Bush vs. Clinton on terrorism


Well...the right is right
Terrorists have been at war with the US since 1993

While Bill Clinton was President Bin Laden declared war on America, and this is what followed...


Our response retreat, Our hasty withdrawal from Somalia emboldened terrorists to attack the U.S. homeland. Osama bin Laden cited the withdrawal from Somalia as a victory for Islamist forces

"You left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead with you"

and used it as an example for militants to follow when he “declared war” against the United States in 1996. Bin Laden said:


"Your [US] most disgraceful case was in Somalia … However, when tens of your solders were killed in minor battles and one American pilot was dragged in the streets of Mogadishu, you fled.

Also in 1993 The first World Trade Center attack...

Our response, a local law enforcement issue

Khobar Towers...

Once again a standard law enforcement approach, this seems to be a lousy counter-terrorism strategy.

That still didn't get Clinton's attention, however In 1996 the government of Sudan, wanting to remove itself from the US state sponsor of terror list offered Osama Bin Laden to the US government. President Clinton turned down the offer.

According to a PBS frontline television interview with Sudanese President Umar Hassan al-Bashir, the Sudanese Gov. offered to keep Bin-ladin on a tight leash, even hand him over to the Saudis or Americans, The Saudis refused because of the problems he would create in their kingdom, The American refuseal came because we supposedly could not round up enough for an indictable charge. The man already known responsible for the attacks at the World Trade Center in 93, And Kobar towers that very same year!

President Clinton on the Bin Laden deal...

"At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America.

Clinton's remark on tape


Documents Show State Department warned the Clinton administration about Bin Laden in 1996

The State Department warned the Clinton administration in July 1996 that Usama bin Laden's move to Afghanistan would give him more fertile ground to spread radical Islam, according to newly declassified documents.


More from Clinton on the Bin Laden deal...

"So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have.

"I tried and failed.” Chris Wallace interview Fox news.

Bin Laden left for Afghanistan, taking with him Ayman Zawahiri, considered by the U.S. to be the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks

However according to former CIA director of intelligence Larry Johnson,

"The Clinton Administration paid lip service to the notion of combating terrorism through some money added, but generally keeps it as a very low priority."

Tanzania followed


Once more our response was put on the back burner, a basic criminal investigation.

The USS Cole...

This time nothing happened...

Then after a meager 8 months in office, Bush had to deal with the escalation of the war Clinton ignored...

And of course our holiday from history was over.


President Bush's response was different, unlike Bill Clinton who did not visit the site of the first World Trade Center attack, Bush's showing was strong, and inspiring.



George W Bush 9/12 2001
The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon
The fact is this is a cultural war, terrorists are breed this way through fundamentalists schools, and get it re-enforced with a steady bombardment of state run media, it's all day everyday , they have been created, and now we have the ability to change those institution's radicalizing this religion. For the first time in a long time, a huge swath of the Middle East has a generation with a chance to grow without radical Islam dominating their development. Its not a war against Islam, it's a war against the foundations of radical Islam. We need a 'Marshall plan' for these area's.

Approaching this problem from a law enforcement only manner, as the Democrats did for a decade, only emboldens the terrorists, and invites increasingly devastating attacks. The war on terror is not a game of whack a mole, it's a cultural problem propped up by governmental tolerance and institutions, two of which are no longer with us. Now a great swath of the Middle East has a generation that can grow up free from the dominance of radical Islam. And as in Europe and Asia, we will look back with pride on our actions in the name of liberty and freedom, profit from our trade with these nations, and be safer in the long run.
Shut the F up.

There are going to be attacks on my children's grandchildren because of the bonheaded way you & Bush have approached terrorism.

Isn't it time to just SHUT UP on this? How many other ways do you need to be shown so decisively how wrong you were?
Shut the F up.

There are going to be attacks on my children's grandchildren because of the bonheaded way you & Bush have approached terrorism.

Isn't it time to just SHUT UP on this? How many other ways do you need to be shown so decisively how wrong you were?

I believe it is you who is wrong, unfortunately, you have this naive view that thinks radical Islam can be beaten in 3 weeks, this is programed into these people, through schools, governmental institutions, and it'll take time to deradicalize an area, especially with religious undertones, but as it worked in Europe, and Asia, it can work in the Middle East. And the long term benefits will far outweigh the costs.
I believe it is you who is wrong, unfortunately, you have this naive view that thinks radical Islam can be beaten in 3 weeks, this is programed into these people, through schools, governmental institutions, and it'll take time to deradicalize an area, especially with religious undertones, but as it worked in Europe, and Asia, it can work in the Middle East. And the long term benefits will far outweigh the costs.

You need to read a few NIE's.

Bush's war has been a boon for radical islam. He created a trillion dollar advertising budget for it.

The facts are with me; they make you look like a fool.
Terrorists have been at war with the US since 1993

While Bill Clinton was President Bin Laden declared war on America, and this is what followed...


Our response retreat, Our hasty withdrawal from Somalia emboldened terrorists to attack the U.S. homeland. Osama bin Laden cited the withdrawal from Somalia as a victory for Islamist forces

"You left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead with you"

and used it as an example for militants to follow when he “declared war” against the United States in 1996. Bin Laden said:


"Your [US] most disgraceful case was in Somalia … However, when tens of your solders were killed in minor battles and one American pilot was dragged in the streets of Mogadishu, you fled.

Also in 1993 The first World Trade Center attack...

Our response, a local law enforcement issue

Khobar Towers...

Once again a standard law enforcement approach, this seems to be a lousy counter-terrorism strategy.

