits they did not get for selling them at a lower price to these other countries....that they are charging US exhorbinately higher prices than all of these other countries and STEALING FROM US, HARD EARNED DOLLARS for their own stupid negotiations with these other countries?

Or that is OKAY WITH YOU....but we would be STEALING....lol top...where the heck is your thinking cap today?

Maybe if we were NOT RIPPED off so much and maybe if PHARMA DID NOT make us Americans carry the burden of cheap drugs for the REST OF THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT BUYS THEM FROM THEM, we would not be in this situation....BUT WE ARE IN IT! And we are paying 500% more for the same drugs as other countries and that is not fair.

So top, imo, if we allow our government to negotiate JUST AS ALL OTHER GOVERNMENTS IN THE WOTLD DO WITH THEM, then Pharma will have to rework their profit formula and negotiate higher prices for other countries than what they do now and lower prices for what we pay for them, so that we all pay the same for all of the identical drugs and Pharma does not make all of their money on JUST THE BACKS OF US, as it is now....

hope that makes sense...

I know profits are a dirty word to you care4 since you left the corp world.
They are not too investors though, If it were good for investors you wouldn't need the government to force them to do it.
Investers have an extremely narrow viewpoint. ie ME , ME , ME, MO MONEY for me. What is being discussed on here goes for the good of the nation not the investors only.
But then being of the investor mentality I would not expect your view to be broad enough to see that, Spin.
you sound kinda socialist being against investors.
How would you like it if the state of Kent took 20% of your land for some schoold they want without paying you for it.
Same thing
Negotiating the lowest price is much like accepting bids for a contract and taking the most qualified that offers at the lowest price.

If it were direct price fixing, like Nixon attempted, I too would hate the idea. However negotiating with the company, and its competitor, to get a good price is not exactly the same thing.

I agree!
Not letting the government negotiate is simply a give away to the pharm companies. Pure and simple. Bush is paying back his people.
you sound kinda socialist being against investors.
How would you like it if the state of Kent took 20% of your land for some schoold they want without paying you for it.
Same thing

Wrong analogy, it sould be like the govt paying me less than I think my property is worth. A common thing in condemnations.

I am not anti investor, why are you against efficient use of tax dollars ?
You are pro waste in government Spin ?
I know profits are a dirty word to you care4 since you left the corp world.
They are not too investors though, If it were good for investors you wouldn't need the government to force them to do it.

The government is PREVENTING any NEGOTIATIONS from even taking place.... How is this a good thing? What right does the "government" have to PREVENT NEGOTIATIONS? dOES THE GOVERNMENT prevent THE INSURANCE companies from negotiating their prices with the drug companies?

Does our government PREVENT Canada from having negotiations with the PHARMA companies?

So why is it that YOU want the GOVERNMENT to prevent these negotiations from even taking place?

NO ONE WILL BE DICTATING A "PRICE" ON ANY SPECIFIC DRUG....based on the purchasing power for the drug, negotiations will NOW be ALLOWED to take place....Pharma is PART of those negotiations....nothing is dictated to them.

TURBO fake capitalist! ;)

medicare is the goverment, so know you want shareholders to sell to the government below market price. Uhmm NO!!!
They already are to the VA Spin :) The prescedent has been set.
And which market price ? Canada, Mexico, europe, etc ?
Why should an American bvased drug company charge US customers more than any other country ? Ohh what the market will bear, well I think this is notice that the US market will no longer bear their inflated prices.
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medicare is the goverment, so know you want shareholders to sell to the government below market price. Uhmm NO!!!

Ummm, the government negotiates with Halliburtion, Bechtel, Defense contractors, construction contractors, and engineers all the time. I think those companies still make a profit.
I just want the market price for drugs that Mexico gets from the same company.

Spin, are you the kind of guy that charges family memebers more than you would anyone else when selling something ?