That still didn't get Clinton's attention, however In 1996 the government of Sudan, wanting to remove itself from the US state sponsor of terror list offered Osama Bin Laden to the US government. President Clinton turned down the offer.

According to a PBS frontline television interview with Sudanese President Umar Hassan al-Bashir, the Sudanese Gov. offered to keep Bin-ladin on a tight leash, even hand him over to the Saudis or Americans, The Saudis refused because of the problems he would create in their kingdom, The American refuseal came because we supposedly could not round up enough for an indictable charge. The man already known responsible for the attacks at the World Trade Center in 93, And Kobar towers that very same year!

President Clinton on the Bin Laden deal...

"At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America.

Clinton's remark on tape


Documents Show State Department warned the Clinton administration about Bin Laden in 1996

The State Department warned the Clinton administration in July 1996 that Usama bin Laden's move to Afghanistan would give him more fertile ground to spread radical Islam, according to newly declassified documents.


More from Clinton on the Bin Laden deal...

"So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have.

"I tried and failed.” Chris Wallace interview Fox news.

Bin Laden left for Afghanistan, taking with him Ayman Zawahiri, considered by the U.S. to be the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks

However according to former CIA director of intelligence Larry Johnson,

"The Clinton Administration paid lip service to the notion of combating terrorism through some money added, but generally keeps it as a very low priority."

Tanzania followed


Once more our response was put on the back burner, a basic criminal investigation.

The USS Cole...

This time nothing happened...

Then after a meager 8 months in office, Bush had to deal with the escalation of the war Clinton ignored...

And of course our holiday from history was over.


President Bush's response was different, unlike Bill Clinton who did not visit the site of the first World Trade Center attack, Bush's showing was strong, and inspiring.



George W Bush 9/12 2001
The fact is this is a cultural war, terrorists are breed this way through fundamentalists schools, and get it re-enforced with a steady bombardment of state run media, it's all day everyday , they have been created, and now we have the ability to change those institution's radicalizing this religion. For the first time in a long time, a huge swath of the Middle East has a generation with a chance to grow without radical Islam dominating their development. Its not a war against Islam, it's a war against the foundations of radical Islam. We need a 'Marshall plan' for these area's.

Approaching this problem from a law enforcement only manner, as the Democrats did for a decade, only emboldens the terrorists, and invites increasingly devastating attacks. The war on terror is not a game of whack a mole, it's a cultural problem propped up by governmental tolerance and institutions, two of which are no longer with us. Now a great swath of the Middle East has a generation that can grow up free from the dominance of radical Islam. And as in Europe and Asia, we will look back with pride on our actions in the name of liberty and freedom, profit from our trade with these nations, and be safer in the long run.

Go back further to see what Bush Sr. did about terrorism.
What did Bush Jr. do in his first 9 months of office.
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Is radical Islam mobilized, sure, are they on the warpath, absolutely, does a war result in more casualties, yes, even though the war in Iraq, militarily speaking has yielded some of the fewest fatalities of any campaign of this scale, they will fight back, but they will lose, we are moving forward with a long term strategy to moderate the region and they know this will be their death knell, they are fighting back, and desperately.
What did Bush do in his first 9 months of office.

fight legal battles with sore loser Gore...

And it's already documented Bush fired Clinton's counter terrorism chief, and was in the process of working up a new strategy, it just happened so quick in his term, and with the late start, who knows...
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Is radical Islam mobilized, sure, are they on the warpath, absolutely, does a war result in more casualties, yes, even though the war in Iraq, militarily speaking has yielded some of the fewest fatalities of any campaign of this scale, they will fight back, but they will lose, we are moving forward with a long term strategy to moderate the region and they know this will be their death knell, they are fighting back, and desperately.

Like I said, it's not worth debating with you, because you clearly haven't read any of the NIE's that have come out over the past several years. You are ignorant on this topic.

Oh, and as for what Bush did in the1st 9 months: he got a PDB titled "Bin Laden determined to attack within the U.S.", and told his aides "okay, you covered your asses...."
fight legal battles with sore loser Gore...

No, he did not. Gore ceased all legal issues well before Bush Jr. Took office. Hell for that matter what has Bush Jr. done about terrorism at all?

Iraq is a mess.
Afganistan is a mess.
OBL is free to roam about Pakastan.
Pakanstan is a mess.
And invading Iraq was a blow to the radical islamist government there. Boy howdy that Hussain guy was all for Radical islam. NOW cue the cut and paste but ignore the fact that the site where the marines found a plane and some other training items was labled by our own FBI as an Iraqi Intelligence Service Counter Terrorism site. Willie I bet you still haven't read the Senate report on intel gathered AFTER Saddam was overthrown have you? So much of our debriefings showed that contacts with Al Qaeda were so that Iraq could gather intel on them as well. Read the report then talk to us because much in that report, put together while the senate was still controlled by the Republicans, refutes much of your cut and paste bullshit from the 80's and 90's. WHich is exactly why you won't read it.
I've laid out an elaborate thread, backed up my claims, if you want to point to a report that reports an escalation in violence during a time of war, go figure, as some proof to the contrary that our ignoring radical Islam led to 9/11, I'm going to say you're missing the point.
Poor WRL, I know the present has to suck for Bushies, but you really need to start thinking about the present and future.
wow, such well reasoned articulate responses, I just don't know where to start.
I link everything, I even show you the pictures, we buried our head in the sand, and 3,000 innocent people where murdered for it.
Yep we did bury our heads in the sand when Sadam first used chemical weapons on his own and the Iranians. why was that WRL ? why did it all of a sudden become an issue ?
think a little bit there.
wrk gets hosed by USC.
Mcain or Romney will be defeated by the 66 percent of Americans demanding we GTF out of occupied Iraq.